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MedicalCareer版 - [合集] Notes from "the successful match"
[合集] ======2010 MATCH ======[合集] LD Match 的Visa问题
[合集] Match,行百里者半九十[合集] 关于今年match的一点建议,欢迎各位指正补充
求购KAPLAN NOTE[合集] Competition increase in US residency match
[合集] CS 话题 - SOAP note[合集] 2009 Match result的粗浅分析
[合集] CS 过了,复习经验[合集] 关于match的几个问题
[合集] new version CS patient's notes[合集] ##### 2011麦地match-day光荣榜 #####
[合集] 186表 NOT VALID ,申请遭拒,可以要求退费吗[合集] 如果参加match,卖不掉的最大原因?
[合集] Match 前还要做哪些准备吗?[合集] -------IVs and Rejections for 2011 Match (IM and FM) ------
话题: notes话题: successful
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 834
lovelypony (pony) 于 (Sat Jul 30 14:18:21 2011, 美东) 提到:
* 93% of PDs feel LORs from a foreign coutry were useless.
* The # of LORs you need may vary from program to program. In general, I advise applicants NOT to submit more letters than are requested.
* A steliar letter written byy a junior faculty member with whom you've had significant interaction is much bettern than a lukewarm letter written by a senior faculty member of high stature.
lovelypony (pony) 于 (Sat Jul 30 14:18:44 2011, 美东) 提到:
At some programs, the PS is used minimally, if at all, during the screening
phase. In others, the PS is considered very important.
43% of PDs agreed that the most important aspect of a PS is to learn more
about the candidate's personal interests and backgrounds.
Consider addressing the following Qs in your PS:
- why did I choose this specialty? Give specific reasons why your are interested in the specialty.we emphaized that you should be writing about the factors that led u to pursue the specialty, with the emphasis on YOU.
- what am I looking for in a residency program? be specific.
- what are my professional goals in the field i have chosen?
- what are my strenghts?
- why would i be a great fit for this particular residency program?
- what are my outside interests?
lovelypony (pony) 于 (Sat Jul 30 14:18:58 2011, 美东) 提到:
Every line, word, and number on your CV is important.
Don't add the words "curriculum vitae" to the top of the page, as many students tend to do. The reader recognizes a CV. Why waste valuable space stating the obvious?
lovelypony (pony) 于 (Sat Jul 30 14:23:11 2011, 美东) 提到:
IV is the most critical step of the residency application process.
Contrary to common belief, the purpose of the IV is not to dertermine if you
have the qualifications needed to be a resident at the institution. By
granting you an IV, the program has already made that determination. Rather,
the purpose of the IV is to assess fit. Are you the right fit for the
program? Is the program the right fit for you?
# Research the individual programs.
# Evaluate your experience in order to emphasize your unique, individual qualities.
# Formulate your msg, make sure that each component of your application reinforces this msg.
# Your msg doesn't mean much w/o the evidence to back it up.
TIDIANQUO (每日的) 于 (Sat Jul 30 15:03:08 2011, 美东) 提到:
Thanks, very useful.
ACG (YBM) 于 (Sat Jul 30 15:33:44 2011, 美东) 提到:
Good comments.
skyscorpio (天之蝎子) 于 (Sat Jul 30 15:45:29 2011, 美东) 提到:
SUMO2009 (休眠中) 于 (Sat Jul 30 16:56:35 2011, 美东) 提到:
fionaww (加州无鱼) 于 (Sat Jul 30 21:57:54 2011, 美东) 提到:
lovelypony (pony) 于 (Sat Jul 30 23:16:46 2011, 美东) 提到:

lovelypony (pony) 于 (Sat Jul 30 23:21:15 2011, 美东) 提到:
我会根据自己reading的进展更新楼上的内容 ^-^
autumn33 (cici) 于 (Mon Aug 1 18:28:46 2011, 美东) 提到:
赞一个,关注中 ^_^
1 (共1页)
[合集] -------IVs and Rejections for 2011 Match (IM and FM) ------[合集] CS 过了,复习经验
[合集] --------2011 match neurology IV及Rejection--------[合集] new version CS patient's notes
[合集] 今年Match的同学能帮我们这些没Match的审一下材料吗?[合集] 186表 NOT VALID ,申请遭拒,可以要求退费吗
[合集] [考版人生征文]人生如茶,空杯以对+ Match/面试的一些感受[合集] Match 前还要做哪些准备吗?
[合集] ======2010 MATCH ======[合集] LD Match 的Visa问题
[合集] Match,行百里者半九十[合集] 关于今年match的一点建议,欢迎各位指正补充
求购KAPLAN NOTE[合集] Competition increase in US residency match
[合集] CS 话题 - SOAP note[合集] 2009 Match result的粗浅分析
话题: notes话题: successful