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MedicalCareer版 - China Opportunity _Principal Scientist or Sr. Scientists
有考medical laboratory scientist的吗?推荐信的问题
Medical laboratory scientists关于推荐信三问
有谁对 Clinical Laboratory Scientist / Medical Technologist 感兴趣?在加州做image scientist薪水一般有多少?
match Q about physician scientist加州的image scientist薪水一般多少?
CLS (Clinical Laboratory Scientists)聘兼职科技人员
想找个research scientist(心血管方向的)的工作在洛杉矶怎样能拿到Clinical Laboratory Scientist Liscence? 什么学校提供课程? 大谢!!!
Medical Laboratory Scientist/Technician有了解physician scientist training residency pathway的吗
[Premed] 再讨论一下, why medicine想当physician-scientist 求指点
话题: china话题: scientist话题: principal话题: scientists话题: sr
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7
关键字: Principal Scientist or Sr. Scientists in Molecular Biology(I.e. protein expression in E. coli) / Preformulation & Biophysics Characterization (HPLC expert)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 23 07:52:18 2012, 美东)
We are retained by a global Pharma company in China to find Principal
Scientist or Sr. Scientists in Molecular Biology(I.e. protein expression in
E. coli) / Preformulation & Biophysics Characterization (HPLC expert).
Would you consider working (back) in China? Perhaps we could arrange a brief
call to discuss your background and future goals in detail to see whether
it is a fit with our opportunity. Please advise a good time and number to
reach you on and look forward to speaking with you soon. Pls contact me for
further details.
Pls send your mail to m*********[email protected]
PS If you could also send me a copy of your resume before our call, I would
appreciate it.
Kind Regards,
Mandy Jiang
Plaza 66Tower 2, 47/F
1366 Nanjing Road West
Shanghai, PRC
T: +86 21 5108 1272
F: +86 21 5108 1269
E: m*********[email protected]
Website: www.fosterpartnersgroup.com
1 (共1页)
想当physician-scientist 求指点CLS (Clinical Laboratory Scientists)
求教: 有人了解clinical research scientist 这个career path想找个research scientist(心血管方向的)的工作
Mandy - 抱怨一下:有没有MM像我这样的情况Medical Laboratory Scientist/Technician
请问关于ABR和ABMP[Premed] 再讨论一下, why medicine
有考medical laboratory scientist的吗?推荐信的问题
Medical laboratory scientists关于推荐信三问
有谁对 Clinical Laboratory Scientist / Medical Technologist 感兴趣?在加州做image scientist薪水一般有多少?
match Q about physician scientist加州的image scientist薪水一般多少?
话题: china话题: scientist话题: principal话题: scientists话题: sr