y********5 发帖数: 76 | 1 替我可怜的姐姐来问问。
拜谢各种信息帮助的好心人。实在是找不到相关信息,而美国的看病体制又让我无可奈何。 |
b*******s 发帖数: 954 | 2 Blessings.
【在 y********5 的大作中提到】 : 替我可怜的姐姐来问问。 : 姐姐1987年刚满十岁的时候进行了第一次心脏手术:房室缺陨。当时手术后伤口化脓感 : 染,几天后又开胸做了清理,并且当时在医院输血感染上了乙肝。 : 1999年离结婚前两个月做心彩超,二尖瓣关闭不全中度回流,三尖瓣轻度回流。并且出 : 现房颤。第二次开胸手术,提心吊胆的害怕医生剥离那些粘连的粘膜发生意外。好在老 : 天照应,手术顺利,二尖瓣修补成功。两年后,姐姐冒着生命危险早产生下了可爱的外 : 甥女。 : 现在,外甥女聪明可爱,刚满十岁,上小学以来一直是重点小学里的重点尖子,每年每 : 个学期都是属于所有功课免考的优秀生。姐姐刚刚为外甥女的优秀感到一丝欣慰,这次 : 心脏检查却又是一个打击:二尖瓣中度回流,三尖瓣轻度回流。
y********5 发帖数: 76 | 3 谢谢!我不知道还有一个medicine版,请问在哪个版块里啊?
【在 b*******s 的大作中提到】 : Blessings. : 这儿的医生有条款约束,不是不想,而是不好回答你的问题。我会把你的帖子转到 : medicine版。 : 希望你姐姐一切都好。
s********p 发帖数: 1319 | 4 不知道你姐姐是在国内什么医院做的手术。
【在 y********5 的大作中提到】 : 替我可怜的姐姐来问问。 : 姐姐1987年刚满十岁的时候进行了第一次心脏手术:房室缺陨。当时手术后伤口化脓感 : 染,几天后又开胸做了清理,并且当时在医院输血感染上了乙肝。 : 1999年离结婚前两个月做心彩超,二尖瓣关闭不全中度回流,三尖瓣轻度回流。并且出 : 现房颤。第二次开胸手术,提心吊胆的害怕医生剥离那些粘连的粘膜发生意外。好在老 : 天照应,手术顺利,二尖瓣修补成功。两年后,姐姐冒着生命危险早产生下了可爱的外 : 甥女。 : 现在,外甥女聪明可爱,刚满十岁,上小学以来一直是重点小学里的重点尖子,每年每 : 个学期都是属于所有功课免考的优秀生。姐姐刚刚为外甥女的优秀感到一丝欣慰,这次 : 心脏检查却又是一个打击:二尖瓣中度回流,三尖瓣轻度回流。
M*****8 发帖数: 83 | 5 Bless 你可怜的姐姐。
好奇下:你姐姐结婚好早啊:15岁。生宝宝也好早啊:17岁。 |
y********5 发帖数: 76 | 6 谢谢建议。姐姐两次手术都是在上海胸科医院进行的。
【在 s********p 的大作中提到】 : 不知道你姐姐是在国内什么医院做的手术。 : 第一次术后切口感染了,当然不好。 : 第二次瓣膜修补后,情况还不错。 : 目前的心脏彩超这种结果,根据你姐姐的情况,有没有再次手术的指证,还不好说。 : 个人的建议: : 国内安贞、阜外在心外科方面就相当厉害。作为发展中的国家,中国的瓣膜病发病率是 : 远高于美国的,安贞、阜外这样的医院,医生的经验、经历也是相当不错的。建议你姐 : 姐到这两家医院,挂专家门诊号,听听他们的意见,再做决定。 : 瓣膜病在心外科并不算什么大的复杂手术,但和其他科的手术相比,一旦涉及到开胸和 : 体外循环,手术都是不小的。疾病是复杂的,个人的情况如瓣膜的条件等也是不同的,
y********5 发帖数: 76 | 7 没有没有,是我打错了。
【在 M*****8 的大作中提到】 : Bless 你可怜的姐姐。 : 好奇下:你姐姐结婚好早啊:15岁。生宝宝也好早啊:17岁。
l******t 发帖数: 843 | 8 给你站内邮箱发信了。
【在 y********5 的大作中提到】 : 谢谢建议。姐姐两次手术都是在上海胸科医院进行的。
g****r 发帖数: 306 | 9 请问,你姐姐现在的病因到底是房室缺损,乙肝,还是二尖瓣关闭不全。我也有二尖瓣
脱垂,闭合不全的问题,症状就是 heart murmur. 美国这边一般做 echocardiogram
检查,大约 30 分钟完成,有完整的检验报告。
1) 理想情况下,是通过修复瓣膜完成
2) 有些情况,需要换瓣膜,这个风险很大
3) 现在正在研究一种新的方法,就是不需要打开胸腔,但可以达到现在手术的效果,
我 18 时就发现了这个病,当时医生建议立即做手术,而且越早越好。当时由于各种原
