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MedicalCareer版 - Looking for MCAT study partner & appreciate your advices
这样的成绩, 能申请到什么样子的医学院国内本科学医 想再考medical school 求建议
medical school 申请 成绩单提交遇到问题 请教医学院申请,应不应该接受medical college of Georgia 的offer
真心求教:我现在读医学院靠谱吗?[合集] 急问有关学位评估GPA
请教贴:没有美国学历的人是否可以申请美国医学院?[premed] MCAT学习资料
话题: mcat话题: your话题: new话题: china话题: time
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 60
Dear Everyone,
I am currently studying the MCAT and plan to take it sometime in July for
medical school application for 2012. A little introduction about
myself: a full-time bio-related researcher in New York, out of school for ~4
years. It would be my pleasure if somebody would like to study MCAT with me
. We can exchange study info (I collected many Kaplan practice exams),
motivate each other(s), and do a lot of fun stuff together. Please drop me a
message if you are interested.
In addition, I would love to get some tips/suggestions from our "predecessor
" from this board on how to improve on MCAT preparation. Any
resources (study review videos etc.) shared by you are very very very very
much appreciated~~~~~
Thanks for your time AND Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
发帖数: 67
this is my advice, if you want to apply 2011, try taking the MCAT
earlier, like in May or the latest, June. If you take it in July, the
score won't be out until August, and it is considered rather late in the
application cycle, esp. for non-traditional applicants. Also if you take
in July, when will you find time to write your application assays?
There's still 3 month between now and May, enough to prep for MCAT, if
you push yourself hard

for ~4
with me
drop me a

【在 k***i 的大作中提到】
: Dear Everyone,
: I am currently studying the MCAT and plan to take it sometime in July for
: medical school application for 2012. A little introduction about
: myself: a full-time bio-related researcher in New York, out of school for ~4
: years. It would be my pleasure if somebody would like to study MCAT with me
: . We can exchange study info (I collected many Kaplan practice exams),
: motivate each other(s), and do a lot of fun stuff together. Please drop me a
: message if you are interested.
: In addition, I would love to get some tips/suggestions from our "predecessor
: " from this board on how to improve on MCAT preparation. Any

发帖数: 60
Thanks so very much for your suggestion Brighteye. I've heard similar things about submitting applications as early as possible as they have a rolling admission program. Despite the effort I need to spend on my new born baby :-) and in full time job, I 've been studying MCAT for 1 month so far. Feel like there are still a lot to do before I actually take the test.
Not sure about your definition of non-traditional applicants.
I received my B.S. and Master in United State. GPA about 3.5-3.6, and science GPA also around 3.6. Many years of research experience. Published some papers.
Due to the family reason, I would like to and am limited to apply schools in New York area (about 5 schools in the city only).
What can I do to make myself a better/stronger candidate.
Thanks again Brighteye for your time. I do seriously consider moving my exam date in June now. I wonder if I could get any MCAT review materials from China? Do they have anything like Kaplan/Princeton review tutorial videos in China. It's amazingly expensive here, $1800 last time I checked

【在 b*******e 的大作中提到】
: this is my advice, if you want to apply 2011, try taking the MCAT
: earlier, like in May or the latest, June. If you take it in July, the
: score won't be out until August, and it is considered rather late in the
: application cycle, esp. for non-traditional applicants. Also if you take
: in July, when will you find time to write your application assays?
: There's still 3 month between now and May, enough to prep for MCAT, if
: you push yourself hard
: for
: for ~4

发帖数: 371
agree with brighteye: in AMCAS application, the earlier the better. if you
have solid phy/bio/chem/o-chem background, 3 months might be more than
enough. examkrackers review materials and their sample problem sets (
especially in verbal) are very high-yield. by a solid background i mean you
will be mostly reviewing but not learning them from scratch. there is quite
some randomness in this med. app. process, i'd suggest you to look at a bit
more schools instead of just 5 since you will put a lot of efforts into this
cycle anyways, even if you have great stats (35+MCAT + strong LORs + solid
ECs, etc). good luck! and feel free to send me a msg if you have other

things about submitting applications as early as possible as they have a
rolling admission program. Despite the effort I need to spend on my new born
baby :-) and in full time job, I 've been studying MCAT for 1 month so far.
Feel like there are still a lot to do before I actually take the test.
GPA also around 3.6. Many years of research experience. Published some
in New York area (about 5 schools in the city only).
exam date in June now. I wonder if I could get any MCAT review materials
from China? Do they have anything like Kaplan/Princeton review tutorial
videos in China. It's amazingly expensive here, $1800 last time I checked

