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Macromolecules版 - reference help, Thanks a lot (转载)
求 review 机会有没有POLYMER或者COPOLYMER在室温下塑性极好
[转载] what kind of polymer has this properties怎么让polymer韧性大点?
Polymer synthesis position请问大家CMU的这个项目值得去吗?
Call for Papers (International Journal of Polymer Science)求工作机会推荐, polymer/colloid 相关方向
paper help, thanks!!organic chemistry? or polymer materials?
Re: 关于交联聚合物的表征how to confirm that a polymer is crosslinked?how to choose your research direction?
问: about polymer crosslinkUSA上一些 高分子方面的研究组
need help on crosslink polymerlooking for a customer synthesis company in china to do anionic polymerization
话题: lot话题: reference话题: polymer话题: 3037话题: september
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1506
【 以下文字转载自 Chemistry 讨论区 】
发信人: matrice (matrice), 信区: Chemistry
标 题: reference help, Thanks a lot
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 21 22:03:30 2011, 美东)
Synthesis and properties of waterborne self-crosslinkable sulfo-urethane
silanol dispersions
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry
Volume 40, Issue 17, pages 3037–3045, 1 September 2002
please send to j*[email protected]. Thanks a lot
1 (共1页)
looking for a customer synthesis company in china to do anionic polymerizationpaper help, thanks!!
有在Novartis的前辈么?Re: 关于交联聚合物的表征how to confirm that a polymer is crosslinked?
【求审稿】polymer synthesis, polymer networks, polymer rheo (转载)问: about polymer crosslink
polymer chemist positionneed help on crosslink polymer
求 review 机会有没有POLYMER或者COPOLYMER在室温下塑性极好
[转载] what kind of polymer has this properties怎么让polymer韧性大点?
Polymer synthesis position请问大家CMU的这个项目值得去吗?
Call for Papers (International Journal of Polymer Science)求工作机会推荐, polymer/colloid 相关方向
话题: lot话题: reference话题: polymer话题: 3037话题: september