【在 y********5 的大作中提到】 : 替我可怜的姐姐来问问。 : 姐姐1987年刚满十岁的时候进行了第一次心脏手术:房室缺陨。当时手术后伤口化脓感 : 染,几天后又开胸做了清理,并且当时在医院输血感染上了乙肝。 : 1999年离结婚前两个月做心彩超,二尖瓣关闭不全中度回流,三尖瓣轻度回流。并且出 : 现房颤。第二次开胸手术,提心吊胆的害怕医生剥离那些粘连的粘膜发生意外。好在老 : 天照应,手术顺利,二尖瓣修补成功。两年后,姐姐冒着生命危险早产生下了可爱的外 : 甥女。 : 现在,外甥女聪明可爱,刚满十岁,上小学以来一直是重点小学里的重点尖子,每年每 : 个学期都是属于所有功课免考的优秀生。姐姐刚刚为外甥女的优秀感到一丝欣慰,这次 : 心脏检查却又是一个打击:二尖瓣中度回流,三尖瓣轻度回流。
y********5 发帖数: 76 | 10 姐姐会先在国内看专家门诊。谢谢各位热心人的回复和很有用的信息。姐姐已经约好了
亲昨天坚定的说:父母都还健在,我们这个大家庭的成员一个都不能少。 |
e**y 发帖数: 423 | 11 靠,不是吧,美国的医生连这些问题都不让回答
【在 b*******s 的大作中提到】 : Blessings. : 这儿的医生有条款约束,不是不想,而是不好回答你的问题。我会把你的帖子转到 : medicine版。 : 希望你姐姐一切都好。
a****c 发帖数: 978 | 12 bless your elder sister |
e****n 发帖数: 4054 | 13 赞同,个人感觉国内技术不会在美国之下。美国大夫一周能捞到几个手术做?安贞那些
【在 s********p 的大作中提到】 : 不知道你姐姐是在国内什么医院做的手术。 : 第一次术后切口感染了,当然不好。 : 第二次瓣膜修补后,情况还不错。 : 目前的心脏彩超这种结果,根据你姐姐的情况,有没有再次手术的指证,还不好说。 : 个人的建议: : 国内安贞、阜外在心外科方面就相当厉害。作为发展中的国家,中国的瓣膜病发病率是 : 远高于美国的,安贞、阜外这样的医院,医生的经验、经历也是相当不错的。建议你姐 : 姐到这两家医院,挂专家门诊号,听听他们的意见,再做决定。 : 瓣膜病在心外科并不算什么大的复杂手术,但和其他科的手术相比,一旦涉及到开胸和 : 体外循环,手术都是不小的。疾病是复杂的,个人的情况如瓣膜的条件等也是不同的,
c******n 发帖数: 2273 | 14 我弟弟是安贞医院的心外科医生, 有兴趣可以联系我
【在 y********5 的大作中提到】 : 替我可怜的姐姐来问问。 : 姐姐1987年刚满十岁的时候进行了第一次心脏手术:房室缺陨。当时手术后伤口化脓感 : 染,几天后又开胸做了清理,并且当时在医院输血感染上了乙肝。 : 1999年离结婚前两个月做心彩超,二尖瓣关闭不全中度回流,三尖瓣轻度回流。并且出 : 现房颤。第二次开胸手术,提心吊胆的害怕医生剥离那些粘连的粘膜发生意外。好在老 : 天照应,手术顺利,二尖瓣修补成功。两年后,姐姐冒着生命危险早产生下了可爱的外 : 甥女。 : 现在,外甥女聪明可爱,刚满十岁,上小学以来一直是重点小学里的重点尖子,每年每 : 个学期都是属于所有功课免考的优秀生。姐姐刚刚为外甥女的优秀感到一丝欣慰,这次 : 心脏检查却又是一个打击:二尖瓣中度回流,三尖瓣轻度回流。
s*****n 发帖数: 1794 | 15 北京阜外的心血管不必美国差。
【在 y********5 的大作中提到】 : 姐姐会先在国内看专家门诊。谢谢各位热心人的回复和很有用的信息。姐姐已经约好了 : 周一先看上海的专家门诊,我会建议姐姐也去北京看。 : 无论最后在哪手术都希望姐姐能安然渡过这三次手术,要不然先不说我父母从姐姐小时 : 候就一直跟姐姐的病抗争,无法接受不好的结局。现在小甥女才十岁,太可怜了。我母 : 亲昨天坚定的说:父母都还健在,我们这个大家庭的成员一个都不能少。
f******m 发帖数: 440 | 16 你姐姐手术后这么多年难道没有跟踪年检吗?她现在心功能有什么不好的吗?觉得累,
【在 y********5 的大作中提到】 : 替我可怜的姐姐来问问。 : 姐姐1987年刚满十岁的时候进行了第一次心脏手术:房室缺陨。当时手术后伤口化脓感 : 染,几天后又开胸做了清理,并且当时在医院输血感染上了乙肝。 : 1999年离结婚前两个月做心彩超,二尖瓣关闭不全中度回流,三尖瓣轻度回流。并且出 : 现房颤。第二次开胸手术,提心吊胆的害怕医生剥离那些粘连的粘膜发生意外。好在老 : 天照应,手术顺利,二尖瓣修补成功。两年后,姐姐冒着生命危险早产生下了可爱的外 : 甥女。 : 现在,外甥女聪明可爱,刚满十岁,上小学以来一直是重点小学里的重点尖子,每年每 : 个学期都是属于所有功课免考的优秀生。姐姐刚刚为外甥女的优秀感到一丝欣慰,这次 : 心脏检查却又是一个打击:二尖瓣中度回流,三尖瓣轻度回流。
