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MedicalCareer版 - 接受prematch,签署letter of intent 后该干什么?
上NRMP发现面试的program只剩下几个名额了拿到prematch offer, 面经
急问:Take prematch 后是不是一定要从NRMP withdraw?刚刚签了IM prematch 的contract, 感触很多
友情提醒,2月23日9PM之前 certify ranking list!U of Maryland / Cleveland Clinic psych programs
关于Unmatched后的SOAPWhat are the best questions to ask the chairman?
a question about withdrawing match when prematchedTO: "鞋子" "春步"
别忘了注册NRMP关于Main Match Quota Change
NRMP Thinking to stop prematches[合集] &&&match 系列讲座活动征文活动==第3季&&&
Prematched with J1docrockville: [合集] how to mention prematch in a proper wa
话题: prematch话题: match话题: intent话题: letter话题: nrmp
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 81
here is what i know about prematch and i could be wrong.
once u sign the letter of intent, which is signed by PD also. u now have
know locked urself out of match.
u can still attend all the IVs u want. u can even sign another prematch
letter of intent.
but u can not enter a match.
now the details.
1. once u sign the letter. and now u submit ROL for match and u r matched
and try to back-out from other program. the program can inform nrmp and nrmp
will kick u out of participating in match for next 3 yr. read all nrmp
rules on nrmp website. so be very very very careful and don't do anything
stupid like that. DO NOT submit ROL for match, best thing is to withdraw
from match.
2. once u sign the letter and still IV and get another prematch and sign it
and call previous program to cancel, they may not do anything, they will be
upset, but they don't know where u signed new contract. BUT they can inform
ECFMG and then once again u r screwed. read all the fine details on ecfmg.
org for all the things they consider as violation, which in not limited to
exam cheating but deception, fraud, false statement, etc.........
3. if u sign a prematch and u either sign a second prematch or u enter a
match and u r matched somewhere else and then first program let u go clean,
then u can do anything u feel like and be safe.
but thats a wishful thinking.
also note if u attend more IV after signing letter of intent, someone from
new hospital may know people in hospital where u prematched, things can get
ugly if someone finds out. But chance of this happening is rare so not big
bottom line. attend all interview until letter on intent is signed. Once
signed, stop IV, withdraw from match, and have some Goldschlager Cinnamon
Schnapps, or whatever u drink before party, and then party................
again, i could be wrong about all this but reading so many match prematch
posts in last 2 years this is what i know.
发帖数: 26
such a cute baby.
tomato2009, congratulation.
Thank you for your time to coach my iv. Thank you for your instruction.
发帖数: 1745
in order to be out of match, u have to withdraw urself from NRMP or don't
submit ROL at NRMP.

【在 t********9 的大作中提到】
: 各位已经接受prematch或者已经在做residency的学长们,以下是我查到的答案from
: P4USMLE,大家有补充吗?谢谢!
: here is what i know about prematch and i could be wrong.
: once u sign the letter of intent, which is signed by PD also. u now have
: know locked urself out of match.
: u can still attend all the IVs u want. u can even sign another prematch
: letter of intent.
: but u can not enter a match.
: now the details.
: 1. once u sign the letter. and now u submit ROL for match and u r matched

发帖数: 81
您觉得我需要发信问PC是否收到我寄出的letter of intent了吗?
签完letter of intent 就保险了吗?虽然上面说“please be assured this is
strictly routine”但心里老觉得不踏实。
发帖数: 1745
可以发信问啊。收到letter of intent后,什么时候会给你邮寄contract啊。

【在 t********9 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢乖乖虎前辈!
: 您觉得我需要发信问PC是否收到我寄出的letter of intent了吗?
: 签完letter of intent 就保险了吗?虽然上面说“please be assured this is
: strictly routine”但心里老觉得不踏实。

发帖数: 81
letter of intent 上说年薪至少xxx刀,因为医院每年都会制定新的年薪,所以
contract 四月份会寄过来。
tour resident是个超级nice Indian in origin 的小姑娘,还问人家要了email, 回来
发帖数: 1745

【在 t********9 的大作中提到】
: 乖乖虎前辈你好,
: 谢谢指点!
: letter of intent 上说年薪至少xxx刀,因为医院每年都会制定新的年薪,所以
: contract 四月份会寄过来。
: tour resident是个超级nice Indian in origin 的小姑娘,还问人家要了email, 回来
: 才发现因为她名字太长,根本不知道她叫啥。羞愧阿!

发帖数: 81
Thanks cnyn.
You are so welcome.
Again, I would say that I could not have gone so far without help from so
many nice people.
Are you 5007 please?

【在 c**n 的大作中提到】
: such a cute baby.
: tomato2009, congratulation.
: Thank you for your time to coach my iv. Thank you for your instruction.

发帖数: 81
知道里面有个中国resident,今年去fellow了。morning round时还看见个亚裔的,不
sure 是不是老中。

【在 l*******8 的大作中提到】
: 静候佳音吧:)。
: 里面没有中国同胞啊?

1 (共1页)
docrockville: [合集] how to mention prematch in a proper waa question about withdrawing match when prematched
<改编> Gira555: 做好准备,成功Match别忘了注册NRMP
Where to find program prematch info?NRMP Thinking to stop prematches
NRMP中的DIRECTORY中的QUOTA,有人研究过吗?Prematched with J1
上NRMP发现面试的program只剩下几个名额了拿到prematch offer, 面经
急问:Take prematch 后是不是一定要从NRMP withdraw?刚刚签了IM prematch 的contract, 感触很多
友情提醒,2月23日9PM之前 certify ranking list!U of Maryland / Cleveland Clinic psych programs
关于Unmatched后的SOAPWhat are the best questions to ask the chairman?
话题: prematch话题: match话题: intent话题: letter话题: nrmp