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MedicalCareer版 - Interview at Huron Hospital
About doing different observerships in the same hospital?请教关于用EAD match的问题?
Pathology Observership and research opportunity availableACAP IM Observership at New York Hospital of Queens
Boston地区有在Northshore实习过的吗,求帮忙。Easton Hospital Applicant Survey
20130720讲座记录,主讲人 哲别[note for match]paper work for observership.
lancy8: [合集] 80/90/CS usPHD 10 year 想去内科, 应该申请什官方提供observership的内科program名单
急问:about observership at university affiliated hospitalresidency 后一定能找到工作吗
Any suggestion on Externship?咨询一个医生执业的问题
话题: hospital话题: interview话题: huron话题: residents话题: per
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1295
Huron Hospital:
Located in East Cleveland, OH, a Cleveland Clinic hospital (no major
The night before: stayed at American’s Best Value Inn, double room with
double beds, $40 including tax and fees. Nice and quiet room, about 25~30
minutes from hospital. Free wireless, no breakfast. I left for the
hospitalone hour ahead of time.
PC do recommend two hotels for you but more expensive, although closer to
the hospital.
Traffic to the hospital was okay and I followed GPS. Per PC, try to avoid
Euclid Ave.
Arrive on time and meet with chief resident at 7:50am either in the
cafeteria conference room or auditorium, which depends on the interview date
8:00~9:00am: attend morning report
9:00~9:45am: interview with medical faculty (you’ll have 3 interviews, each
lasts about 10~15 minutes.)
12:00~1:00pm: noon conference and lunch with residents
1:00~1:30pm: hospital tour
1:30~4:00pm: continue interviews, if needed.
We finished around 2:00 pm.
All interviewers are nice. No medical questions. 8 interviewees a day. 18
positions per year. Offers prematch to candidates who have passed step 3.
Residents from all over the world. Good atmosphere.
Quite busy program, but has CAP (10).
Neighborhood is considered bad. 92% of African American in this area.
Residents live about 25 minutes away. One bed-room apartment is about $600~
The city snows a lot. Winter is quite long.
It’s nice inside the hospital. Covered garage is old but free to park. 3
computers in the hospital library, wireless network available in the
No night float system yet, Q4, will limit on call hours within 16 hours per
call night. Three exams will be given per year to ensure board passing rate.
This program completely uses EMR which is the perk.
Fellowship placement: 20~30%
During the conversation with each interviewer, your language level is
carefully evaluated. One of the things that impressed me was that most
residents can speak very good English, much better than other IMG-filled
Community-based program, teaching is relatively weak, you don’t have much
chance to see odd cases. Fellowship-trained attendings are available for
each subspecialty, but only 1 or 2 for each subspecialty.
This program offers observership. They tend to invite people who did
observership there for interviews. This might be a courtesy interview, so
how much weight is bears is uncertain.
Scutwork.com may not exist anymore. The evaluation for this program was 2
stars on this website, but the comments might be from many years ago.
发帖数: 504
Thanks for sharing!
Two stupid questions:
1. what is CAP(10)?
2. what means "No night float system yet, Q4, will limit on call hours
within 16 hours per call night. "?
1 (共1页)
只做临床的fellowship,都有哪些出路啊?lancy8: [合集] 80/90/CS usPHD 10 year 想去内科, 应该申请什
interesting story: Man Tried to Bribe Hospital For Residency Slots急问:about observership at university affiliated hospital
五说住院医申请材料的准备Any suggestion on Externship?
About doing different observerships in the same hospital?请教关于用EAD match的问题?
Pathology Observership and research opportunity availableACAP IM Observership at New York Hospital of Queens
Boston地区有在Northshore实习过的吗,求帮忙。Easton Hospital Applicant Survey
20130720讲座记录,主讲人 哲别[note for match]paper work for observership.
话题: hospital话题: interview话题: huron话题: residents话题: per