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MiddleSchool版 - 支持一下福建周,贴“大英百科”关于福建的介绍
其中有名的几个词条Re: “大英百科”关于福建的介绍加拿大GDP还比不过加州
5/12 作业,呵呵原来西亚图市区里也有camping 的地方!
7/13 作业大量真图-----毛时代的妇女
Kissing mountain通过什么途径找房子?
为什么西藏、内蒙、新疆的地名英文,没有按普通话来?Chekiang Univeristy: a piece of memory
组里的老印和英国人问are you chinese or taiwanese?Zheda Alumini Network Needs Your Input and Help
有消息称马航飞机在 5000 feet 以下飞行,躲避雷达 (转载)北美浙大校友会32届年会通知
话题: china话题: sea话题: chinese话题: fukien话题: taiwan
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 132
Chinese (Wade-Giles) Fu-chien, (Pinyin) Fujian, sheng (province) on the
southeastern coast of China to the northwest of the island of Taiwan. It is
bordered by the provinces of Chekiang to the north, Kiangsi to the west, and
Kwangtung to the southwest; and by the East China Sea to the northeast, the
Taiwan Strait to the east, and the South China Sea to the southeast. It
occupies a strategic maritime position linking the two sections of the China
Sea. One of the smaller Chinese provinces,
发帖数: 132
Physical and human geography
The land
About 95 percent of Fukien is mountainous. The province is crossed by several
ranges of moderate elevation that run roughly parallel to the coast. They
constitute a part of a system of ancient blocks of mountains trending from
southwest tonortheast. The Fukien–Chekiang section forms a part of a raised
massif that has been subjected to folding and refolding. A sharp natural
boundary exists to the west and northwest between this uplifted block, on the
发帖数: 132
The land
After centuries of rice cultivation, soils in the valley plains have been
greatly modified. Well-developed gray-brown forest soils are widely
distributed in the forest areas of the interior mountains, whereas mature red
soils are common in the low hills and on high terraces. White saline soils and
salt swamps are found in the coastal flatlands. Their parent rocks are marine
saline deposits, penetrated by seawater. Attempts at desalination appear to
have been successful, and some s
发帖数: 132
Physical and human geography
The people
Han (Chinese) make up nearly all of the population. The largest ethnic
minority group consists of She tribesmen (She Min). Those who live in Fukien
are located in the hilly hinterland of the northern coast. Most of them are
distributed in the four counties of Fu-an, Hsia-p'u, Fu-ting, and Ning-te; all
are engaged in farming.
Other minority groups include the Miao, Hui (Chinese Muslims), and Manchu. The
Miao are distributed in the mountainous interior of no
发帖数: 132
Physical and human geography
Administration and social conditions
The original leadership of the province was drawn from the ranks of the 1920s
local guerrilla movement and from the soldiers of the 3rd Field Army, which
took control in 1949. They were displaced in the turmoil of the Cultural
Revolution, which badly affected the province. After the late 1970s a new
leadership emerged with a more technocratic and development-oriented
character. Within provincial jurisdiction are five pr
发帖数: 132
The area now called Fukien was first referred to in the Chou li, a classic
that may date to the 12th century BC, although modern scholars believe it to
have been written at a much later date. In this classic the seven Min tribes
are mentioned together with “eight barbarian peoples” in the south.
During the latter part of the Ch'un-ch'iu (Spring and Autumn period; 770–476
BC) one of the feudal states within the China area was the kingdom of Yüeh,
located south of Hang-chou Bay; it include
1 (共1页)
北美浙大校友会32届年会通知Kissing mountain
今天才知道Chekiang University 是浙大的另外一个名为什么西藏、内蒙、新疆的地名英文,没有按普通话来?
^_^ 关于客家,翻了翻字典组里的老印和英国人问are you chinese or taiwanese?
[合集] 论上古汉语有消息称马航飞机在 5000 feet 以下飞行,躲避雷达 (转载)
其中有名的几个词条Re: “大英百科”关于福建的介绍加拿大GDP还比不过加州
5/12 作业,呵呵原来西亚图市区里也有camping 的地方!
7/13 作业大量真图-----毛时代的妇女
话题: china话题: sea话题: chinese话题: fukien话题: taiwan