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Macromolecules版 - 能求个 工作推荐不? polymer chemistry 方向的 (转载)
求工作推荐how to tell something is copolymer
哪里可以买到polymer oligomer?嵌段聚合物链段计算,???
Polymer end group analysis (转载)怎么从NMR 得到高分子的分子量
job opportunity for polymer guys国家自然科学基金被枪毙
Re: [~{W*TX~}] who is doing rheological properties testing on polymer composites??有没有做amphiphilic surface network的高手
谁能谈谈clay/polymer Nanocomposites?first Macromolecule paper accepted
2013年 杂志影响因子(Polymer Science & Biomaterials)NMR vs GPC determine molecular weight?
Call for Papers (International Journal of Polymer Science)NMR vs GPC determine molecular weight?
话题: polymer话题: skills话题: composites话题: synthesis
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 654
【 以下文字转载自 Texas 讨论区 】
发信人: Boolean (Soso), 信区: Texas
标 题: 能求个 工作推荐不? polymer chemistry 方向的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 8 18:56:16 2014, 美东)
人在TAMU, 找工作中, 有人能帮帮忙么?
10+ years polymer research scientist/engineer with strong experience in
advanced polymer material synthesis and characterization. Expertise in
polymer coating, extrusion, casting films Rheology analysis of polymeric
systems, polymer additives R&D experience, polymer composites preparation
and nano-material synthesis & characterization. A result oriented team
player & independent worker, with skills summarized as:
Synthesis Skills: Polymer structure-properties relationship; Experimental
design; Polymer formulation; Air/water sensitive reactions; Emulsion
polymerization and radical polymerization.
Characterization skills: GC, NMR, XRD, GPC, FTIR, MS, Raman, DSC, UV-vis
spectroscopy, SEM, XPS, etc.
Management Skills: Lab safety management; Project management; Student
Regulation knowledge: EPA, OSHA
Communication skills: Proposal & report writing, Results presenting.
Computer Skills: Word, Excel, Power point, Theoretical modeling with
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Texas A&M University, U.S.A 2012 –
Be responsible for 4 project’s polymers/polymer composites synthesis,
characterization; presented the results in conference and in group meeting
to group members; communicated with other 3 group members.
Designed and tuned the properties of 10+ polymers/polymer carbon nanotube
composites, enhanced the performance of 4 materials 200%~500% times compared
to the top level.
Optimized the 5 polymer films formation condition, improved the film
adhesive and uniformity from 40% to 100%.
Systematically Investigated 5+ polymer carbon nanotube composites
preparation and property controlling, obtained 3 high performance polymer
Changed the viscosity of 4 polymer solutions, obtained 2 nano/micro fibers
via extrusion
Scaled up the synthesis of organometallic polymer from micro gram to
hundreds of gram
Managed 5 projects, finished the project in a timely manner with high
Supervised 4 students; generated 6 error free reports and 4 papers.
Visiting Scholar Drexel University, U.S.A 2008 –
Be responsible for 3 project’s polymer and nanomaterials synthesis,
characterization; presented the results in group meeting to group members;
communicated with other 2 group members.
Synthesized 5 target molecules with air/water sensitive reactions, fully
identified the structure of each molecules with MS, NMR, FTIR.
Duplicated the surface morphology with polymers, fabricated super
hydrophobic surface and enhanced water contact angle from 800 to 1500
Explored the growth of organic/inorganic nanomaterials, successfully
controlled the shape of 20 nanomaterials
Designed nanomaterials based sensors, increased the detecting sensitivity
and selectivity to toxic gases
发帖数: 1041

【在 B*****n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Texas 讨论区 】
: 发信人: Boolean (Soso), 信区: Texas
: 标 题: 能求个 工作推荐不? polymer chemistry 方向的
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 8 18:56:16 2014, 美东)
: 人在TAMU, 找工作中, 有人能帮帮忙么?
: 10+ years polymer research scientist/engineer with strong experience in
: advanced polymer material synthesis and characterization. Expertise in
: polymer coating, extrusion, casting films Rheology analysis of polymeric
: systems, polymer additives R&D experience, polymer composites preparation
: and nano-material synthesis & characterization. A result oriented team

发帖数: 654

【在 x****a 的大作中提到】
: 绿卡搞定了?
1 (共1页)
NMR vs GPC determine molecular weight?Re: [~{W*TX~}] who is doing rheological properties testing on polymer composites??
请教一个很难的和分子量有关的计算谁能谈谈clay/polymer Nanocomposites?
大家帮看看这个做高分子电纺的研究如何2013年 杂志影响因子(Polymer Science & Biomaterials)
大家帮我看看这个反应能不能进行Call for Papers (International Journal of Polymer Science)
求工作推荐how to tell something is copolymer
哪里可以买到polymer oligomer?嵌段聚合物链段计算,???
Polymer end group analysis (转载)怎么从NMR 得到高分子的分子量
job opportunity for polymer guys国家自然科学基金被枪毙
话题: polymer话题: skills话题: composites话题: synthesis