

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Mathematics版 - Research Scientist/Engineer Intern
问一个majorization有关的基础问题A simple question for the Math majors
院士候选人包刚到底有没有学术诚信问题zz (转载)Ph.D. research assistant positions available
Atiyah证明S^6上不存在复结构NYU undergraduate major math
math jobs which need software programming?问一个在network 中Greedy algorithm的问题 (转载)
谁有这本书?关于majorization的。有没有好的Neural Network的算法?
关于学习mathematical statistics or probabilityPostdoc Opening in Network Science
数学MASTER毕业以后能干嘛??math -> cs,什么方向合适?
请问美国数学本科念完转其他专业的研究生可以有奖学金吗?老张关于计算机网络的专利 “Network traffic specification”
话题: 8226话题: research话题: control话题: scientist话题: engineer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 87
Intelligent Fusion Technology (IFT) is a Research and Development (R&D)
company focused on information fusion technologies from basic research to
industry transition and product development and support. IFT is located in
Germantown, Maryland. We are working on modeling, control, communication,
signal/image/speech/text processing, security, autonomy, and decision making
in networked systems. We are looking for talented developers majoring in
engineering (e.g., EE, ME, AE), computer science, and/or applied mathematics
to join our multidisciplinary team as full-time employees or interns. In
particular, we are looking for candidates having direct experience in one or
several areas as follows:
Engineering Design
• Pattern recognition, image processing, video analysis;
• Full motion video/wide area motion imagery (WAMI) exploitation;
• Wireless communication;
• Cognitive radio network;
• Cyber security;
• Social network analysis, text analytics;
• RF theory, propagation, and antenna design
Control and Mathematics
• Game theoretic estimation and control;
• Graph theory;
• Machine learning;
• Robot dynamics and control;
• Guidance, navigation and control for aerospace vehicle.
Software Design
• Cloud computing;
• Service Oriented Architecture;
• Open Architecture/ Open sources government off-the-shelf (GOTS)
• Geospatial Information System;
• Human Factors display technology and integration.
Candidates with a Ph.D. degree are preferred. The pay is competitive and can
be negotiated.
For interested candidates, please send your resume to [email protected]
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1 (共1页)
老张关于计算机网络的专利 “Network traffic specification”谁有这本书?关于majorization的。
关于苏州大学恽自求教授剽窃本人本科毕业论文的问题(二). 往来邮件1关于学习mathematical statistics or probability
恽自求教授的IEEE transactions on networking被接受的文章的截图数学MASTER毕业以后能干嘛??
问一个majorization有关的基础问题A simple question for the Math majors
院士候选人包刚到底有没有学术诚信问题zz (转载)Ph.D. research assistant positions available
Atiyah证明S^6上不存在复结构NYU undergraduate major math
math jobs which need software programming?问一个在network 中Greedy algorithm的问题 (转载)
话题: 8226话题: research话题: control话题: scientist话题: engineer