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MedicalCareer版 - [合集] CS passed, I felt more relieved than happy.
CS passed, I felt more relieved than happy.关于心音
About Phone interview!关于interview的非常着急的几个问题
Match 咨询服务谁知道怎样找 interview tutor
Dr. Wing mock interviewPassed CS!
如何去提高发音练习?该上什么课? 谢谢!CS pass 的一些经验和体会
Summary of CS talk by lovelypony请推荐有经验的interview tutor
8.12 match talkCS tutor
Passed step 3!也来说说Dr. Wing mock interview后的感受
话题: cs话题: relieved话题: than话题: felt话题: more
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1904
ba6345 (Lisa) 于 (Fri Jun 22 15:10:03 2012, 美东) 提到:
This test is not as easy as everybody said, since you do not know whether
your performance is well above the gated criteria and no one even knows
where the bar is. I felt extremely intimidated by this exam at the beginning
, so I went straight to NJ CS 2 day class and personal tutor. Now, as I
looked back, I think my choices were absolutely right. With their help, I
realized that my spoken English is not as good as I thought and I need to
mesmerize phrases which I’ll use for asking patient’s histories. My tutor
tried to pump me up by saying American students usually spend 2 years to
prepare for it, you know, clinical rotations and such, but we IMGs only got
2 months, so what do I expect? I appreciate his kind words, but my concern
is does anyone care? I know given the short period and English is not my
native language, I’m already doing very well. But, I guess what the
programs really want to see is just a PASS. So, I was really scared and
constantly seek reassurance from my tutor, my partners, and my husband. Now,
I got my result, and it’s a PASS, I felt more relieved than happy….
RBC120 (LTC) 于 (Fri Jun 22 15:51:18 2012, 美东) 提到:
Psalmist (I'LL BE BACK!) 于 (Fri Jun 22 16:18:49 2012, 美东) 提到:
cynthia09 (月光女神) 于 (Sat Jun 30 19:30:21 2012, 美东) 提到:
congrats... so happy for all of us!
thank you for your support
tamrcss (tamrcss) 于 (Tue Jul 3 20:44:14 2012, 美东) 提到:
Con! Lisa

hCSSCs (hCSSCs) 于 (Tue Jul 3 23:18:36 2012, 美东) 提到:
hCSSCs (hCSSCs) 于 (Tue Jul 3 23:18:41 2012, 美东) 提到:
ba6345 (Lisa) 于 (Tue Jul 3 23:34:07 2012, 美东) 提到:
milkshake (lottery) 于 (Wed Jul 4 14:43:57 2012, 美东) 提到:
I over prepared for it too. It paid off. I got an American friend who
listened in my consult with my partner and made sure he understand every
word I was saying. I figured better spoken English will help me at
interviews and so the time I put in will help me more than just CS.
1 (共1页)
也来说说Dr. Wing mock interview后的感受如何去提高发音练习?该上什么课? 谢谢!
CMG step2cs 通过率到底有多少?Summary of CS talk by lovelypony
Interview tutor I used8.12 match talk
cs paSSPassed step 3!
CS passed, I felt more relieved than happy.关于心音
About Phone interview!关于interview的非常着急的几个问题
Match 咨询服务谁知道怎样找 interview tutor
Dr. Wing mock interviewPassed CS!
话题: cs话题: relieved话题: than话题: felt话题: more