c**i 发帖数: 6973 | 17 (1) You are confused.
Your title says 可怜的姐姐. Then you say, "姐姐1987年刚满十岁的时候进行了第
You are confused with cause and effect.
The problems were with China's poor medicine, not with your sister. If a
patient in US got/gets hepatitis B after transfution, the patient will sue
the hospital, the blood bank.
In 1980s, one of the best hospitals in Taiwan, owned by central government,
had EVERY open-heart patients infected. The hospital shut down the operation
rooms, scrubbed them but still infections stubbonly persisted. The hospital
kept the information under wrap, which is unthinkable in US where hospital
must report things like this to state's regulatory agency (such as
Department of Health in Massachusetts). Besides, open-heart patients in that
hospital at the time died a high rate,* which again was broomed under the
rug, which again is public information in US.** If everything is kept hush
hush (as Taiwan did), bad apples can not be removed and we can not learn
from mistakes. (Little wonder Taiwanese did not trust government, medical
professionals--and come to think about it, we Taiwanese were all guilty, at
least for not speaking out for the wrongs we observed personally.)
* Sometimes on the operation table, indicating incompetence of surgeons who
were trained in US by WATCHING but not allowed to touch, much less operate
on, patients for lack of American medical license.
** Patients were not told about systemic failures of the hospital, which
enjoyed wonderful reputation of course.
Like Taiwan at the time, life in China is worthless. Lawyers in Taiwan at
the time were lap dogs, dare not challenge any authority (doctors,
government or its officials) because they (lawyers0 knew they had no chance
of winning.
