

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Mathematics版 - a question about permutation
请教一个数学微积分的问题[合集] one problem about infinite products
a simple stochastic process problem that I do not get[合集] One problem about Uniform Convergence
Banach space里面的closed set等价于about convergence in probability
a question about convergence almost surely这个级数收敛么?
another question about convergencerandom variables problem
问measure的setwise convergenceuniform convergence?
One Probability question!!Pleasse help!!问个数学分析的证明题,在线急等
请教一个组合的问题help! Matrix question (interveiw question)
话题: agents话题: each话题: agent话题: question
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 72
Suppose some agents are ordered under uniform distribution, and each of them
get some benefit according his order within the limit of an independent
budget constraint and his own capacity. Hence there is a expected return for
each agent.
Now if each agent is divided into n sub-agents (with smaller capacities),
and the same process is applied again, each agent then collect what he gets
from those sub-agents. When n goes to infi, what's the nature of the result?
Will it always be the same, or converge, or else?
Thanks for help!
1 (共1页)
help! Matrix question (interveiw question)another question about convergence
这个series 是convergent 还是divergent?问measure的setwise convergence
问个复分析题One Probability question!!Pleasse help!!
请教一个数学微积分的问题[合集] one problem about infinite products
a simple stochastic process problem that I do not get[合集] One problem about Uniform Convergence
Banach space里面的closed set等价于about convergence in probability
a question about convergence almost surely这个级数收敛么?
话题: agents话题: each话题: agent话题: question