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Medicalpractice版 - Guinea deaths: Ebola blamed for deadly fever outbreak zt
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话题: guinea话题: ebola话题: outbreak话题: fever话题: outbreaks
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1568
The Ebola virus has been identified as the cause of an outbreak of
haemorrhagic fever now believed to have killed nearly 60 people in southern
Guinea, government officials say.
Scores of cases have been recorded since the outbreak began early last month.
There is no known cure or vaccine for the highly contagious Ebola virus.
It is spread by close personal contact with people who are infected and
kills between 25% and 90% of victims.
Symptoms include internal and external bleeding, diarrhoea and vomiting.
Outbreaks of Ebola occur primarily in remote villages in Central and West
Africa, near tropical rainforests, the World Health Organization says.
Analysts suggest it has never been recorded in Guinea before.
Recent years have seen outbreaks in Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo.
"We got the first results from Lyon yesterday (Friday) which informed us of
the presence of the Ebola virus as the cause of this outbreak," Guinean
health ministry official Sakoba Keita told AFP.
"The Ebola fever epidemic raging in southern Guinea since 9 February has
left at least 59 dead out of 80 cases identified by our services on the
"We are overwhelmed in the field, we are fighting against this epidemic with
all the means we have at our disposal with the help of our partners but it
is difficult."
Medical aid charity Medecins sans Frontieres said on Saturday it would
strengthen its team in Guinea and fly some 33 tonnes of drugs and isolation
equipment in from Belgium and France.
Dr Armand Sprecher, an emergency physician and epidemiologist working with
MSF in Guinea, told the BBC that doctors had to identify all patients with
the disease and monitor anyone they had been in contact with during their
The latest outbreak could be brought under control if people acted quickly,
he said.
"Based on our history with these sorts of outbreaks it will happen. Ideally,
sooner rather than later," said Dr Sprecher.
"The more quickly we can contain this the fewer cases we'll have, then the
smaller the scale of the epidemic. That's the idea of going in as strong as
we can early on
发帖数: 9638
Interesting, thanks for sharing

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.6

【在 n****r 的大作中提到】
: The Ebola virus has been identified as the cause of an outbreak of
: haemorrhagic fever now believed to have killed nearly 60 people in southern
: Guinea, government officials say.
: Scores of cases have been recorded since the outbreak began early last month.
: There is no known cure or vaccine for the highly contagious Ebola virus.
: It is spread by close personal contact with people who are infected and
: kills between 25% and 90% of victims.
: Symptoms include internal and external bleeding, diarrhoea and vomiting.
: Outbreaks of Ebola occur primarily in remote villages in Central and West
: Africa, near tropical rainforests, the World Health Organization says.

1 (共1页)
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话题: guinea话题: ebola话题: outbreak话题: fever话题: outbreaks