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MedicalCareer版 - Doctors can be fired, and taught too
[转自NYTimes] Six Rules Doctors Need to KnowZT: A Doctor's Plan for Legal Industry Reform.
PBS: doctors' diaries中国本科临床的MD equivalent,可以归入docterate吗?
[合集] 关于Family medicineDoctor of Optometry这个职业怎么样?
国内导师的推荐信是否可用any books or classes for non-medical IT person to understand the hospital nurse/doctors languages?
doctor's name找医生的困惑:ms,med,md,到底有什么区别啊?
"how doctors think" audiobook on sale: $5.99about happy holiday card
请教如何渡过DPT(Doctor of Physical Therapy)的3年?Any thesises on 近视眼眼底黄斑变性(myopic macular degeneration) ?
CAF 填表问题问个小问题
话题: he话题: doctor话题: doctors话题: my话题: him
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2533
Last year, I fired a doctor.
I was at his office to get the result of a mammogram, which I'd had about
two weeks earlier. He flipped through my chart and found the document. A
frown flickered across his face.
"Anybody call you about this?" he said.
"No." My mouth felt dry. Why was I just hearing about this now?
He told me that there was an abnormality on the left side that would require
a biopsy.
"Why don't you take a feel?" he said to the other doctor with him. Without
asking my permission or cleaning her hands, the second doctor pressed her
fingers into my left breast.
"Whoops," my doctor said, still studying the report. "It's actually on the
When I got home, I made some calls, found another doctor to do the biopsy (
which turned out fine) and told my husband I was never going back to that
doctor again.
So, yes, I fired him. Of course, he probably hasn't realized it. Maybe he
thinks I decided to put off the biopsy, or moved. Maybe he hasn't even
noticed that I never came back.
And that is the problem. When we make the decision to never set foot in a
certain doctor's office again, we usually keep it to ourselves.
We don't fire doctors loudly enough.
I'm not saying that we should barrel into the office, waggle a finger and
shout, Trump-style, "You're fired!" But a sotto voce firing can be a missed
opportunity to teach our doctors how to do their jobs more effectively.
My doctor might have learned something if I had let him know how I felt.
Maybe I should have sent him a letter and told him that I wished he'd taken
two minutes to read the report carefully before he saw me. That he should
have reminded the other doctor to wash her hands. That he should have called
me when he got the report instead of letting me wait two weeks to hear
potentially bad news. I could have told him all these things, but I didn't.
I just grumbled about it to my husband.
Being a physician doesn't make it any easier to give doctors constructive
criticism. A doctor I know was angry that her son's pediatrician not only
belittled her concerns that her child had a serious digestion problem but
never apologized when it turned out that he did. She wrote a polite letter
informing him that they had decided to leave the practice. The pediatrician
probably thought she left because he missed the diagnosis; the real reason
was his arrogance.
In my own primary care practice, it's been easy at times to figure out that
a patient has fired me. One woman chewed me out on the phone for taking too
long to call her about her blood test results. Despite my apology, that was
the last I saw of her. A man who was hooked on oxycodone for his headaches
wasn't pleased that I had insisted on tapering off his pills. He simply
stopped coming to appointments.
A few years ago, my office manager told me that one of my patients had asked
her to switch him to a different doctor in the group. I was baffled. I'd
always thought we had a great doctor-patient relationship. Since there were
no openings for several months, she asked him if he would see me one more
When it came time for his appointment, I paced around my office for a couple
of minutes, taking deep breaths and telling myself to apologize for
whatever it was that I had done — or not done. After an incredibly awkward
few moments, we started talking about what had happened. It turned out that
he'd felt I hadn't taken one of his symptoms seriously. I was able to
reassure him that I had not blown it off and apologized for giving the
impression that I had. Thanks to the office manager, we had another chance.
The results were good: Our relationship was mended, and he stuck with me.
So how can we let our doctors know what we think? We can vent on websites
that rate doctors, but we can't be sure that our doctors will read our
comments. It's better to be direct. In hospital-based settings, patients can
share their opinions with patient advocates. Hospitals or day surgery
centers often send a feedback form to patients a few weeks after procedures,
and patients can make their comments anonymously.
There are fewer opportunities for this in outpatient settings. Practices
might consider sending such forms twice a year to their patients (along with
a postage-paid envelope), with an option at the top of the page stating "I
no longer go to this practice because …" And there's always e-mail, or the
old-fashioned letter, which allows for anonymity. If you don't like a doctor
, figure out a way to tell him why — even if you're not going to see him
An occasional serving of humble pie is good medicine for all doctors.
发帖数: 1299
For soon to be residents: never examine the patients without permission (
oral is good enough), does not matter opposite sex or same sex.
发帖数: 2533

【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: For soon to be residents: never examine the patients without permission (
: oral is good enough), does not matter opposite sex or same sex.

1 (共1页)
问个小问题doctor's name
STEP1考试, 请问有人参加过doctors in training吗?"how doctors think" audiobook on sale: $5.99
美国缺5万医生-转自VOA请教如何渡过DPT(Doctor of Physical Therapy)的3年?
Survey: Nearly 1/3 of Doctors Could Leave Medicine if Health-Care Reform Bill PassesCAF 填表问题
[转自NYTimes] Six Rules Doctors Need to KnowZT: A Doctor's Plan for Legal Industry Reform.
PBS: doctors' diaries中国本科临床的MD equivalent,可以归入docterate吗?
[合集] 关于Family medicineDoctor of Optometry这个职业怎么样?
国内导师的推荐信是否可用any books or classes for non-medical IT person to understand the hospital nurse/doctors languages?
话题: he话题: doctor话题: doctors话题: my话题: him