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Medicine版 - How to bring my father to the US for medical treatment?
这是腰椎间盘突出吗?该怎么治疗?谢谢了!! (转载)请问MRI(核磁共振)可以查出恶性肿瘤吗
[求助] 宝宝的了重病------update (转载)请教一下各位医学达人:有关良性的星型细胞瘤
Seeking Opinions. Wife might have brain tumor?atypical lung carcinoid
急求助:爸爸stroke症状住院 医生查不出问题请教关于突发性骨髓瘤
话题: he话题: my话题: his话题: father话题: pet
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 99
my father is in China and he was diagnosed diabetes months ago and started
having insulin injections. He could walk at that time but he felt that his
legs are very weak. Then two weeks ago, he started to lose his control of
his legs and now he totally paralyzed. He cannot walk and also lost the
control of his arms and hands. He has prostate trouble, but the doctors have
ruled out the prostate cancer. The doctors suspect the sudden paralysis was
caused by his neck problem. But a week passed, they
发帖数: 769

understands your frustration but it will cost you lots of money especially
he is uninsured with pre-existing ocndition,
does he have any trouble control his bladder or bowel movement? i guess i'm
trying to figure out if he has incontient problems, from very limited
information you provided, the differentials are very wide, from stroke to
cervical spinal cord disease to even GBS,
would be nice to know if it's upper neuron or lower neuron, simple way it to
test is to see if his ref

【在 g****h 的大作中提到】
: my father is in China and he was diagnosed diabetes months ago and started
: having insulin injections. He could walk at that time but he felt that his
: legs are very weak. Then two weeks ago, he started to lose his control of
: his legs and now he totally paralyzed. He cannot walk and also lost the
: control of his arms and hands. He has prostate trouble, but the doctors have
: ruled out the prostate cancer. The doctors suspect the sudden paralysis was
: caused by his neck problem. But a week passed, they

发帖数: 99
Thank you so much for your attention and insights!
My father could not pee for a whole day on Jan. 5th and since then he has
been using Dao Niao Guan. I do not know whether he has incontinent problem
or not. I will ask my mom to ask the doctor to check with his reflex and
find out if it is upper neuron or lower neuron problem. My mother told me
that his thumbs seem thrinked.
I also suspect whether it has something to do with his arthritis. He thought
he was getting better, so moved to a cheaper
发帖数: 769
do not think there is any role of PET scan in this circumstance, PET scan is
mostly used for detecting cancer activities, i think there is an
experimental study evaluating PET scan in detection or follow up of
rheumatoid arthritis,
PET is very expensive and has large amount of radiaiton exposure,
I would think he needs a MRI of the brain, and if the MRI of the neck was ok
(that is, no spinal cord compromise), then he might need EMG or a spinal tap
, depends on his history and physical exam, not
发帖数: 99
Thank you!!! I will tell what you suggested to my mother and she will ask
the doctor about the EMG or a spinal tap. And I will report here if there is
any progress. I really appreciate you for taking time to reply to my post.
You might save my father.


【在 f******I 的大作中提到】
: do not think there is any role of PET scan in this circumstance, PET scan is
: mostly used for detecting cancer activities, i think there is an
: experimental study evaluating PET scan in detection or follow up of
: rheumatoid arthritis,
: PET is very expensive and has large amount of radiaiton exposure,
: I would think he needs a MRI of the brain, and if the MRI of the neck was ok
: (that is, no spinal cord compromise), then he might need EMG or a spinal tap
: , depends on his history and physical exam, not

发帖数: 2046


【在 g****h 的大作中提到】
: Thank you so much for your attention and insights!
: My father could not pee for a whole day on Jan. 5th and since then he has
: been using Dao Niao Guan. I do not know whether he has incontinent problem
: or not. I will ask my mom to ask the doctor to check with his reflex and
: find out if it is upper neuron or lower neuron problem. My mother told me
: that his thumbs seem thrinked.
: I also suspect whether it has something to do with his arthritis. He thought
: he was getting better, so moved to a cheaper

发帖数: 769

wait, i'm not saying he should definitely get a spinal tap or EMG, since
there isn't enough detailed information, his symptoms could be neurological,
musculoskeletal, or metabolic, you cannot shot gun ordering all the tests
and imaging studies and lab works without a good history and physical exam
to give you clues of what you are looking for,
you need to ask the doctor why he suggested PET, is he concerned with cancer
i'm just having a bad feeling that they want to order PET scan for fi

【在 g****h 的大作中提到】
: Thank you!!! I will tell what you suggested to my mother and she will ask
: the doctor about the EMG or a spinal tap. And I will report here if there is
: any progress. I really appreciate you for taking time to reply to my post.
: You might save my father.
: is
: ok
: tap
: would

发帖数: 99
Okay, I understand.
They ruled out the possiblity of Prostate cancer. I am not sure whether the
doctors are thinking about other cancers. I will ask my mother to ask them.
My father has been examined by doctors from the fields in diabetes, prostate
, orthopedics, neurology, and Chinese medicine (acupuncture), etc since he
could not walk on Jan. 4th, but they could not diagnose the reason of the
sudden paralysis and give any effective treatment. I am afraid there is more
severe problem. Or it co
发帖数: 99
My mom just told me that my dad already took a MRI of the brain and no
problem was found. She will ask the doctor about EMG.
发帖数: 769

EMG will tell about any peripheral neuropathy,
without any detailed information, all we have right now is a negative MRI of
the brain, negative MRI of the spinal cord(cervical? or the whole spine?),
and his symptoms started with bilateral legs weakness not too long ago but
now is ascending to his arms/hands,
if he has diminished reflex, then i would think he needs a lumbar puncture
to rule out GBS, guillain barre syndrome is a progressive symmetrical muscle
weakness most often starts form legs

【在 g****h 的大作中提到】
: My mom just told me that my dad already took a MRI of the brain and no
: problem was found. She will ask the doctor about EMG.

发帖数: 99
My father is finally diagnosed. The neck CT results revealed that he has 脊
髓型颈椎病. The doctors recommended that he got surgery in Beijing ASAP. I
will post for recommendations of the doctors or hopitals in Beijing that are
best in curing 脊髓型颈椎病. If you have any ideas, please reply to. Thank


【在 f******I 的大作中提到】
: EMG will tell about any peripheral neuropathy,
: without any detailed information, all we have right now is a negative MRI of
: the brain, negative MRI of the spinal cord(cervical? or the whole spine?),
: and his symptoms started with bilateral legs weakness not too long ago but
: now is ascending to his arms/hands,
: if he has diminished reflex, then i would think he needs a lumbar puncture
: to rule out GBS, guillain barre syndrome is a progressive symmetrical muscle
: weakness most often starts form legs

1 (共1页)
心急火燎, 恳请各位帮忙!!!!!!!!!!!!Seeking Opinions. Wife might have brain tumor?
求医问药 -- 我父亲的颈椎问题急求助:爸爸stroke症状住院 医生查不出问题
这是腰椎间盘突出吗?该怎么治疗?谢谢了!! (转载)请问MRI(核磁共振)可以查出恶性肿瘤吗
[求助] 宝宝的了重病------update (转载)请教一下各位医学达人:有关良性的星型细胞瘤
话题: he话题: my话题: his话题: father话题: pet