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Michigan版 - 大家收到没?Michigan Legislative bills of education in “lame duck session”
奥巴马公开鼓吹用种族偏好来“抵御歧视”,被骂惨了 (转载)请问Troy MI 附近吃住的情况
Michigan的合法移民又可以拿驾照了 (转载)初到michigan,准备租房,请问birmingham这个区怎么样?安全吗?
54th District 议员的回信:有关驾照的修正案Troy 和 Novi 比较
Got the response back from District Legislative Aide Regarding drive license想在Auburn Hills找房子
能推荐在Rochester Hills / Troy, MI的mortgage broker么? (转载)新人报道~顺便打听一下租房信息~~
拜码头, 兼问找房子和买车Structure FEA engineer position at Troy, Michigan (转载)
话题: michigan话题: bills话题: would话题: troy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 707
收到个学区的EMAIL. 这是TROY的。搞不太明白。这到底是好是坏?引入竞争不好吗?
Private school不是一直有吗?
Several bills expected to be taken up during the Michigan Legislative “lame
duck session” could have a devastating impact on your child’s education.
Specifically, these bills would:
1.Allow anyone to open schools here in Troy, which could include
corporations, special interest groups or entities with no educational
background. There would be no elected School Board or local control, yet the
funding for these schools would come from your tax dollars.
2.Allow these schools to pick and choose students—and turn away others
based on gender, test scores or any other factor they choose. The schools
would have no state or local oversight or accountability to ensure students
learn the material needed to be successful in college and beyond.
3.Effectively destroy the concept of a school district. A voucher-type
system would replace the reason many of you moved to Troy, an exemplary
education for your children. Consequently, our property values could plummet
, as living in a particular school district would mean very little.
1 (共1页)
刚看到的新闻能推荐在Rochester Hills / Troy, MI的mortgage broker么? (转载)
[合集] 底特律是不是治安很差?拜码头, 兼问找房子和买车
[合集] 底特律附近住哪里好?请问外州驾照在michigan能上临时牌照么?
奥巴马公开鼓吹用种族偏好来“抵御歧视”,被骂惨了 (转载)请问Troy MI 附近吃住的情况
Michigan的合法移民又可以拿驾照了 (转载)初到michigan,准备租房,请问birmingham这个区怎么样?安全吗?
54th District 议员的回信:有关驾照的修正案Troy 和 Novi 比较
Got the response back from District Legislative Aide Regarding drive license想在Auburn Hills找房子
话题: michigan话题: bills话题: would话题: troy