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MedicalCareer版 - 推荐信可以自己看了以后决定送不送吗
请教前辈,2012 eras要关了,推荐信咋搞下来?关于推荐信上传的问题。
ECFMG ERAS on-line letter of recommendation (LoR) request有关LOR cover letter的问题
急问:waive or not waive?2013match最早什么时候要推荐信?
问一个observership 的问题ERAS 问题:Finalize 推荐信
请教:Observership 何时 request LORsJust some lessons that I want to share with you:-)
急问:有人遇到过这样的情况吗-LOR submission由谁来寄推荐信
observership and some advice for pathology candidates推荐信上的 SPECIALTY 怎样选?
话题: letters话题: do话题: letter话题: month话题: lors
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 152
是不是就要选I don't waive the right to see the letter那一项了。
还有,如果我让推荐人把信寄给我,是不是就不用给他们那个cover letter了。我自己
发帖数: 1334
If not very sure about the letters you may choose "do not waive the rights".
You don't need to send in the letters you'll not use. Even if the letters are uploaded in Eras, you can ignore them and only assign the selected letters to individual programs. You still need to provide the cover sheets to the letter writers.
Our school strongly recommends waiving the rights, because that will make the LORs more creditable for many programs.
发帖数: 5829
if u don't trust the person who wrote LoR for you why you chose him???
If you asked hime/her to write for you, why you don't trust?????

【在 l******u 的大作中提到】
: 想让推荐人把信写好寄给我,然后我挑好的寄给ECFMG。这样行吗?
: 是不是就要选I don't waive the right to see the letter那一项了。
: 这样会不会影响申请呢?
: 还有,如果我让推荐人把信寄给我,是不是就不用给他们那个cover letter了。我自己
: 填好,往ECFMG寄的时候一起寄就行了。
: 谢了!

发帖数: 1334
It's tough to get any strong letters from a very short observership. People
should plan ahead with longer observerships so the physicians can get to
know you better. As Dok suggested, when time comes only ask the people you
trust to write LORs for you. And "waiving the rights" is the best way to go
(some letter writers could still send you a copy of the LORs).
发帖数: 152
Thank you Dok. I haven't thought about this until recently I saw one of my
friends' recommendation letters. He did not get matched for 2 years. His
boss and 2 other M.D.s whom he did exterships with wrote him the letters. I
can hardly believe those are the LoR he used for match. I wonder does a half
page letter help at all? So I started to worry about my LoR.

【在 U******u 的大作中提到】
: if u don't trust the person who wrote LoR for you why you chose him???
: If you asked hime/her to write for you, why you don't trust?????

发帖数: 152
Thank you Eric. I agree with you.
But sometimes, you only have one month in one department. What are you going
to do? Like my first rotation is 1 month in cardiology, then I am going to
move the other department for another month. The chairman of the internal
medicine wants me to see more and experience different departments. The
longest time I will stay with one group of doctors in 1 month.
But anyway, I will waive the rights. I may have thought too much. I need do
whatever I need to do and lea

【在 e*****a 的大作中提到】
: It's tough to get any strong letters from a very short observership. People
: should plan ahead with longer observerships so the physicians can get to
: know you better. As Dok suggested, when time comes only ask the people you
: trust to write LORs for you. And "waiving the rights" is the best way to go
: (some letter writers could still send you a copy of the LORs).

发帖数: 1334
If you work hard with good communication skill, one month or longer should
be enough to give a good impression. The challenge is for those 1-2 weeks
observerships. I got eight strong LORs, couple of them come from physicians I did rotations with for two weeks. However I worked full time (and long hours).

going to do? Like my first rotation is 1 month in cardiology, then I am going
to move the other department for another month. The chairman of the internal
do whatever I need to do and leave tho

【在 l******u 的大作中提到】
: Thank you Eric. I agree with you.
: But sometimes, you only have one month in one department. What are you going
: to do? Like my first rotation is 1 month in cardiology, then I am going to
: move the other department for another month. The chairman of the internal
: medicine wants me to see more and experience different departments. The
: longest time I will stay with one group of doctors in 1 month.
: But anyway, I will waive the rights. I may have thought too much. I need do
: whatever I need to do and lea

发帖数: 56
based on what I have seen, choose "I don't waive the right to see the letter
发帖数: 40
Does the length of the letter really matters?
I saw the letter from my boss. A little bit more than half page. Do I need
to ask him to write it longer?
发帖数: 1334
The content matters. If it's so strong, a half page can be convincing. Most
good letters range from 1 to 2 pages, because they contain some detailed
examples about the candidates.

to ask him to write it longer?

【在 y*****5 的大作中提到】
: Does the length of the letter really matters?
: I saw the letter from my boss. A little bit more than half page. Do I need
: to ask him to write it longer?

1 (共1页)
推荐信上的 SPECIALTY 怎样选?问一个observership 的问题
About Waive again?请教:Observership 何时 request LORs
紧急 请教:designate a new LoR writter?急问:有人遇到过这样的情况吗-LOR submission
再问LORobservership and some advice for pathology candidates
请教前辈,2012 eras要关了,推荐信咋搞下来?关于推荐信上传的问题。
ECFMG ERAS on-line letter of recommendation (LoR) request有关LOR cover letter的问题
急问:waive or not waive?2013match最早什么时候要推荐信?
话题: letters话题: do话题: letter话题: month话题: lors