

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
MedicalCareer版 - a humble question! many peers can help me!
MLMW:Humble vs. confidence (转载)住院医面试interviewer的体会及建议
About lor, humbly ask....whyisthat: 学 位 证 书 的 翻 译 的 新 问 题,着 急 , 精 华
Fellowship interview 6 University of Vermont, Burlington, VTnabla-我的step1报名材料的list
some comments (ZT)报名问题
huifang talk 征文-请在此跟贴新的186表, 学位证书和成绩单的翻译和公证件?
15号提交申请的时候不提交PS行吗?clarify new step1 application
共勉--心存敬畏, 心存感恩到底要不要把所有application材料都寄回学校
hem/onc fellowship applicant 排名完毕,一些感想translation company which one?
话题: many话题: question话题: meeting话题: school话题: peers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 120
First, it's good to see so many people are excited back from Lao Dao meeting
, and many others are excited to learn the "spirits" from the meeting; it
was really a good meeting and I am sure it will guide us to apply for
upcoming residency in many aspects.
I have a question about the verification of my diploma in my medical school.
it is hown as below:
"Our records indicate that XXX attended our medical school for total of-- ?-
发帖数: 129
That probably has to do with your medical school. I think you should call
them to find out. Or ask any one who is from your school.
Diploma in my school has no blank to fill.
1 (共1页)
translation company which one?huifang talk 征文-请在此跟贴
网上报名请教--Internship和Government/Social Service15号提交申请的时候不提交PS行吗?
诚心请教非临床专业(医学影像)报名前景?共勉--心存敬畏, 心存感恩
网上报名--Internship和Government/Social Service如何填写?hem/onc fellowship applicant 排名完毕,一些感想
MLMW:Humble vs. confidence (转载)住院医面试interviewer的体会及建议
About lor, humbly ask....whyisthat: 学 位 证 书 的 翻 译 的 新 问 题,着 急 , 精 华
Fellowship interview 6 University of Vermont, Burlington, VTnabla-我的step1报名材料的list
some comments (ZT)报名问题
话题: many话题: question话题: meeting话题: school话题: peers