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Maryland版 - 马里兰汽油加可能上涨
请问Baltimore周围哪个城市安全好一些?加航空从中国运来实验猴子 遭强烈批评
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话题: tax话题: raise话题: maryland话题: state
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 141
Maryland State Government have proposed raising the gasoline tax of 15 cents.
Maryland Transportation Fund Blue-Ribbon Committee (Blue Ribbon Commission
on Maryland Transportation Funding) in such content and not the State
legislature to raise taxes, paving, and suggested to Martin O'Malley.
Current 23.5 cents impose petrol, over the next three years to raise every
year for five cents apiece, step by step, this is not the State legislature
in January, to coincide with the deliberations of the far. State
legislatures and some even in the next legislative session to discuss
raising the gasoline tax when it had been said.
Carolyn Howard (min, Prince George 's) main Congressman as quickly as
possible, you should review the problem of raising the gasoline tax would do.
According to this, as well petrol and diesel tax increases in the runner is
included in the target to raise.
Three years later, to raise represents each year to account for inflation
indicators (Construction Cost Index) non-‘ architecture is based on the tax
rate will be adjusted.
Represents the budget as part of the increase related to give the impression
that the traffic being pursued. Every year when planning hikes in
represents an average increase in revenues of more than $ 8 billion is
estimated to be. In the first year of about 4 billion just enforcement of 9,
100 million is expected to increase the number of years.
This is the adoption of the proposal to raise the gasoline tax in Maryland
for the first time since 1992, will rise.
On the other hand, cars and transport related detergent should not be
drastically revamped this tax hike not in reportedly together the broadest
In connection with a car, first registration fees were proposed to raise to
50%. If the registration fee will be raised each year, the number three of
about 1 billion over 165 million is expected to increase.
Car ownership registration tax (tax vehicle titling) is 6% to 6.5% in the
proposal to raise. According to the Commission increase the fee is $ 14 car
exhaust inspections at 28 dollars.
This is the only public transport fare hikes and bus free of charge for the
pass is the abolition of the third.
Blue-Ribbon Committee of Gus Baumann of the proposed tax hike not at this
time "are all transportation sector involved and you are responsible for the
characteristic" he said. He was driving a car "or anyone who use public
transportation, the tax burden equally across the impression that the user
will be said".
< > a reporter of the soybean
发帖数: 141
MD 汽油税上调的建议
输入日期: 2011年-10-27 (日周四)
马里兰州州政府已提出增加 15 美分的汽油税。
马里兰州交通基金蓝带委员会 (蓝丝带马里兰州交通拨款委员会) 在此类内容和不加
当前 23.5 美分施加汽油,未来三年内提高每 5 年美分,一步一步,这不是在今年 1
卡罗琳霍华德 (分,乔治王子的) 主要国会议员尽快,您应该检查提高汽油税的问题
三年后,以提高表示每年向非占通胀指标 (建设成本指数)-' 基于体系结构的税收率将
幅超过 8 亿美元的收入每年估计为。在第一年约 4 亿 9,100 亿公正执法的预计增加
这是建议的自 1992 年以来第一次将上升为提高汽油税在马里兰州通过。
涉嫌与一辆汽车首次登记税提出将提高到 50%。如果注册费将提高每年,约 1 亿超过
165 万三数预计将增加。
汽车所有权登记税 (税车辆所有权) 是建议提高 6%至 6.5%。根据委员会增加费用为
$ 14 车排气视察 28 美元。
他说,蓝带委员会的 Gus 鲍税建议价格上调不在此时"是所有运输部门都参与和你负责
< > 大豆的一名记者
Translate webpage http://dc.koreatimes.com/article/692407 Clear All Rate this translation:
发帖数: 141
发帖数: 33018
No good.
发帖数: 1049


【在 s*********3 的大作中提到】
: Maryland State Government have proposed raising the gasoline tax of 15 cents.
: Maryland Transportation Fund Blue-Ribbon Committee (Blue Ribbon Commission
: on Maryland Transportation Funding) in such content and not the State
: legislature to raise taxes, paving, and suggested to Martin O'Malley.
: Current 23.5 cents impose petrol, over the next three years to raise every
: year for five cents apiece, step by step, this is not the State legislature
: in January, to coincide with the deliberations of the far. State
: legislatures and some even in the next legislative session to discuss
: raising the gasoline tax when it had been said.
: Carolyn Howard (min, Prince George 's) main Congressman as quickly as

