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Michigan版 - Job Post: Thermal/CFD engineer, Michigan (转载)
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[合集] 有谁在livonia附近吗?密歇根生活分类地图(餐馆,理发,购物,修车.......)
话题: thermal话题: cfd话题: experience话题: level
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发帖数: 111
【 以下文字转载自 ME 讨论区 】
发信人: shawn8071 (太累了,要好好休息一下), 信区: ME
标 题: Job Post: Thermal/CFD engineer, Michigan
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Nov 3 23:50:16 2011, 美东)
我公司有个 Thermal/CFD engineer 的位置open,在Monster 和 careerbuilder 上好
Primary responsibilities:
Perform module and pack level CFD analysis to validate the thermal
management system design of a battery pack.
Conduct cell-level thermal analysis using in-house and commercial software
to simulate the transient thermal behavior of a battery.
Effectively communicate his/her findings to internal/external customers
using appropriate media.
Collaborate with product and design engineers in battery pack cooling
concept development.
Interacts with product engineer to identify potential thermal management
issues, to conduct root cause analysis, and to provide technical proposals
and solutions to resolve engineering problems.
Establishes and maintains supplier technical communications and open issue
list for assigned work.
Responsible for delivery quality, cost and timing objectives.
Involve in CFD methodology and guideline development projects.
Specific Skills/Abilities
Advanced knowledge in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer, and
3+ years experience in using Fluent, T-grid, and ANSA.
Experience in using Hypermesh, MATLAB/Simulink is a plus.
Demonstrated experience in handling multiple tasks smoothly with a high
accountability level, minimum supervision, and a substantial level of stress.
Effective communication skills demonstrated by interacting with customers,
suppliers and co-workers in a positive and constructive manner.
Self-motivated, details oriented, and willingness to learn new technology.
BS in Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering or Thermal Engineering,
MS is preferred.
5+ years experience in CFD and thermal management system simulation in
automotive industry or electronics packaging industry.
Experience in battery pack development for HEV, PHEV and EV is a plus.
Location: Livonia, MI
问了具体招人的hm,应该是entry level也可以的工作,虽然说要求有几年经验。如果软
件知道应用,有一些相关经验(学校的也可以)就可以来试试。会有些training. 主要
是能学东西快,trainable. 简历里最好不要吹过头。
应该是提供H1B/GC 的 sponsorship 的,至少之前招的人都可以,没听说最近有什么
policy change.
有兴趣可以和我联系 8*******[email protected] 如果合适的话我可以将简历直接送给hm.平
1 (共1页)
密歇根生活分类地图(餐馆,理发,购物,修车.......)[合集] 拔牙归来
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[合集] 也问华人超市的问题,大家别烦啊,请进来看看。谢谢了!Detroit Freee Press 2007's top 10 dining newcomers
[合集] 洗牙归来livonia, farmington hills 附件的公寓有推荐的吗?
[合集] 底特律附近住哪里好?感情michigan人民生活在天堂阿
Buffets around I\'ve ever been to关于周末游行之carpool
话题: thermal话题: cfd话题: experience话题: level