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Medicalpractice版 - 运送遗体回国
[参加活动] 行医中的民族风俗讨论点不吉利的话题
请问牙医:洁白牙齿[合集] 求助,爸爸昨天出车祸去世了
ECFMG的Certification of Identification Form有效期?我来请教一个问题我是少见多怪
美国人“入土为安”行情zz这个视频说明川巨巨说谎是不打草稿的,而且没有common sense
葬礼花了四万?能稍微省点花么?AAPI initiative
各大报纸 Military funeral sought for Peter WangMy preparation materials for parents visa (4)
话题: require话题: funeral话题: remains话题: affidavit话题: countries
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 106
我爸的病情很不乐观,家里人希望他要是万一过世了把遗体运回国。人在Houston, 有
人有经验使用或推荐international funeral shipping吗
发帖数: 991
To ship a body from the United States to a foreign country:
1.The family you're serving should provide the name of the funeral home in
the receiving country, but always contact that firm personally to verify
that it will receive the body and that no other requirements are needed.
2.Embalm the remains according to U. S. standards.
3.Include the following:
a.Communicable Disease Affidavit.
6.Embalmers Affidavit (on your funeral home's letterhead). This item
explains the embalming procedure, provides the name of the embalmer and his
or her license number, and verifies that the body was prepared according to
international regulations and the caskets contains no foreign contraband.
c.At least two certified copies of the death certificate.
d.The Burial/Transfer Permit.
e.Appropriate authorization forms.(NFDA member log-in required)
4.Include notarized versions of all original documents (and keep copies for
your files).
5.Ship the passport of the deceased.
6.List the complete name, address and phone number of the person or funeral
home receiving the remains abroad.
7.Ship the remains in a hermetically sealed casket or Ziegler case.
8.Factors to verify regarding the outer shipping containers: Some countries
will accept Air Trays, others require all-wood boxes and still others
require zinc-lined wood boxes. Many countries now also require all outer
shipping containers to bear the "No Bug" stamp.
9.Include paperwork showing the complete flight itinerary of the remains.
10.Note that some consulates require an inspection, so make sure you allow
time for this based on the arrival deadline.
11.Some countries, including Spain and Mexico, require translation of all
documents into their language, so be sure to build in time for this as well.
1 (共1页)
My preparation materials for parents visa (4)葬礼花了四万?能稍微省点花么?
EB1A等了快三年 等来个面试 怎么要带的材料都是婚姻绿卡的各大报纸 Military funeral sought for Peter Wang
[参加活动] 行医中的民族风俗讨论点不吉利的话题
请问牙医:洁白牙齿[合集] 求助,爸爸昨天出车祸去世了
ECFMG的Certification of Identification Form有效期?我来请教一个问题我是少见多怪
美国人“入土为安”行情zz这个视频说明川巨巨说谎是不打草稿的,而且没有common sense
话题: require话题: funeral话题: remains话题: affidavit话题: countries