发帖数: 141
Maryland State Government have proposed raising the gasoline tax of 15 cents.
Maryland Transportation Fund Blue-Ribbon Committee (Blue Ribbon Commission
on Maryland Transportation Funding) in such content and not the State
legislature to raise taxes, paving, and suggested to Martin O'Malley.
Current 23.5 cents impose petrol, over the next three years to raise every
year for five cents apiece, step by step, this is not the State legislature
in January, to coincide with the deliberations of the far. State
legislatures and some even in the next legislative session to discuss
raising the gasoline tax when it had been said.
Carolyn Howard (min, Prince George 's) main Congressman as quickly as
possible, you should review the problem of raising the gasoline tax would do.
According to this, as well petrol and diesel tax increases in the runner is
included in the target to raise.
Three years later, to raise represents each year to account for inflation
indicators (Construction Cost Index) non-‘ architecture is based on the tax
rate will be adjusted.
Represents the budget as part of the increase related to give the impression
that the traffic being pursued. Every year when planning hikes in
represents an average increase in revenues of more than $ 8 billion is
estimated to be. In the first year of about 4 billion just enforcement of 9,
100 million is expected to increase the number of years.
This is the adoption of the proposal to raise the gasoline tax in Maryland
for the first time since 1992, will rise.
On the other hand, cars and transport related detergent should not be
drastically revamped this tax hike not in reportedly together the broadest
In connection with a car, first registration fees were proposed to raise to
50%. If the registration fee will be raised each year, the number three of
about 1 billion over 165 million is expected to increase.
Car ownership registration tax (tax vehicle titling) is 6% to 6.5% in the
proposal to raise. According to the Commission increase the fee is $ 14 car
exhaust inspections at 28 dollars.
This is the only public transport fare hikes and bus free of charge for the
pass is the abolition of the third.
Blue-Ribbon Committee of Gus Baumann of the proposed tax hike not at this
time "are all transportation sector involved and you are responsible for the
characteristic" he said. He was driving a car "or anyone who use public
transportation, the tax burden equally across the impression that the user
will be said".
< > a reporter of the soybean
发帖数: 141
MD 汽油税上调的建议
输入日期: 2011年-10-27 (日周四)
马里兰州州政府已提出增加 15 美分的汽油税。
马里兰州交通基金蓝带委员会 (蓝丝带马里兰州交通拨款委员会) 在此类内容和不加
当前 23.5 美分施加汽油,未来三年内提高每 5 年美分,一步一步,这不是在今年 1
卡罗琳霍华德 (分,乔治王子的) 主要国会议员尽快,您应该检查提高汽油税的问题
三年后,以提高表示每年向非占通胀指标 (建设成本指数)-' 基于体系结构的税收率将
幅超过 8 亿美元的收入每年估计为。在第一年约 4 亿 9,100 亿公正执法的预计增加
这是建议的自 1992 年以来第一次将上升为提高汽油税在马里兰州通过。
涉嫌与一辆汽车首次登记税提出将提高到 50%。如果注册费将提高每年,约 1 亿超过
165 万三数预计将增加。
汽车所有权登记税 (税车辆所有权) 是建议提高 6%至 6.5%。根据委员会增加费用为
$ 14 车排气视察 28 美元。
他说,蓝带委员会的 Gus 鲍税建议价格上调不在此时"是所有运输部门都参与和你负责
< > 大豆的一名记者
Translate webpage http://dc.koreatimes.com/article/692407 Clear All Rate this translation:
发帖数: 141
发帖数: 33018
No good.
发帖数: 1049


【在 s*********3 的大作中提到】
: Maryland State Government have proposed raising the gasoline tax of 15 cents.
: Maryland Transportation Fund Blue-Ribbon Committee (Blue Ribbon Commission
: on Maryland Transportation Funding) in such content and not the State
: legislature to raise taxes, paving, and suggested to Martin O'Malley.
: Current 23.5 cents impose petrol, over the next three years to raise every
: year for five cents apiece, step by step, this is not the State legislature
: in January, to coincide with the deliberations of the far. State
: legislatures and some even in the next legislative session to discuss
: raising the gasoline tax when it had been said.
: Carolyn Howard (min, Prince George 's) main Congressman as quickly as

发帖数: 13337

【在 s*********3 的大作中提到】
: Maryland State Government have proposed raising the gasoline tax of 15 cents.
: Maryland Transportation Fund Blue-Ribbon Committee (Blue Ribbon Commission
: on Maryland Transportation Funding) in such content and not the State
: legislature to raise taxes, paving, and suggested to Martin O'Malley.
: Current 23.5 cents impose petrol, over the next three years to raise every
: year for five cents apiece, step by step, this is not the State legislature
: in January, to coincide with the deliberations of the far. State
: legislatures and some even in the next legislative session to discuss
: raising the gasoline tax when it had been said.
: Carolyn Howard (min, Prince George 's) main Congressman as quickly as

发帖数: 730
1 (共1页)
FBI局长:中国在美50州都有间谍行为 是头号威胁塑料袋: 亚利桑那和墨西哥加州共和国做的正相反
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上youtube去直通采访obamaApple Deliberately Holding Back on Mobile Payment System
请问Baltimore周围哪个城市安全好一些?加航空从中国运来实验猴子 遭强烈批评
Towson townhouse for rent!When the abolition came...
Townhouse 出租(Towson,MD) (转载)Facebook:沙特的茉莉花定在March 20
WA governor expected to back gay-marriage bill老衲对美国人的马拉松很不理解,为癌症,为和平
话题: tax话题: raise话题: maryland话题: state