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MedicalCareer版 - 内部推荐信模板,令给今年申请的提一些建议
这样的成绩,关于match请大家指导who wants to purchase residency program list with me
新人报道 1,2 都考过了,分数不高,没有绿卡,想尝试2011的matchqs about scramble
加州的考友,有没有人试过fmgportal externship有关推荐信
请教 clinical externship/observationship 算什么经历match 上的同学:Observation not considered as experience?
2016 ACAP 住院医申请讲座 05/22/2016 at NYCexternship 9月6号才开始,怎么写进cv里面去呢
不受欢迎话题--凭良心提醒正在准备考试的人,work hard不等于schelp, clinical rotation 不用列出在work experience 上吧
请教过来人:externship 要做多久合适啊?2012 IM applicants
话题: my话题: pd话题: he话题: practice话题: your
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 237
Internal recommendation template
Dear Drs. PDs & PC,
I would like to recommend a categorical Internal Medicine Residency
candidate to our program - XYZ. He practiced in China for # years before he
came to the states and obtained a PhD degree in A from B School of Medicine.
He is now willing to resume patient care here in Internal Medicine. I've
known him for the past 14 years. I recommended him to apply our program
because he is intelligent, very well-like, hard-working, has excellent
communication & presentation skill. He is doing part-time externship &
observationship in C now while preparing for his step 3 scheduled by the end
of year.
His AAMC ID is #. I hope you strongly consider him for a candidate in our
program at D.
Please let me know (x page number) any time if you wish further information
on XYZ.
Best wishes,
Last year I was referred internally to the program I am currently enrolled.
The faculty who referred me used to work here for many years and had a super
reputation. This year I as an intern wrote an email to PD and PC - see
above. I also discussed briefly with PD during the round about this friend.
I don't know if my referral would be strong enough to hold an interview spot
for my friend but it is surely worth to try. My program has sent out first
round of recommendation invitation a week ago. At least my friend hasn't
received rej nor invitation. My program recruited the first CMG in 2005, the
second in 2007. I was the third in 2010 but all of us CMGs graduated more
than 10+ years. My non direct clinic service years is no less than the sum
of all my colleague interns.
A few of suggestions to applicants:
1. Expand your network, including calling PC, emailing PD, or even asking
for phone interview.
2. Improve your communication & presentation skill. My PD showed more
interesting on my friend when I praised my friend's communication skills,
especially when I mentioned that he was giving lectures to medical residents
in his research field.
3. Practice, practice, and practice your interview. My application was
submitted in late October therefore I didn't even have time to prepare for
the coming interview. I could only talk about the family goal, kid's
education with my interviewers. We could surely argue if these were my
shining points. But when I looked back, this was very risky - how about if
you met a totally different PD? So practice more for your interview, you are
better to be humble but able to talk about everything.
4. Be optimistic. Positive support is very important from your family,
friends and even "strangers" on this forum. Match is only a game. We could
use it properly to improve ourselves. Remember, your credentials is the key
to obtain a recommendation, your credentials is the key for you to receive
an invitation and then an offer. If communication is a problem to you, watch
TV shows and practice like a duck; if non direct clinic service is a
problem to you, think about part-time even full-time externship!
Best luck!
发帖数: 1451
Thanks, chipmunk.
Haven't talked to you for a while. How are you?
发帖数: 118
Thanks for sharing. Good!
发帖数: 108
Very thankful for your nice coming back to help out and for your very kind
发帖数: 236
Great work! Very handy
发帖数: 2837
发帖数: 1079
Thanks for sharing,very helpful! I add it to my favoriates for future use.
发帖数: 25
发帖数: 40
1 (共1页)
2012 IM applicants请教 clinical externship/observationship 算什么经历
the reason why externship is illegal2016 ACAP 住院医申请讲座 05/22/2016 at NYC
externship vs clinical rotations???不受欢迎话题--凭良心提醒正在准备考试的人,work hard不等于sc
Thanks from ACAP SRF committee请教过来人:externship 要做多久合适啊?
这样的成绩,关于match请大家指导who wants to purchase residency program list with me
新人报道 1,2 都考过了,分数不高,没有绿卡,想尝试2011的matchqs about scramble
加州的考友,有没有人试过fmgportal externship有关推荐信
话题: my话题: pd话题: he话题: practice话题: your