(2) You wrote, "1999年离结婚前两个月做心彩超,二尖瓣关闭不全中度回流,三尖瓣
轻度回流. You did not mention what kind of echocardiography, which is not as
accurate or quantative as catheterization, which Taiwan routinely did
decades ago. (Anyway, at the time I was in Taiwan doppler echocardiography
was being introduced there, so echocardiography was not applied to
quantative analysis of heart valve function.)
(a) "Because of the inability in getting accurate images of the left atrium
and the pulmonary veins on the transthoracic echocardiogram, a
transesophageal echocardiogram may be necessary to determine the severity of
the mitral regurgitation in some cases."
mitral regurgitation
This is because mitral valve--together with left side of the heart--is
located at the back of the chest, next to esophagus.
(b) "One of the limitations is that the ultrasound beam should be as
parallel to the blood flow as possible."
Doppler echocardiography
For mitral valve, "parallel to the blood flow" is almost impossible when
transthoratic approach is used, with an ultrasound probe placed in the front
or the side of the chest.
(3) I do not trust medicine in China at all. 行家一出手,便知有沒有.
(a) From accurate diagnosis to correct treatment (from medicine to catheter
to valve replacement), US--as well as Japan--is the good place.
Top-Ranked Hospitals for Heart & Heart Surgery: Best Hospitals 2010-2011. US
News and World Report.
(b) 二尖瓣 and 三尖瓣 are mitral valve and tricuspid valve, respectively.
Mitral Valve Disease. Mayo Clinic, undated.
Tricuspid Valve Disease. Mayo Clinic, undated.
(c) If your sister comes, the major hurdle will be the costs, for your
sister will pay full costs, as she will not be covered by insurance. In US,
non-insured patients pay the most, for insurance companies--including
federal government which covers medicare and subsidizes medicaid--always
negotiate lower rates to compensate for volume of patients.
【在 y********5 的大作中提到】 : 替我可怜的姐姐来问问。 : 姐姐1987年刚满十岁的时候进行了第一次心脏手术:房室缺陨。当时手术后伤口化脓感 : 染,几天后又开胸做了清理,并且当时在医院输血感染上了乙肝。 : 1999年离结婚前两个月做心彩超,二尖瓣关闭不全中度回流,三尖瓣轻度回流。并且出 : 现房颤。第二次开胸手术,提心吊胆的害怕医生剥离那些粘连的粘膜发生意外。好在老 : 天照应,手术顺利,二尖瓣修补成功。两年后,姐姐冒着生命危险早产生下了可爱的外 : 甥女。 : 现在,外甥女聪明可爱,刚满十岁,上小学以来一直是重点小学里的重点尖子,每年每 : 个学期都是属于所有功课免考的优秀生。姐姐刚刚为外甥女的优秀感到一丝欣慰,这次 : 心脏检查却又是一个打击:二尖瓣中度回流,三尖瓣轻度回流。
n*******e 发帖数: 974 | 18 我妈今年65岁, 她95年时候做过什么二尖瓣狭窄做过扩大手术, 效果不怎么好, 很
快就又缩回去了。 00年换了金属瓣膜, 并且做了修补, 她也是从小就有心脏病的,
换瓣膜的时候已经房颤了, 手术后并没有纠正过来, 并且之前长期的反流使得什么心
脏肥大心衰。 换了瓣膜那么多年, 目前心衰至少是中度以上了我觉得。
现在的问题是不知道怎么办, 她不知道能不能再承受一次心脏手术? 长期吃药肾脏负
担很大, 天冷的时候有点血压高, 而且她年纪也大了, 虽然身体其他方面好像没有
对了, 她两次手术都在上海中山医院做的, 说话实话国内的医生每天要做多少个心脏手术啊, 床位很紧张, 应该是实战经验很强的, 可是感觉心脏手术再怎么成功都会随着时间推移又不行了。 |
m********4 发帖数: 607 | 19 Thank you for your kind help.
I feel sad while reading :"(3) I do not trust medicine in China at all. 行家
一出手,便知有沒有." I do understand this is your own personal comment. But,
I still feel bad about it.
Comparing with the doctors in US or Japan, are CMGs short of ability, talent
or kownledge or something else?
What we, as a Chinese, should do to make our CMG fame be better? I know this
is the question which is hard to get an answer easily. But, let's think
about it.
