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MedicalCareer版 - 今年match的同学们要看清医院的金融情况
Match要趁早,数据分析Match趋势(2013-2017)PGY-2/R1 radiology residency 的空位
interesting story: Man Tried to Bribe Hospital For Residency SlotsEAD and Visa choice in ERAS?
Nuclear Medicine residency position availablePreliminary Impression on Yale Surgery
Step 3 报名问题请教Quitting Ph.D.
IMG 的 春天要来了 ACGME和AOA要合并了今年是jama说的us med graduate surpass residency slot的第一年
为什么美国医生shortage, 但是ACGME residency spots不增加?我的看法need Advise for fellowship without residence
话题: program话题: displaced话题: resident话题: residents话题: hospital
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 93
发帖数: 253
发帖数: 51
co 还有这种事啊?哪里能查到医院的金融情况呢?
pat pat lz.
发帖数: 498
发帖数: 2031
除非破产关门,一般医院的residency program不会有很大变化。
和benefit会改变。唯一不会有任何改变的就是residency program。

【在 m*******e 的大作中提到】
: 血泪教训
: prematch就屁颠屁颠去了。
: 上岗没两月,医院就疯传关门/合并了
: 要关不关的最抓急,
: 想动不敢动,想申不敢申今年的阿。。

发帖数: 236
是不是NY downtown hospital?

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

【在 m*******e 的大作中提到】
: 血泪教训
: prematch就屁颠屁颠去了。
: 上岗没两月,医院就疯传关门/合并了
: 要关不关的最抓急,
: 想动不敢动,想申不敢申今年的阿。。

发帖数: 93
Here is the answer I got:
If your "home" hospital has enough slots to cover all its residents, then
your "host" hospital can enter an agreement with your home hospital to
receive temporary slots. These slots expire upon the completion of the
displaced residents' training.
There is then an application process, through which all hospitals in the
country can compete for the permanent slots associated with the closed
hospital. Hospitals in the same geographic region as the closed hospital
have priority for getting those permanent slots.

【在 a****n 的大作中提到】
: 除非破产关门,一般医院的residency program不会有很大变化。
: 俺们现在这个医院也因为财务原因正在被兼并
: 医院所有staff都需要向新雇主重新申请工作岗位,所有attending职位不变,但是收入
: 和benefit会改变。唯一不会有任何改变的就是residency program。

发帖数: 93
Faq from interfaith hospital closing committee:
Answers to Some Questions About Residency Program Closures
Posted on August 1, 2013 by Heather Appel
What does it mean to be a “displaced” (“orphaned”) resident? And will I
become a “displaced” resident if my program is reduced?
A “displaced resident” is defined as a resident who was training at a
hospital up to the point that the program completely closed. Federal money
for the displaced resident slot can be transferred to a receiving program.
If your program is downsized, you do not become a displaced resident.
Will the Residency Review Committee (RRC) for my specialty help me find a
new position if my program closes?
No. The RRCs are not in the business of finding new placements for residents
displaced by program closures or reductions. They will not provide any
Will CIR help me find a new position if my program closes?
To a limited degree. CIR is a labor union that does collective bargaining
for 13,000 residents at numerous hospitals around the country; unfortunately
, we are not set up to act as a resident placement service. Nonetheless, in
the event of residency program closures or reductions, CIR will contact
programs in all CIR hospitals to ask if they can take on more residents and
then share their responses with Interfaith residents. After that it will be
up to each resident to take steps to secure a placement for him or herself
at any of these hospitals.
Why would another program temporarily add a residency slot?
First, residents provide an economical labor pool for hospital medical
services. But there’s another financial incentive at work in this situation
. Generally, each residency slot is supported by federal money. When a
program closes, each resident is deemed a “displaced resident” (or “
orphan”) and federal money for the displaced residents’ slots can be
transferred to receiving programs. Federal money for the displaced slots are
available to the receiving program only long enough for each displaced
resident in the receiving program to complete their residency.
If I leave before the program closes, am I entitled to “displaced resident
” status?
No. A “displaced resident” is defined as a resident who was training at a
hospital up to the point that the program completely closed.
Would fellows also be able to get “displaced resident” (“orphan”) status?
If the fellowship is ACGME-accredited, yes; if it is not, no. ACGME-
accredited fellowships are subspecialty residencies and are supported by
federal funding for residencies. If a fellow is in a program when it closes,
then that fellow will be eligible for “displaced resident” status.
Do residents who are in H-1B status have any additional issues to consider?
Yes. In order to remain in the United States, residents in H-1B status
cannot have any time gap – not even one day – between the date they finish
at the closing program and the date they start at the receiving program.
Residents in H-1B status cannot start work before a new H-1B petition has
been filed by the receiving program. Residents in H-1B status must get
accepted by a receiving program sufficiently in advance of the closure of
their existing program to allow time for a new H-1B petition to be filed
before they begin work at the receiving program.
What additional issues are there for residents in J1 status to consider?
Like residents in H-1B status, residents in J-1 status cannot have any time
gap between the date they finish at the closing program and the date they
start at the new program. Before they start at the new program, they must
have applied for and received approval from the Educational Commission for
Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) for the new program. ECFMG takes about
four weeks to process an application.
发帖数: 3319
发帖数: 140
For those who have connections, this is a wonderful opportunity to transfer
to their targeted programs. I know a similar situation occurred in another
hospital,and someone even got into top notched program!!! Good luck!
发帖数: 1568
Interfaith 这家医院规模太小,外加管理不善。护士懒得跟猪一样。不关就怪了。下
家不好说,你们不远的那家maimonides 不知道是否愿意收购


