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Medicine版 - 美国感染ebola病毒患者即将出院
求助!如何在这边买人血白蛋白(serum albumin)ALT (ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE), SERUM 偏高
所谓take with food的药是什么时候服用?请教血项指标
健康知识讲座,Oct. 25, 2008(星期六),下午1点到3点, 休斯敦【求助】右侧腹部不适
弱问下,到底网上能买health insurance吗可以一个人买两份不同的保险吗?
求问一下这两个blood test是查什么的?罕见风湿免疫类(?)怪病求助,跪谢指点
请教pap smear 检查结果US doctor with Ebola arrives in Atlanta(ZZ)
what is wrong with me? please help想自己买保险,有较合适的吗?
我爸现在肾有两个+号了,怎么办??求教:跟chickenpox (varicella) 病人有接触,如何预防?
话题: ebola话题: brantly话题: writebol话题: serum话题: photo
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1182
发帖数: 1182
Aug 21, 2014, 6:15 AM
An American doctor who contracted Ebola will be released today
from Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, with details expected on the
release of a second patient who also contracted the disease.
Ebola Patients to Return Home
AP Photo | simusa.org
Dr. Kent Brantly, 33, contracted the deadly virus while working in a
Liberian Ebola ward with the aid agency Samaritan’s Purse. He was evacuated
to the U.S. earlier this month along with coworker Nancy Writebol.
Brantly is slated to speak at a press conference today, with an update about
Writebol also planned.
What's Happening Now in the Ebola Outbreak
American Doctor With Ebola Received Experimental Antibody Serum Before U.S.
How Did Ebola Patients Get Experimental Serum?
Brantly is the first-ever Ebola patient to be treated in the U.S. and the
first human to receive the experimental serum known as ZMapp.
According to reports, Brantly’s condition deteriorated so quickly that
doctors in Africadecided to give him the drug in a last-ditch effort to
save him.
Courtesy Samaritan's Purse
PHOTO: Dr. Kent Brantly speaks with a worker outside the ELWA Hospital in
Monrovia, Liberia
Brantly’s condition started to improve dramatically within an hour after
getting the serum, according to Samaritan’s Purse, but it’s unclear if the
improvement was directly related to the medication. After his health
stabilized, Brantly was evacuated on a specially outfitted plane to Atlanta
in early August to the hospital isolation ward.
Courtesy Jeremy Writebol/AP Photo
PHOTO: This Oct. 7, 2013 photo provided by Jeremy Writebol shows his mother,
Nancy Writebol, with children in Liberia.
Writebol, 59, also survived after getting the serum.
The virus has killed at least 1,229 and sickened 1,011 more, according to
numbers released Tuesday by the World Health Organization. Guinea, Sierra
Leone and Liberia have the most cases.
With reporting by ABC's Sydney Lupkin.
1 (共1页)
求教:跟chickenpox (varicella) 病人有接触,如何预防?求问一下这两个blood test是查什么的?
爸爸得了心脏病,恳请指教!请教pap smear 检查结果
请教甲亢引起的心脏早搏问题该用什么药?what is wrong with me? please help
求助!如何在这边买人血白蛋白(serum albumin)ALT (ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE), SERUM 偏高
所谓take with food的药是什么时候服用?请教血项指标
健康知识讲座,Oct. 25, 2008(星期六),下午1点到3点, 休斯敦【求助】右侧腹部不适
弱问下,到底网上能买health insurance吗可以一个人买两份不同的保险吗?
话题: ebola话题: brantly话题: writebol话题: serum话题: photo