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MedicalCareer版 - Step 1 FA+UW skpe online study group
STEP1 UW+FA study group包子:还有八个月,求step 1复习规划
招组员 -- 白天过FA第二遍+下载版UW (12月-1月Step1)Step 1 First aid 学习小组
郁闷:为什么我准备step 1考试却老半天也没有找到学习的partner呢?新人,请指点STEP 1的复习教材?
step 1 病理小组有没有加拿大的童鞋
STEP 1 GOLJIAN Patho slides Group recruitingstep 1 study group
Step 1 全职复习,需要多长时间?Step 1 group need new blood
New step 1 study grouplook for step 1 study group
Looking for a routine study partner for step 1Step 1 FA study Group in East Coast
话题: fa话题: step话题: uw话题: skpe话题: group
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11
A Step 1 FA +UW group is going to start next week, 7- 9pm(EST), about 4
times a week.
Aim is to go over the major points quickly. Want to recruit 2 to 3 person
who has the same pace finished FA, notes, RRP at least once.If you are
interested please reply here or contact me at my skype: margaret201012
1 (共1页)
Step 1 FA study Group in East CoastSTEP 1 GOLJIAN Patho slides Group recruiting
Step 3 study partner -Houston or SKYPEStep 1 全职复习,需要多长时间?
step1 skype小组,,New step 1 study group
爱, 我愿意!Looking for a routine study partner for step 1
STEP1 UW+FA study group包子:还有八个月,求step 1复习规划
招组员 -- 白天过FA第二遍+下载版UW (12月-1月Step1)Step 1 First aid 学习小组
郁闷:为什么我准备step 1考试却老半天也没有找到学习的partner呢?新人,请指点STEP 1的复习教材?
step 1 病理小组有没有加拿大的童鞋
话题: fa话题: step话题: uw话题: skpe话题: group