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MedicalCareer版 - [合集] second look
SleepyCoffee 俺的野路子:就要去second look,我要怎么才能促成卖掉
About Thanks Letter and Second Look
[合集] 考过CS的请给指点下,多谢!
[合集] 看看这家program的要求,正在考试的同学们尽量考高分吧
诚心请教:second look opportunity
关于IM interview后Second Visit
second look
[合集] 成功之前没有人帮你
eb1a, you'd try it if u got phd
我想问问关于physician scientist track
话题: second话题: look话题: 于用
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2180
doctorvivian (巧克力) 于 (Mon Dec 17 13:01:28 2012, 美东) 提到:
最近有个second look, 可是心里没底儿。 究竟second look 在评分中占多大比重呢?
应该注意些什么, 怎么样behave才能获得最大的认可呢?
请高手或过来人指教! 多谢!
tamrcss (tamrcss) 于 (Mon Dec 17 15:09:53 2012, 美东) 提到:
Your second look will have no effect on a program's ROL. Instead, it's an
opportunity for you to learn more about the program and further assess fit
hmis (hmis) 于 (Mon Dec 17 22:06:18 2012, 美东) 提到:
说是不占分数,理论上PD不会知道谁来谁没来。 但是,一切皆有可能。
着装得体,大方,知道的说,不知道的就不说。 不用过于紧张。 就是看看他们一天都
lihangchen (lihang_chen) 于 (Fri Dec 21 19:53:33 2012, 美东) 提到:
I did it. Second look. Like one day OB. You at least did something. But the
PD did know that.
skyscorpio (天之蝎子) 于 (Fri Dec 21 21:54:40 2012, 美东) 提到:
决定rank list的依据。
Wingmildor (Wing) 于 (Tue Dec 25 01:43:21 2012, 美东) 提到:
Second look only tells the program that you are very interest in them. You
should treat as if it is an interview because it is a good opportunity to
leave positive impression to whoever you are going to meet (although the
chance is very remote). Second look generally doesn't affect your ranking.
However, if you made to the cut (will be ranked), your interest to the
program might make you rank one or two position higher than you originally
MADMD (麦地PANGPANG) 于 (Tue Dec 25 16:17:05 2012, 美东) 提到:
Congratulations, receiving a second look invitation from a residency program
means you have made the first tier on the rank list.
Here is what has happened at my program. We have 8 PGY-1 positions and have
received over 900 completed applications.
1. After reviewed by our program coordinator according to some screening
standards such as USMLE scores, graduation year limit and visa status, about
100 applicants received phone interviews.
2. Then 80 out of these 100 phone interviewed applicants were invited for in
person interview.
3. Then 20 out of these 80 interviewed applicants are invited for a second
4. “跟每个人都小心一点,要记住你的身份,要professional”. Totally agree
with this great suggestion. Especially pay attention to the medical students
in the team. If you become a resident at an university program, you will
teach medical students. So sometimes the medical students are told to ask
you specific questions in order to access your knowledge and teaching
ability. So be prepared and be confident to speak up.
5. By the way, even if you recognize the resident/fellow who shows you and
other applicants around is a Chinese, do not speak to the host resident/
fellow in Chinese. It is not polite to others without speaking English
during your interview.

Overall, second look is important and may increase the chance for you to
match. Good luck!

dealseaker (deals) 于 (Tue Dec 25 16:30:26 2012, 美东) 提到:
现在又整出个step 5: second look? 以前match成功的都有second look(s)吗?
Lilia2009 (小荷才露尖尖角) 于 (Tue Dec 25 20:59:03 2012, 美东) 提到:
step 4是啥?
gomatch (goma) 于 (Tue Dec 25 21:03:12 2012, 美东) 提到:
green card
Lilia2009 (小荷才露尖尖角) 于 (Wed Dec 26 00:41:16 2012, 美东) 提到:
doctorvivian (巧克力) 于 (Wed Dec 26 09:47:15 2012, 美东) 提到:
感谢指点! 确实要好好的准备。。。面试机会本来就不多!
bythesea (冬眠) 于 (Wed Dec 26 10:05:48 2012, 美东) 提到:
以前咖啡的帖子应该也是有些启发的,虽然不是match. 道理是一样的。
Second look 是学习的机会,是增加相互交流和了解的机会。 应当和面试一样小心。
不用紧张和功利,用平常心和common sense 想,不要给别人增加麻烦。 不打断人家的
日常工作, 不该问就别问,不该说就不说。 举手之劳能帮助就帮助. 处理不好,也是
memorize (memorize) 于 (Thu Dec 27 18:08:03 2012, 美东) 提到:
Second look.
如果你能达到coffee 的水平,肯定是必须去,可以加分。
但是如果 自己平时都不善于用英语聊天或者对自己的交际能力没有100%的自信,那么
1 (共1页)
我想问问关于physician scientist track
second visit after residency interview
谁有FA Q and A second edition的, 给个链接吧
[Premed] 真诚请教,要念Second Bac吗
want to buy a second hand RRP.
my future?
俺的野路子:就要去second look,我要怎么才能促成卖掉?
向Sleepycoffee MM 敬礼!
申请医学职业版板斧 (转载)
prematch and match
话题: second话题: look话题: 于用