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Mathematics版 - 问一个orthogonal transformation 的问题
seek help on a problem问一个correlation matrices估计的问题。 (转载)
orthogonal matrix的一个问题帮忙解道高等代数的题~~谢谢
一个线代问题什么是Compressive Sensing?
Question about Matrix: why LU decomposition is better than normal matrix inverse哪位好心人,帮忙证明一道题,多谢了!
求:toeplitz matrix inversion Gohberg Semetsul formula两个matrix, 只有一个element有很小的差别,
help: eigenvalue problemmatrix inverse
a question请教一个线性代数的问题,谢谢!!!
话题: orthogonal话题: matrix话题: matrices话题: pairs
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 558
Let Y = R X, where X is an n-dimensional vector, and R is an nxn orthogonal
My question is:
Given X and Y, can we compute the original R?
My thoughts:
If both X and Y are two-dimensional vectors, and R is a rotation matrix (
which is also an orthogonal matrix), then given Y and X, it seems we can
compute the original rotation matrix R by finding the angle between X and Y.
However, for other cases, I don't know whether we are able to find out the
original R.
发帖数: 3688
|X| may not equal to |Y|

【在 s*******y 的大作中提到】
: Let Y = R X, where X is an n-dimensional vector, and R is an nxn orthogonal
: matrix.
: My question is:
: Given X and Y, can we compute the original R?
: My thoughts:
: If both X and Y are two-dimensional vectors, and R is a rotation matrix (
: which is also an orthogonal matrix), then given Y and X, it seems we can
: compute the original rotation matrix R by finding the angle between X and Y.
: However, for other cases, I don't know whether we are able to find out the
: original R.

发帖数: 558
Thank you very much.
What if I have many pairs X1, Y1; X2, Y2; ..., Xk, Yk
such that Y1 = R X1, Y2 = R X2, ..., Yk = R Xk, where
R is an ( n x n ) dimensional orthogonal matrix.
Then how many such pairs are needed in order to re-identify R?
Obviously, if I have n such pairs, I can compute the inverse
of matrix X and get R. But do I really need n pairs?
Thanks a lot
发帖数: 427
In general you cannot "recover" R because there are many matrices
mapping X to Y. The reason you can recover this matrix in two dimensions
is that the set S^1 of 2-dim unit vectors is equivalent to the set SO(2) of
rotation matrices. But in higher dimensions, S^{n-1} is "smaller" than
SO(n). The extra degrees of freedom is (n-1)(n-2)/2 if you look at
n-dim vectors.

【在 s*******y 的大作中提到】
: Let Y = R X, where X is an n-dimensional vector, and R is an nxn orthogonal
: matrix.
: My question is:
: Given X and Y, can we compute the original R?
: My thoughts:
: If both X and Y are two-dimensional vectors, and R is a rotation matrix (
: which is also an orthogonal matrix), then given Y and X, it seems we can
: compute the original rotation matrix R by finding the angle between X and Y.
: However, for other cases, I don't know whether we are able to find out the
: original R.

发帖数: 3688
|X| may not equal to |Y|

【在 s*******y 的大作中提到】
: Let Y = R X, where X is an n-dimensional vector, and R is an nxn orthogonal
: matrix.
: My question is:
: Given X and Y, can we compute the original R?
: My thoughts:
: If both X and Y are two-dimensional vectors, and R is a rotation matrix (
: which is also an orthogonal matrix), then given Y and X, it seems we can
: compute the original rotation matrix R by finding the angle between X and Y.
: However, for other cases, I don't know whether we are able to find out the
: original R.

发帖数: 427
This (n-1)(n-2)/2 is not the number of matrices which
carry X to Y but the dimension of the space of such matrices.
There are uncountably infinitely many matrices taking X to Y.

【在 x*****d 的大作中提到】
: In general you cannot "recover" R because there are many matrices
: mapping X to Y. The reason you can recover this matrix in two dimensions
: is that the set S^1 of 2-dim unit vectors is equivalent to the set SO(2) of
: rotation matrices. But in higher dimensions, S^{n-1} is "smaller" than
: SO(n). The extra degrees of freedom is (n-1)(n-2)/2 if you look at
: n-dim vectors.

发帖数: 3929
this is exactly the point!

【在 x*****d 的大作中提到】
: This (n-1)(n-2)/2 is not the number of matrices which
: carry X to Y but the dimension of the space of such matrices.
: There are uncountably infinitely many matrices taking X to Y.

发帖数: 558
Thank you very much.
What if I have many pairs X1, Y1; X2, Y2; ..., Xk, Yk
such that Y1 = R X1, Y2 = R X2, ..., Yk = R Xk, where
R is an ( n x n ) dimensional orthogonal matrix.
Then how many such pairs are needed in order to re-identify R?
Obviously, if I have n such pairs, I can compute the inverse
of matrix X and get R. But do I really need n pairs?
Thanks a lot

【在 x*****d 的大作中提到】
: This (n-1)(n-2)/2 is not the number of matrices which
: carry X to Y but the dimension of the space of such matrices.
: There are uncountably infinitely many matrices taking X to Y.

1 (共1页)
请教一个线性代数的问题,谢谢!!!求:toeplitz matrix inversion Gohberg Semetsul formula
question regarding matrix inversion条件数为1的矩阵
问个问题help: eigenvalue problem
eigenproblem of complex matrixa question
seek help on a problem问一个correlation matrices估计的问题。 (转载)
orthogonal matrix的一个问题帮忙解道高等代数的题~~谢谢
一个线代问题什么是Compressive Sensing?
Question about Matrix: why LU decomposition is better than normal matrix inverse哪位好心人,帮忙证明一道题,多谢了!
话题: orthogonal话题: matrix话题: matrices话题: pairs