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Mathematics版 - optimization问题请指教
help on an optimization problemNonlinear Constrained Optimization 问题求教 (转载)
About QCQP optimization problem (转载)请教一个关于P-median问题的想法
带绝对值constraint的quadratic programming?求一篇文章 (in Lecture Notes in Maths) (转载)
a question about optimizationmatlab里的fminunc函数
Help on an optimization problem(Matlab)A problem on a dynamic process of positive semi-definite m
choose k points with maximum pairwise distances谁见过类似的dynamic programming (or combinatorial optimization)问题?
关于最优化里面的牛顿法一问问一个在network 中Greedy algorithm的问题 (转载)
如何解QC最优化问题?有什么书推荐么?请问一个优化的题目(Introduction to linear optimization Q1.3)
话题: xi话题: ai话题: problem话题: sum
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 715
Given mu_i, sigma_i, c_i, P_0, how to minimize the quantity over {P_i}
sum_{i=1}^n sigma_i^2 P_i^2 - sum_{i=1}^n mu_i P_i + sum_{i=1}^n c_i|P_i-P_{
i-1}| + c_{n+1}|P_
The problem is related to a shortest path problem but I am not sure how to
solve it
elegantly without using quadratic programming.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
发帖数: 38
not familiar with shortest path problem but just from what you wrote down,
you can convert to a standard quadratic optimization problem and any
optimization library could solve it.


【在 EM 的大作中提到】
: Given mu_i, sigma_i, c_i, P_0, how to minimize the quantity over {P_i}
: sum_{i=1}^n sigma_i^2 P_i^2 - sum_{i=1}^n mu_i P_i + sum_{i=1}^n c_i|P_i-P_{
: i-1}| + c_{n+1}|P_
: n|
: The problem is related to a shortest path problem but I am not sure how to
: solve it
: elegantly without using quadratic programming.
: Any suggestion is appreciated.

发帖数: 715
Yeah the problem can be casted as a quadratic problem
itself is related to fused lasso if any one is interested where it came from
in fact i know the problem might be solved in finite steps (no checking
convergence or small steps etc.) but i don't know how :(

【在 b*********e 的大作中提到】
: not familiar with shortest path problem but just from what you wrote down,
: you can convert to a standard quadratic optimization problem and any
: optimization library could solve it.
: _{

发帖数: 7844
Define X_i = P_i-P_{i-1}.
这问题最后变成一个L1 penalized QP,QP的Hessian不是diagonal矩阵,没有closed
form solution。
不过这个问题smooth而且strongly convex,用Proximal Gradient可以很容易的算出来


【在 EM 的大作中提到】
: Given mu_i, sigma_i, c_i, P_0, how to minimize the quantity over {P_i}
: sum_{i=1}^n sigma_i^2 P_i^2 - sum_{i=1}^n mu_i P_i + sum_{i=1}^n c_i|P_i-P_{
: i-1}| + c_{n+1}|P_
: n|
: The problem is related to a shortest path problem but I am not sure how to
: solve it
: elegantly without using quadratic programming.
: Any suggestion is appreciated.

发帖数: 38
exactly, if your n is not too big order of 10000, you should converge in

【在 d******e 的大作中提到】
: Define X_i = P_i-P_{i-1}.
: 这问题最后变成一个L1 penalized QP,QP的Hessian不是diagonal矩阵,没有closed
: form solution。
: 不过这个问题smooth而且strongly convex,用Proximal Gradient可以很容易的算出来
: ,线性收敛,速度非常快。
: _{

发帖数: 88


【在 EM 的大作中提到】
: Given mu_i, sigma_i, c_i, P_0, how to minimize the quantity over {P_i}
: sum_{i=1}^n sigma_i^2 P_i^2 - sum_{i=1}^n mu_i P_i + sum_{i=1}^n c_i|P_i-P_{
: i-1}| + c_{n+1}|P_
: n|
: The problem is related to a shortest path problem but I am not sure how to
: solve it
: elegantly without using quadratic programming.
: Any suggestion is appreciated.

发帖数: 349
I just tidy up your question as follows, Hope it helps.
Given μ_i, σ_i, c_i, X0, how to minimize the quantity over {Xi}

∑_i^n σ_i^2 Xi^2 + ∑ (c_i - μ_i) Xi - ∑ c_i X(i-1) + c_{n+1}*X_n

∑_i^n Ai (X_i - Bi)^2 - ∑ c_i {X_{i-1} - B_{i-1}} + constant_i

where Ai, Bi are new known constants.
The original problem is thus reduced to optimization of this,

∑ Ai (X_i - bi)^2 - ∑ c_i (X_{i-1} - b_{i-1})

i.e. this

∑ Ai X_i'^2 - ∑ c_i X_{i-1}' := F
At least local mimimum (maximum) can be found by ∂F/∂Xi = 0.
∑ [ 2*Ai*Xi' - c_{i+1) ] = 0

By the way, are you working on something related to "The Expectation-
Maximization (EM) Algorithm"?


【在 EM 的大作中提到】
: Given mu_i, sigma_i, c_i, P_0, how to minimize the quantity over {P_i}
: sum_{i=1}^n sigma_i^2 P_i^2 - sum_{i=1}^n mu_i P_i + sum_{i=1}^n c_i|P_i-P_{
: i-1}| + c_{n+1}|P_
: n|
: The problem is related to a shortest path problem but I am not sure how to
: solve it
: elegantly without using quadratic programming.
: Any suggestion is appreciated.

1 (共1页)
请问一个优化的题目(Introduction to linear optimization Q1.3)Help on an optimization problem(Matlab)
optimization questionchoose k points with maximum pairwise distances
数学问题求教,类似 portfolio optimization. (转载)关于最优化里面的牛顿法一问
help on an optimization problemNonlinear Constrained Optimization 问题求教 (转载)
About QCQP optimization problem (转载)请教一个关于P-median问题的想法
带绝对值constraint的quadratic programming?求一篇文章 (in Lecture Notes in Maths) (转载)
a question about optimizationmatlab里的fminunc函数
话题: xi话题: ai话题: problem话题: sum