【在 c**i 的大作中提到】 : (1) You are confused. : Your title says 可怜的姐姐. Then you say, "姐姐1987年刚满十岁的时候进行了第 : 一次心脏手术:房室缺陨。当时手术后伤口化脓感染,几天后又开胸做了清理,并且当 : 时在医院输血感染上了乙肝。" : You are confused with cause and effect. : The problems were with China's poor medicine, not with your sister. If a : patient in US got/gets hepatitis B after transfution, the patient will sue : the hospital, the blood bank. : In 1980s, one of the best hospitals in Taiwan, owned by central government, : had EVERY open-heart patients infected. The hospital shut down the operation
m*****a 发帖数: 597 | 20 lz, 你考虑过美国看病的费用了吗?
去mayo clinic做吧,有钱人都愿意去那里做 |
c**i 发帖数: 6973 | 21 I assume CMG stands for Chinese medical graduate.
I am not familiar with China. But I know Taiwan's medicine inside and out.
(a) A former colony of Japan, Taiwan follows Japan's medical tradition.
Older doctors were Japanese-trained (they died out); later generations are
American-trained. Commoners highly respect doctors/teachers. But when
doctors did bad things or made mistakes, we clammed up. Patients knew nothing;
doctors covered up for one another; lawyers did not sue; everything was
kosher. However, it gnawed at our hearts.
(b) I live in Boston, biomedical mecca of the world. I knew of a few doctors
(at Boston or Chicago, where I lived two decades ago) who were trained in
US. Because they can not touch patients, and because Taiwan was unwilling to
pay the host hospitals for training, they either had plenty of time on
their hand* or busy as hell doing technicians' work (such as slicing
pathology specimens). Back in 1980s and probably now, a Taiwanese doctor, if
he finagled (at public expense), completed a residency in US, he would
automatically be appointed as chairman of a clinical department in a major
* Taiwan has a phrase, in Hoklo pronunciation: 放牛吃草 or let it be;
laissez-faire. They did not learn the most advanced medicine Taiwan wanted
them to learn. If they learned anything by observation, they would not teach
anybody else after returning to Taiwan.
(c) The end result was doctors in Taiwan did not trust fellow doctors, in
terms of integrity or caliber. If they could afford it and if need be (in
terminal stage of cancer, for example), they came to US for treatment.
Sure, doctors in Taiwan treated nicely anybody with a modicum of medical
knowledge (not necessarily another doctor; could be a medical technician),
because the doctors knew the particular patient was not dummy, could tell an
error doctors made.
I personally observed cases like these.
(d) Doctors know limitations of modern medicine; we are, like bankers and
judges, inherently cautious.
Back in 1980s, Taiwanese heart doctors (physicians and surgeons) were
reluctant to replace a damaged heart valve. We did not trust a mechanical
valve then. A pig valve need to be replaced about every decade. Just now I
read Mayo clinic's mitral vlave (the segment of "Treatments and drugs"), it
is still the case. As for mechanical valve, anticoagulant regiment is
necessary for the rest of patient's life. I answer notatwine here.
【在 m********4 的大作中提到】 : Thank you for your kind help. : I feel sad while reading :"(3) I do not trust medicine in China at all. 行家 : 一出手,便知有沒有." I do understand this is your own personal comment. But, : I still feel bad about it. : Comparing with the doctors in US or Japan, are CMGs short of ability, talent : or kownledge or something else? : What we, as a Chinese, should do to make our CMG fame be better? I know this : is the question which is hard to get an answer easily. But, let's think : about it. :
a******x 发帖数: 561 | 22 别再耽误时间了,也别去上海看了。直接去北京看阜外的心外科。全国最好的做心脏手
不过你要非想到美国看,可以咨询一下New York - Presbyterian hospital,他们心脏
心血管治疗都是全美数一数二的,也是大纽约地区最好的医院。 |
a******x 发帖数: 561 | 23 嗯,安贞医院我也帮你问问。我最好的高中同学也在安贞的心脏科当医生,她和我弟弟
是大学同学 :) 所以两个我帮你咨询一下。 |
m********4 发帖数: 607 | 24 Thank you for your time. I am learning a lot from your meaningful post.