【在 k***i 的大作中提到】
: Thanks so very much for your suggestion Brighteye. I've heard similar things about submitting applications as early as possible as they have a rolling admission program. Despite the effort I need to spend on my new born baby :-) and in full time job, I 've been studying MCAT for 1 month so far. Feel like there are still a lot to do before I actually take the test.
: Not sure about your definition of non-traditional applicants.
: I received my B.S. and Master in United State. GPA about 3.5-3.6, and science GPA also around 3.6. Many years of research experience. Published some papers.
: Due to the family reason, I would like to and am limited to apply schools in New York area (about 5 schools in the city only).
: What can I do to make myself a better/stronger candidate.
: Thanks again Brighteye for your time. I do seriously consider moving my exam date in June now. I wonder if I could get any MCAT review materials from China? Do they have anything like Kaplan/Princeton review tutorial videos in China. It's amazingly expensive here, $1800 last time I checked

发帖数: 60
Appreciate your response, Dreamchaser. 35+ MCAT sounds like a chanllenge,
but that is definitely something that I am willing to spend the time and
effort to achieve. Thanks again for your time


【在 D*********r 的大作中提到】
: agree with brighteye: in AMCAS application, the earlier the better. if you
: have solid phy/bio/chem/o-chem background, 3 months might be more than
: enough. examkrackers review materials and their sample problem sets (
: especially in verbal) are very high-yield. by a solid background i mean you
: will be mostly reviewing but not learning them from scratch. there is quite
: some randomness in this med. app. process, i'd suggest you to look at a bit
: more schools instead of just 5 since you will put a lot of efforts into this
: cycle anyways, even if you have great stats (35+MCAT + strong LORs + solid
: ECs, etc). good luck! and feel free to send me a msg if you have other
: questions.

发帖数: 67
my bad to presume that like most of us, you got your under in China. In
your case then, it should be much easier for you. I would say from now
till June is more than enough for you to crack MCAT given your
background, if you can spend around 2-3 hours everyday studying. I
concur with what Dreamchaser said. And you don't need to spend $1800 in
attending MCAT prep class. Huge waste of money. Verbal is usually the
most difficult part for Chinese, but since you attended college here,
you are standing at a much higher ground than many of us. The other
science subjects are relatively easy. Aim for 36, at least. Your
research experience should help you immensely, and you stand a better
chance at the school where you got your masters.
best luck!

things about submitting applications as early as possible as they have a
rolling admission program. Despite the effort I need to spend on my new
born baby :-) and in full time job, I 've been studying MCAT for 1 month
so far. Feel like there are still a lot to do before I actually take the
science GPA also around 3.6. Many years of research experience.
Published some papers.
schools in New York area (about 5 schools in the city only).
my exam date in June now. I wonder if I could get any MCAT review
materials from China? Do they have anything like Kaplan/Princeton review
tutorial videos in China. It's amazingly expensive here, $1800 last time
I checked

【在 k***i 的大作中提到】
: Thanks so very much for your suggestion Brighteye. I've heard similar things about submitting applications as early as possible as they have a rolling admission program. Despite the effort I need to spend on my new born baby :-) and in full time job, I 've been studying MCAT for 1 month so far. Feel like there are still a lot to do before I actually take the test.
: Not sure about your definition of non-traditional applicants.
: I received my B.S. and Master in United State. GPA about 3.5-3.6, and science GPA also around 3.6. Many years of research experience. Published some papers.
: Due to the family reason, I would like to and am limited to apply schools in New York area (about 5 schools in the city only).
: What can I do to make myself a better/stronger candidate.
: Thanks again Brighteye for your time. I do seriously consider moving my exam date in June now. I wonder if I could get any MCAT review materials from China? Do they have anything like Kaplan/Princeton review tutorial videos in China. It's amazingly expensive here, $1800 last time I checked

发帖数: 60
Thanks for your generous words, Brighteye. Even after several years in
school, compared to science, I have to say English is still my weakness. :-(
blush. Anyways, I am going to try it!
Wish you a successful 2011.

【在 b*******e 的大作中提到】
: my bad to presume that like most of us, you got your under in China. In
: your case then, it should be much easier for you. I would say from now
: till June is more than enough for you to crack MCAT given your
: background, if you can spend around 2-3 hours everyday studying. I
: concur with what Dreamchaser said. And you don't need to spend $1800 in
: attending MCAT prep class. Huge waste of money. Verbal is usually the
: most difficult part for Chinese, but since you attended college here,
: you are standing at a much higher ground than many of us. The other
: science subjects are relatively easy. Aim for 36, at least. Your
: research experience should help you immensely, and you stand a better

1 (共1页)
[premed] MCAT学习资料medical school 申请 成绩单提交遇到问题 请教
KAPLAN MCAT PREP – WHOLE SET-($1400 or OBO)请版主手下留情早已忘却渐近的节日...
MCAT Kaplan class $1200 for sale.(market value $1,998)请教贴:没有美国学历的人是否可以申请美国医学院?
这样的成绩, 能申请到什么样子的医学院国内本科学医 想再考medical school 求建议
话题: mcat话题: your话题: new话题: china话题: time