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Mathematics版 - seek help on a problem
问一个orthogonal transformation 的问题Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
一个线代问题Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
请教3D BILLBOARD 问题Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
Amex Blue Cash preferred 6%现金回扣+$150bonus超市专用信用卡orthogonal matrix的一个问题
Amex Blue Cash preferred 6%现金回扣+$150bonus超市专用信用卡条件数为1的矩阵
Amex Blue Cash preferred 6%现金回扣+$150bonus超市专用信用卡一个不等式 的问题
Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡basic linear algebra questions??
Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡principle direction是什么意思?
话题: axis话题: ax话题: rotating话题: space话题: why
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 220
Every rotation in space has an axis , and is given by an orthogonal matrix(
Why?). The first fact is the one that is needed to prove that in three
dimensional space, rotating around one axis and then rotating around another
axis has the same result as rotating around some third axis. This is a far
from obvious geometric fact(and isn't true in four dimensional space...Why?).
In which dimensions is it true?
发帖数: 2599
例如绕i,j旋转了,转轴就是x=a i+b j
,怎么可能把x用k表示出来? 难道他说的是x是第三个轴?

发帖数: 1
By definition, rotations preserve length and origin, which means
for all points x and y in the space. |T(x)-T(y)|=|x-y|, where T is
the rotation, and T(0)=0. Easy to see such a rotation is a
linear operation.
Let ' donate transpose of vectors and matrices.
● is a dot product.
Since |T(x)-T(y)|=(T(x)-T(y●(T(x)-T(y))=(x-y) ●x-y), let y=0,
we can get T(x) ●T(x)=x●x. Also, since T is linear, we can
write T(x) as Ax, where A is a n by n matrix. Then we have:
T(x) ●T(x)= T(x)'T(x) =(Ax)'(Ax)=x'A'Ax=

【在 e******r 的大作中提到】
: Every rotation in space has an axis , and is given by an orthogonal matrix(
: Why?). The first fact is the one that is needed to prove that in three
: dimensional space, rotating around one axis and then rotating around another
: axis has the same result as rotating around some third axis. This is a far
: from obvious geometric fact(and isn't true in four dimensional space...Why?).
: In which dimensions is it true?
: Thanks

1 (共1页)
principle direction是什么意思?Amex Blue Cash preferred 6%现金回扣+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
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cauchy sequenceAmex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
a question about matricesAmex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
问一个orthogonal transformation 的问题Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
一个线代问题Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
请教3D BILLBOARD 问题Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
Amex Blue Cash preferred 6%现金回扣+$150bonus超市专用信用卡orthogonal matrix的一个问题
话题: axis话题: ax话题: rotating话题: space话题: why