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Medicine版 - vitamin D deficiency
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类风湿关节炎是Rheumatoid Arthritis吗?我的肠胃呀, 怎么这么难受?_附endoscopy result, 希望大家能看见这个帖子
cheese & cow's milk OR chicken egg & duck egg: any difference in terms of food sensitivity?求助:急问一个 幼儿的问题
这里有人得 celiac disease 的吗?早产儿疑似NEC,请医生看看
话题: vitamin话题: deficiency话题: disease话题: so话题: level
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 199
家人长期有关节疼痛等毛病, 可一直不能确珍, 化验全正常. 最近来美, 医生查血 发
现他的 vitamin D 25-H 只有 20, 低于正常值.
我查了一下INTERNET, 发现vitamin D deficiency is indeed associated with
symtoms typical of auto-immune disease. 但好象 D deficiency is not a desease
per se, and it seems also controversial how to treat it.
Any thoughts? would be happy to provide additional info if useful. thx.
发帖数: 285

i think you meant the level of 25 hydroxy vit D level is low,
level between 20 to 30 is insufficiency, below 20 is deficiency, don't ask
me the difference, i think it's purely nomenclature,
it is a disease state, and can be treated,
does your family member lives in cold climate with long winters? or he/she
doesn't have much vit D intake? or maybe has underlying absorption problems
like crohn's disease, celiac disease? more details would be helpful,

【在 on 的大作中提到】
: 家人长期有关节疼痛等毛病, 可一直不能确珍, 化验全正常. 最近来美, 医生查血 发
: 现他的 vitamin D 25-H 只有 20, 低于正常值.
: 我查了一下INTERNET, 发现vitamin D deficiency is indeed associated with
: symtoms typical of auto-immune disease. 但好象 D deficiency is not a desease
: per se, and it seems also controversial how to treat it.
: Any thoughts? would be happy to provide additional info if useful. thx.

发帖数: 199
gomer, thanks for the reply.
No, he lives in shanghai, so I don't think it could be due to malnutrition.
We're not worried or concerned with low level of 25 hydropxy by itself. He
had this sort of autoimmune disease symptoms for many many years, and
doctors did numberous tests to rule out RA, Lucus, MS, or along those lines
(not absolutely sure tho). So we're wondering: can low level 25 hydropxy
really cause so much pains for so long? Or he just happened to be in such
state, and his other symtom

【在 g***r 的大作中提到】
: desease
: i think you meant the level of 25 hydroxy vit D level is low,
: level between 20 to 30 is insufficiency, below 20 is deficiency, don't ask
: me the difference, i think it's purely nomenclature,
: it is a disease state, and can be treated,
: does your family member lives in cold climate with long winters? or he/she
: doesn't have much vit D intake? or maybe has underlying absorption problems
: like crohn's disease, celiac disease? more details would be helpful,

发帖数: 285

low vit D can cause osteomalacia and gives you joint pain, muslce weakness,
a funny looking gait, so on so forth,
not sure what are his symptoms and what detailed his previous work up, if
you can provide more details i'd be happy to take a look with you; but if
you don't know any details, at least make sure he has a ESR(sed rate) and
CRP(c-reactive protein) checked, not sure his age but in elderly with
nonspecific joints pain/muscle weakness, PMR is always a concern, which can

【在 on 的大作中提到】
: gomer, thanks for the reply.
: No, he lives in shanghai, so I don't think it could be due to malnutrition.
: We're not worried or concerned with low level of 25 hydropxy by itself. He
: had this sort of autoimmune disease symptoms for many many years, and
: doctors did numberous tests to rule out RA, Lucus, MS, or along those lines
: (not absolutely sure tho). So we're wondering: can low level 25 hydropxy
: really cause so much pains for so long? Or he just happened to be in such
: state, and his other symtom

发帖数: 447
I did a physical check several weeks ago, the report shows that my Vitamin D
25-Hydroxy is 28, and I need to take Vitamin D. I bought Vitamin D3 from
GNC, it that OK? or should I
have to buy exactly Vitamin D?
Thank you very much.


【在 g***r 的大作中提到】
: .
: lines
: really
: low vit D can cause osteomalacia and gives you joint pain, muslce weakness,
: a funny looking gait, so on so forth,
: not sure what are his symptoms and what detailed his previous work up, if
: you can provide more details i'd be happy to take a look with you; but if
: you don't know any details, at least make sure he has a ESR(sed rate) and
: CRP(c-reactive protein) checked, not sure his age but in elderly with

发帖数: 285

D3 is good, you will need 1000 units a day and takes about 3 months or so to
bring up your level, it's better than D2 form,
just curious why they did a vit D deficiency screening since it's not
routinely done,

【在 g********n 的大作中提到】
: Hi,
: I did a physical check several weeks ago, the report shows that my Vitamin D
: 25-Hydroxy is 28, and I need to take Vitamin D. I bought Vitamin D3 from
: GNC, it that OK? or should I
: have to buy exactly Vitamin D?
: Thank you very much.
: ,
: can

发帖数: 2148
我前几天体检查完也说我VD deficiency,还给我开了个处方维生素片。可我平时也没


【在 g***r 的大作中提到】
: D
: D3 is good, you will need 1000 units a day and takes about 3 months or so to
: bring up your level, it's better than D2 form,
: just curious why they did a vit D deficiency screening since it's not
: routinely done,

发帖数: 2046
我也是啊。其实vd 不需要处方就能买到的。

【在 s*******h 的大作中提到】
: 我前几天体检查完也说我VD deficiency,还给我开了个处方维生素片。可我平时也没
: 有任何症状啊?
: ,
: can

1 (共1页)
求助:国内朋友三个月的孩子反复肠道感染,发热,血小板下降cheese & cow's milk OR chicken egg & duck egg: any difference in terms of food sensitivity?
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帮妈妈的朋友问的,请熟悉Rheumatology的牛人帮忙看看,非常感谢这里有人得 celiac disease 的吗?
体检收到$1200账单,请大家帮忙看看,感激求教: 娃术后变瘸了!!
类风湿关节炎是Rheumatoid Arthritis吗?我的肠胃呀, 怎么这么难受?_附endoscopy result, 希望大家能看见这个帖子
话题: vitamin话题: deficiency话题: disease话题: so话题: level