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MedicalCareer版 - ACAP anouncement: Kaplan / Dr. Fischer MASTER THE BOARDS STEP 3 BOOK PARTY
用包子换几本书!下载过conrad fischer comprehensive case的大牛请进。
失败的面试教训Master the ward---from Dr. Conrad Fischer
请教:如何在几天时间内尽可能地提高behavior science的成绩Step 2 conrad fischer video help please!
求----Conrad Fischer MD (2006)Kaplan ethics:100 cases。谢谢。2009 NYC/Philly ACAP SRF CMG mock interview program application
Comprehensive Cases with Dr. Conrad Fischer!iphone下的学习软件
我骂了Doctor Conrad FischerNew York Hospital Queens Surgery OB报名(请版主顶置两
MTB 2 & 3医学检验的学生可以在美国做啥呢
对MTB3这本书的疑问[诚邀加盟]ACAP SRF committee
话题: step话题: kaplan话题: fischer话题: master话题: dr
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 26
The follwoing message is from Kaplan.
Kaplan cordially invite NY/NJ/CT Residents to our national book party
release in NYC to celebrate the launch of Dr. Conrad Fischer's MASTER
THEBOARDS USMLE STEP 3! We will be giving away complimentary copies of the
book to those who pre-register for this event. MASTERTHE BOARDS STEP 3 BOOK
Come join us and meet theauthor as we launch our newest edition of Master
the Board's USMLE Step3 2nd Edition, Dr. Conrad Fischer
Monday,June 25 @ 6:30PM
ManhattanMidtown Kaplan Center
131West 56th Street, New York, NY 10019
Complimentary Hors d’oeures &Drinks Served.
Allresidents who pre register will receive a FREECOPY!
· A step-by-step approach to must-know concepts on the exam
· Keys to diagnosis, prognosis, and course of treatment for
specificconditions, in sequential order
· Diagrams, charts, images, and sidebars to aid in recall
andretention for this broad-ranging exam
· Review of computer-based case simulations (CCS), which make up
20percent of a student’s final score
· The onlyfull-color, outline-style resource on the market for the
USMLE Step 3 exam.
This event is exclusive to NY/NJ/CT Residents.
The event is free but space is limited. If you are interested in attending
please go to http://www.formstack.com/forms/?1199870-X2QcSocPgs for pre-regisster, or send an email to N**********[email protected] to reserve your seat.
发帖数: 238
Thanks for sharing. I wish I could be one of NY/NJ/CT Residents :-)
After someone gets the new MTB step 3, can you please share your options on
the book? Is it much better than the previous version? Or just about the
发帖数: 258
Jealous too.
发帖数: 805
I was registered. However can not make it to NYC on Monday. If someone can
make it that day, you can take my book. Please contact me through email.
1 (共1页)
[诚邀加盟]ACAP SRF committeeComprehensive Cases with Dr. Conrad Fischer!
再见了 USMLE--祝大家都match上!我骂了Doctor Conrad Fischer
5/6 ACAP后:关于病理申请MTB 2 & 3
usmle video cours for step 2对MTB3这本书的疑问
用包子换几本书!下载过conrad fischer comprehensive case的大牛请进。
失败的面试教训Master the ward---from Dr. Conrad Fischer
请教:如何在几天时间内尽可能地提高behavior science的成绩Step 2 conrad fischer video help please!
求----Conrad Fischer MD (2006)Kaplan ethics:100 cases。谢谢。2009 NYC/Philly ACAP SRF CMG mock interview program application
话题: step话题: kaplan话题: fischer话题: master话题: dr