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Macromolecules版 - PhD openings in Materials Science, Engineering, and Commerc (转载)
审稿转让 (转载)关于化学PhD转行的选择
Call for Papers (International Journal of Polymer Science)Opening for Tissue Engineer (转载)
求一篇Materials Science 文章,哪位能帮忙下?多谢Opening for Tissue Engineer (转载)
高分子生物材料博士生位置? about patent application
多少人在做tissue engineering啊?Science March 29th
New Dean of Akron's Polymer Science and Polymer Engineeringzz要发多少篇NATURE,SCIENCE才算够多?
今天听了Newkome的报告.....Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
哪所大学有关于塑料加工的专业PHDfree <> access (limited dates)
话题: materials话题: science话题: phd话题: openings
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18
【 以下文字转载自 Chemistry 讨论区 】
发信人: carinos (Carinos), 信区: Chemistry
标 题: PhD openings in Materials Science, Engineering, and Commercialization Program
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 14 00:52:52 2011, 美东)
PhD openings available in Materials Science, Engineering, and
Commercialization Program at Texas State University
Candidates will be trained in both traditional materials science and
engineering, and technology commercialization, thus potentially a better
chance for an industry job after graduation
Basic requirements: Master Degree by the end of 2011, GRE 1150 or higher,
TOEFL 78 or higher
Stipend: $32,000 (need pay ca. $7,000 tuition per year), thus net stipend:
ca. $25,000
Please see details at: http://www.gradcollege.txstate.edu/Prospect_Students/Pgms_Apps/Doctoral/MSEC.html
Two PhD openings (in general materials science field) available starting
from 2012 Spring Admission (application deadline: Nov 30, 2011) in Dr. Sun’
s group. To apply, please send a current CV including the names and contact
information of three references to L**[email protected]
1 (共1页)
free <> access (limited dates)多少人在做tissue engineering啊?
[转载] 对于肖恩事件的一些看法--站着说话不腰疼(ZT)New Dean of Akron's Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
[通知] Macromolecules 举办投票:{VOTE] Adjustment of board name and content.今天听了Newkome的报告.....
审稿转让 (转载)关于化学PhD转行的选择
Call for Papers (International Journal of Polymer Science)Opening for Tissue Engineer (转载)
求一篇Materials Science 文章,哪位能帮忙下?多谢Opening for Tissue Engineer (转载)
高分子生物材料博士生位置? about patent application
话题: materials话题: science话题: phd话题: openings