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我的externship经历observership and some advice for pathology candidates
[合集] cs attemptsabout externship
Chance of IM interview-a scoring systemUS clinical experience
Any suggestion on Externship?这算是externship吗?
observership opportunity at Queens, NYCmatch 上的同学:Observation not considered as experience?
推荐信可以自己看了以后决定送不送吗externship 9月6号才开始,怎么写进cv里面去呢
请教:Observership 何时 request LORs大家帮我看看如何能成功申请到externship
话题: job话题: 35k话题: year话题: externship
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 93
I work for a small company and will match this year. Shall I quit my job and do externship or observership full time till the end of the year? Loss of salary is like 35,000. But if I can match this year, it is still worthy it. But it is so hard to find a decent job. I am scared if I does not match and will not find a new job in this job market. Can someone give me some advice?
发帖数: 238
It is really a personal decision. If you do need $35K for living, then don't
quit. Nobody can guarantee if you can be matched or not.
Good luck!
发帖数: 656
where are you at this time? you are applying this year?
a few things you need to know.
you don't need to do an observership super long. as long as the observership
lands you a couple of letters, you well achieve the goal. you don't need to
push further unless you want to.
find out how much time you can get without quitting your job. use your
vacation days. if you can request leave of absence, use it. sometimes you
can get 3 months of unpaid days.
good luck!
发帖数: 93
Thanks so much for helping me. I am working on my step 3. I have done 3
months of extenship. Is it long enough?


【在 f*******2 的大作中提到】
: where are you at this time? you are applying this year?
: a few things you need to know.
: you don't need to do an observership super long. as long as the observership
: lands you a couple of letters, you well achieve the goal. you don't need to
: push further unless you want to.
: find out how much time you can get without quitting your job. use your
: vacation days. if you can request leave of absence, use it. sometimes you
: can get 3 months of unpaid days.
: good luck!

发帖数: 93
I can live on my savings for now. But if i will be out of a job longer than
a year, it will be tough. What would you do if you were in my shoes?


【在 A*******0 的大作中提到】
: It is really a personal decision. If you do need $35K for living, then don't
: quit. Nobody can guarantee if you can be matched or not.
: 鱼和熊掌难以兼得。不过好像麦地有些牛人也都得了。
: Good luck!

发帖数: 344
nobody can make decision for another person. it depends on so many other
things. it is your call. $35K sounds like a postdoc job.
发帖数: 93
I know it is my call. But i appreciate your advice. I am thinking of quit
for haf a year. But i might not find another job right away after the
unterview season. What wouod you do if you were me?

【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: nobody can make decision for another person. it depends on so many other
: things. it is your call. $35K sounds like a postdoc job.

发帖数: 344
give up a 35K unsecured job and fight for a >200k opportunity. What will you
lose? If you have GC, you can make 35K waiting tables in a restaurant.
$35K is not a job, it is just temporary time killing activity when you are
searching for other big opportunities. If you believe you deserve better
life than $35K, then go for the Match. You need an externship/
observationship, especially when your scores are not good.
Men believe me, even if you fail, you can find a janitor job making $35k.
发帖数: 2763


【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: give up a 35K unsecured job and fight for a >200k opportunity. What will you
: lose? If you have GC, you can make 35K waiting tables in a restaurant.
: $35K is not a job, it is just temporary time killing activity when you are
: searching for other big opportunities. If you believe you deserve better
: life than $35K, then go for the Match. You need an externship/
: observationship, especially when your scores are not good.
: Men believe me, even if you fail, you can find a janitor job making $35k.

发帖数: 93
35,000 for half a year. From now till the interview season is over. I know
it is not a perfect job, but it is like chicken bones. The real question I
have is how much half a year more externship will help my odds considering I
have done 3 months observership/externship already. I might get more LORs.


【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: give up a 35K unsecured job and fight for a >200k opportunity. What will you
: lose? If you have GC, you can make 35K waiting tables in a restaurant.
: $35K is not a job, it is just temporary time killing activity when you are
: searching for other big opportunities. If you believe you deserve better
: life than $35K, then go for the Match. You need an externship/
: observationship, especially when your scores are not good.
: Men believe me, even if you fail, you can find a janitor job making $35k.

observership opportunity at Queens, NYCobservership and some advice for pathology candidates
请教:Observership 何时 request LORsabout externship
发帖数: 93
btw,my scores are low99/99.


【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: give up a 35K unsecured job and fight for a >200k opportunity. What will you
: lose? If you have GC, you can make 35K waiting tables in a restaurant.
: $35K is not a job, it is just temporary time killing activity when you are
: searching for other big opportunities. If you believe you deserve better
: life than $35K, then go for the Match. You need an externship/
: observationship, especially when your scores are not good.
: Men believe me, even if you fail, you can find a janitor job making $35k.

发帖数: 449
小兄弟,先keep your current job。然后骑驴找马。ob-externship可不能保证match
为据你的理由,“你没有ob-externship 没有美国临床经历,拒了” 但是他们呢,不
发帖数: 140
如果你碰到了心动女生(对不起啊非诚看多了), 你在这儿问,我该追吗?我该不该放弃我这35000的工资去追啊?你说别人该怎么回答你? 我的回答:就看你多喜欢她啦。因为没人比你更清楚你有多喜欢她!
发帖数: 93
I would try to make 200,000 a year first. LOL.

该放弃我这35000的工资去追啊?你说别人该怎么回答你? 我的回答:就看你多

【在 D*********t 的大作中提到】
: 如果你碰到了心动女生(对不起啊非诚看多了), 你在这儿问,我该追吗?我该不该放弃我这35000的工资去追啊?你说别人该怎么回答你? 我的回答:就看你多喜欢她啦。因为没人比你更清楚你有多喜欢她!
发帖数: 93
破釜沉舟需要勇气。 豁出去了。


【在 l*******d 的大作中提到】
: 小兄弟,先keep your current job。然后骑驴找马。ob-externship可不能保证match
: 。那些只是锦上添花。实际上,PD对所谓OB-externship很清楚怎么回事,他们可以作
: 为据你的理由,“你没有ob-externship 没有美国临床经历,拒了” 但是他们呢,不
: 能作为收你的理由,“他有ob,可优秀了”这是笑话。所以,骑驴找马,至少要有个医
: 疗保险,要不就要有学老黑的勇气,病打发了,急诊一趟。不知道住急诊室算不算临床
: 经历,那可是切身体会。

1 (共1页)
大家帮我看看如何能成功申请到externshipAny suggestion on Externship?
CA letter: what did you do since graduating from medical school?observership opportunity at Queens, NYC
求助! 关于externship推荐信可以自己看了以后决定送不送吗
申请加州program的同学注意了请教:Observership 何时 request LORs
我的externship经历observership and some advice for pathology candidates
[合集] cs attemptsabout externship
Chance of IM interview-a scoring systemUS clinical experience
话题: job话题: 35k话题: year话题: externship