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MedicalCareer版 - True story in match season (88er's, not 99er's)-what I found out afterwards...
请教外科申请IMG friendly states and specialty
IM intern year scheduel求教, 怎样从易到难?大家来说说自己班级的同学在美国当医生的成功率吧,给后来人一个参考。
我的一个日本朋友太牛了******2013 General Surgery Interview/Rej Tread******
My allergy fellowship appication and interview experience! (转载)没有比较,就不知道啥叫幸福
Competition increase in US residency match{三月征文,谢绝置顶}我的IM rank list
Who is a real Old FMG?拍soaplover 砖
Interesting argument, 供大家参考。PCP or subspecialty?
话题: do话题: pd话题: match话题: 88er话题: 99er
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8
I did not write any match experience until now, because I am still feeling
the whole matching process is very complicated-the whole thing.And I do not
know what exactly I learn, and how to do it better if say I have to do it
again. So here is the story, and that is what I can share.
Home hospital (university program-big size) where I work at, did not send me
interview. I went in talk with PD, Coordiator, only put me on waiting list;
then went in talk with chair, he told me that minimal score (no
发帖数: 8
I was invited by this program for interview, it is a top university program,
first I believed that they sent me the interview by a mistake.scrutwork
commends "you feel like heaven if you get into this program"; however, only
1 FMG per year.
Stay in a very luxury hotel (free hotel and free shuttle service),
preinterview dinner, big table full-course lunch with 20ish residents.
All the faculty are very nice, I impressed chairman in the morning report
without making any mistake (he took a peak on m
发帖数: 541
Thank you very much for sharing this with us. I do feel your frustration and
confusion. They're not faking anything and they're just trying to be nice.
Nobody wants to be yelled at 'we'll not rank you', right?
For most 'top programs', they probably already have ranked everyone even
before interviewing (or at least have some rough idea). Said that, no matter
how 'superb' your interview skills or English is, you barely can change
anything about where you are on the rank list. However, screw up is

【在 m********a 的大作中提到】
: I was invited by this program for interview, it is a top university program,
: first I believed that they sent me the interview by a mistake.scrutwork
: commends "you feel like heaven if you get into this program"; however, only
: 1 FMG per year.
: Stay in a very luxury hotel (free hotel and free shuttle service),
: preinterview dinner, big table full-course lunch with 20ish residents.
: All the faculty are very nice, I impressed chairman in the morning report
: without making any mistake (he took a peak on m

发帖数: 8
My matched program:
The last in my interview list, early february. Good location. I was
terriblely sick that I lost my voice, so I used ocp pills every 2hrs to keep
minimal voice.
Very lucky to meet a great chinese chief (sorry, I am not mentioning the
name-youknowwho!) there,and he was so smart and he knew PD really well.
After very general talk, we talked in Chinese for 1 min, he said if you want
to impress the PD,1,2,3...I was so shocked that he was so direct with me,
and really really helped
发帖数: 107
I agree that the several scenario that clamchowder and pets123 listed
indicate a program is more interested in an applicant.
But still DO NOT Gamble, DO NOT have the misconception that You in unless
the prematch offer or Match result. Especially in Internal Medicine.
The pg I ranked #1 did ask additional two faculty members, including PD, (
who are not on my itinerary) for me to talk to. One of the faculties, who
is the subspecialty fellowship (which I am interested in) director even
1 (共1页)
内科专科训练简介:转自ACP网站Competition increase in US residency match
duragesic patch and othersWho is a real Old FMG?
Another match dayInteresting argument, 供大家参考。
请教外科申请IMG friendly states and specialty
IM intern year scheduel求教, 怎样从易到难?大家来说说自己班级的同学在美国当医生的成功率吧,给后来人一个参考。
我的一个日本朋友太牛了******2013 General Surgery Interview/Rej Tread******
My allergy fellowship appication and interview experience! (转载)没有比较,就不知道啥叫幸福
话题: do话题: pd话题: match话题: 88er话题: 99er