【在 m*******e 的大作中提到】
: Faq from interfaith hospital closing committee:
: Answers to Some Questions About Residency Program Closures
: Posted on August 1, 2013 by Heather Appel
: What does it mean to be a “displaced” (“orphaned”) resident? And will I
: become a “displaced” resident if my program is reduced?
: A “displaced resident” is defined as a resident who was training at a
: hospital up to the point that the program completely closed. Federal money
: for the displaced resident slot can be transferred to a receiving program.
: If your program is downsized, you do not become a displaced resident.
: Will the Residency Review Committee (RRC) for my specialty help me find a

发帖数: 93

【在 n****r 的大作中提到】
: Interfaith 这家医院规模太小,外加管理不善。护士懒得跟猪一样。不关就怪了。下
: 家不好说,你们不远的那家maimonides 不知道是否愿意收购
: I

发帖数: 212

First, find out if they will keep the resident program. Be careful if they
play game with you. You should expect resident contract renewal in December
for next PGY. Stay with CIR, at least they can provide some guidance.
Second, if they decide to close resident program (they may still run the
hospital as non teaching hospital), find out if you will be displaced with
federal funding (so u r orphan). It's easy to find pgy2 or 3 positions as
orphan since many programs can apply for extra spots. Find out this ASAP. If
you are not going with funding, find couple resident representatives to
negotiate with hospital. Ask them to give you full support on finding spots.
For example, organizing job affair, sending out letters. Most importantly,
they have to provide each resident with educational funding no matter how
they accomplish that.
It's difficult but not as much as match, which you had succeeded. Hope they
will keep residents there so u won't have to go through all the trouble.

【在 m*******e 的大作中提到】
: 如果合并后,大换血,是不是funding就没有了。
发帖数: 93
Thank you so much for so detailed information. As I understand it, if the
hospital closes, or the whole program is closed, I am classified as
displaced resident with funding going with me. But if they fire all
residents and recruit new ones, I will be out of luck.


【在 m********e 的大作中提到】
: First, find out if they will keep the resident program. Be careful if they
: play game with you. You should expect resident contract renewal in December
: for next PGY. Stay with CIR, at least they can provide some guidance.
: Second, if they decide to close resident program (they may still run the
: hospital as non teaching hospital), find out if you will be displaced with
: federal funding (so u r orphan). It's easy to find pgy2 or 3 positions as
: orphan since many programs can apply for extra spots. Find out this ASAP. If
: you are not going with funding, find couple resident representatives to
: negotiate with hospital. Ask them to give you full support on finding spots.

1 (共1页)
need Advise for fellowship without residence跳过residency,直接做fellowship途径是否对中国开放
residentIMG 的 春天要来了 ACGME和AOA要合并了
can we use OPT to do residency?有没有做完fellow。。。。
对面试成功的没有看法的看法为什么美国医生shortage, 但是ACGME residency spots不增加?我的看法
Match要趁早,数据分析Match趋势(2013-2017)PGY-2/R1 radiology residency 的空位
interesting story: Man Tried to Bribe Hospital For Residency SlotsEAD and Visa choice in ERAS?
Nuclear Medicine residency position availablePreliminary Impression on Yale Surgery
Step 3 报名问题请教Quitting Ph.D.
话题: program话题: displaced话题: resident话题: residents话题: hospital