Hope Chinese physician from main land of China can learn the lesson and do
better job.
CMG (in my post) stands for Chinese Medical graduate from Main land of China.
【在 c**i 的大作中提到】 : I assume CMG stands for Chinese medical graduate. : I am not familiar with China. But I know Taiwan's medicine inside and out. : (a) A former colony of Japan, Taiwan follows Japan's medical tradition. : Older doctors were Japanese-trained (they died out); later generations are : American-trained. Commoners highly respect doctors/teachers. But when : doctors did bad things or made mistakes, we clammed up. Patients knew nothing; : doctors covered up for one another; lawyers did not sue; everything was : kosher. However, it gnawed at our hearts. : (b) I live in Boston, biomedical mecca of the world. I knew of a few doctors : (at Boston or Chicago, where I lived two decades ago) who were trained in
y**g 发帖数: 197 | 25 Cleveland clinic is #1 in heart and heart surgery, first artifical heart in
the world. |
b*********g 发帖数: 90 | 26 来美国保险很难搞定的,很多私人的保险都拒绝pre-existing condition,她之前的心
脏病肯定就是被拒绝在门外。还是中国找个权威的地方。 |
u***e 发帖数: 611 | 27 心超做出来二尖瓣反流并不是手术的指证,而且只是中度反流。很多正常人去做心超都
中国国内的医生良莠不齐,最好是有内部熟人介绍。 |
d*********3 发帖数: 12 | 28 The cost of the operation is about $150k.
And here're a few good doctors for your to consider:
Mt Sinai in NY (Dr. David Adams, check out his website at www.
Northwestern University in Chicago (Dr. Pat McCarthy),
Cleveland Clinic (Dr. Marc Gillinov)
Good luck! |
a**********8 发帖数: 1230 | 29 我有一个学妹也是到美国做心脏手术了,她姨妈在美国,已经是公民了给她担保的! |
a*****0 发帖数: 3319 | 30 谁给你学妹买的医保,没有insurance, 心脏手术在美国费用很高,光担保没用的。 |
s********p 发帖数: 1319 | 31 和美国这面的医生相比,中国大医院医生不是技术问题,而是责任心问题——国内大医
扯远啦! |
c**i 发帖数: 6973 | 32 (1) I really do not know what you mean by "first artifical heart in the
There have been many models of artificial hearts, but Cleveland Clinic was
not among the firsts on humans (a dog, yes).
Artificial heart
The only first for the Clinic, that I can find in the Web, is
Press release: World’s 1st Total Artificial Heart to Dual Heart & Liver
Transplant Performed at Cleveland Clinic. SynCardia Systems, Inc, Nov 3,
("After living with the Total Artificial Heart [as a bridge] for 113 days,
on May 1, 2009, Dr. Michael Zabell received the donor heart and liver")
(2) I want to say to yanran5725 one more time.
There are a lot about your sister you did not mention, for reasons none
other than the fact you are a layperson.
If your sister received pig valve(s), it is past due for replacement. (There
are new, more permanent valves. See the link below.)
Without catherization 心導管, there is no way to know if the regurgitation
is acceptable.
In case intervention is needed, can valve repair or minimally invasive valve
surgery do the trick? See
A. Marc Gillinov, Valve Surgery - Past, Present, Future. Cleveland Clinic,
Cleveland Clinic is not the only name in town. If your sister comes to a
hospital--which may not be the best but good enough--near where you live,
that can save a lot of hassles and money.
It is true that medical costs in US are high. (But Americans alao know that
they receive the best medical care, so they are ambivalent about medical
reform.) Yet correct diagnosis and treatment will save bundles of money, let
alone angst of teh patient and family. (After diagnosis, have a frank talk
with doctos and hospital about surgical costs. Negotiate. And many hospitals
in US are non-profit. So ask for reduced cost/discount.)
【在 y**g 的大作中提到】 : Cleveland clinic is #1 in heart and heart surgery, first artifical heart in : the world.
a******x 发帖数: 561 | 33 对不起,我朋友最近忙才看到我的信,希望没有太耽误你姐姐的病情。给你发信了请查
收。 |