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MedicalCareer版 - [合集] What is your priority?
[合集] how old is too old? Is there a big difference for CMG[合集] 有同学有auther的联系方式吗?
[合集] LD Match 的Visa问题[合集] 迟到的cs经
[合集] CK复习求建议[合集] Raynoldy’s 4 years with the USMLE & Match
[合集] 你最想看谁第一个奔???MD2009: [合集] Email or thank you card after interview
[合集] 我的内科ps8股文Who has goljan notes?
[合集] how to survive the first year of residency??请问申请dental school需要做OB吗?
[合集] Match,行百里者半九十form 327-A
[合集] step2 CS class in Palo AltoWhat's new in 2008-2009 lecture notes.
话题: what话题: priority
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2180
kitty2010 (美丽) 于 (Wed Apr 18 20:10:36 2012, 美东) 提到:
woshiyizhiyu (小鱼儿) 于 (Wed Apr 18 21:05:15 2012, 美东) 提到:
I dont know what kind of residency training you are in: internal medicine (
IM), pathology, etc…
For IM, there are not too many exams, except the in-service. Board exam, you
dont have to worry about it during a second year, save it for the 3rd year.

Generally speaking, the best way to prep for exams is to read about each
case you have taken care of, that way, you would always build up your
experience and knowledge, and remember them very well. Keep in mind, most of
the time, you will have the similar cases again and again. So try to see a
first one, practice the 2nd and 3rd one, and master the 4th or 5th one… And
you will find out that exams usually focus on common clinic problems. MKSAP
is a good source for reading.
The other question for a 2nd year resident is, what is your plan after
graduation: fellowship or job. If fellowship, you may need to work on
electives, recommendation letters, application… if job, if you want to be a
PCP, try to do some more ambulatory rotations such as derm…, if you want
to do a hospitalist, you may need to spend more time in inpatient rotations
as well as procedures…
Lastly, talk to the seniors in your program, or the people in your same
class, find out in which way the exam results may affect you, and how they
are dealing with the situation you are facing…
Just my 2 cents…
kitty2010 (美丽) 于 (Wed Apr 18 21:44:47 2012, 美东) 提到:
Wonderful, I love it!

1 (共1页)
What's new in 2008-2009 lecture notes.[合集] 我的内科ps8股文
To againstwind: urgent help[合集] how to survive the first year of residency??
what time is best for iv if you want prematch?[合集] Match,行百里者半九十
Interview at UCLA[合集] step2 CS class in Palo Alto
[合集] how old is too old? Is there a big difference for CMG[合集] 有同学有auther的联系方式吗?
[合集] LD Match 的Visa问题[合集] 迟到的cs经
[合集] CK复习求建议[合集] Raynoldy’s 4 years with the USMLE & Match
[合集] 你最想看谁第一个奔???MD2009: [合集] Email or thank you card after interview
话题: what话题: priority