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MedicalCareer版 - Should I explain why I failed CS in PS?
Interview: the only day available or solo day?Step 2 CS: Do you summarize what the patient has told you?
How old belongs to CMG?S3 attempt
What characteristics do you have NOT to be a good doctor?cs attempts
Paper Tigers我所收集到的IMprogram selection criteria的信息
To whom who failed CSHaha..Failed match twice..... Anyone who fails last yr match please join me
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CS failed once, 对match会有多大影响?感谢信---老刀会后 (补充板)
CS question: How to summarize the physical exam?关于cs counsel的问题,请讨论或者指教
话题: cs话题: ps话题: failed话题: should话题: explain
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 39
Should I explain why I failed CS in PS? Where should I put it in my PS?
Thanks a lot.
发帖数: 36
No, not in PS. You may explain it if you are asked during the iv. Good luck.
发帖数: 1334
This is a personal decision.
In general, for not-so-obvious shortcomings, the best strategy is not to
voluntarily disclose them in your application.
Failed CS attempt belongs to the“obvious shortcoming” category. There are
three types of policies for dealing with a failed CS:
- Some programs set “no failed attempt for CS” as one of the cut-off
- A small number of programs may evaluate the “whole package”, and pay
less attention to a failed exam.
- The majority of programs will treat th
发帖数: 33
Eric summarized the issue very well and it is your call.
Every program will surely notice your failed CS and do not try hiding it.
However, I do not think it is a good idea trying to explain it in your PS.
Personally, I failed CS once, and none of the program interviewed me asked
about that. My guess is the programs which really care about that already
filtered me out.
It is bad, but not death sentence. Good luck.
发帖数: 39
Thank you all very much.
1 (共1页)
关于cs counsel的问题,请讨论或者指教To whom who failed CS
考board 历程二求助:哪里能看到各个医院对申请residency的具体要求?
How to collect ROS of PN in CS examCS failed once, 对match会有多大影响?
2011 Pathology program listCS question: How to summarize the physical exam?
Interview: the only day available or solo day?Step 2 CS: Do you summarize what the patient has told you?
How old belongs to CMG?S3 attempt
What characteristics do you have NOT to be a good doctor?cs attempts
Paper Tigers我所收集到的IMprogram selection criteria的信息
话题: cs话题: ps话题: failed话题: should话题: explain