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Military版 - Uniform-wearing Afghan kills 6 U.S. troops
Afghan riots up, many killed, woundedSEAL Team 6 是干掉拉登的队伍么?
【图上谈兵】阿富汗战争2010年震撼图片Two U.S. soldiers "killed by Afghan soldier, civilian" zz
NATo killed dozens of Afg$486 Million 就这么没了
Life in Afghan? only $210, if killed by NAziTO维子通过阿富汗银行洗钱?中国银行停止阿富汗银行美元交易ZT
塔利班打下黑鷹,死了七個美國兵荆轲刺秦将-- 美帝将军阿富汗遇刺身亡
US soldiers burn Quran In Afghan baseKabul bomb: Diplomatic zone attack kills dozens
19 US soldiers killed in af since Sat阿穷汉清真寺又爆炸了,死二十人(包括一州长)
巴基斯坦敦促塔利班进攻美军ZT WSJNATO说是自我防卫,小巴先动手ZTguardian
话题: afghan话题: killed话题: nato话题: police话题: troops
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发帖数: 6966
Shooter turns weapon on NATO service members during training mission
KABUL, Afghanistan — A gunman wearing an Afghan border police uniform
killed six American service members during a training exercise Monday in the
east of the country, U.S. military officials told NBC News.
The assailant was killed in the shootout.
It's not clear whether the shooter was an actual border police officer or an
imposter. An investigation is under way.
In the past, insurgents have donned police or army uniforms to attack Afghan
government installations. There have also been a number of incidents in
which Afghan police officers turned on their trainers in deadly shootouts.
More world news
1. Uniform-wearing Afghan kills 6 U.S. troops
A gunman wearing an Afghan border police uniform killed six
American service members during a training exercise Monday in the east of
the country, U.S. military officials told NBC News. Full story
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The incident occurred in Pachir Wagam district of eastern Nangarhar province
, according to an Afghan official who spoke on condition of anonymity
because the information was not officially released.
The shooting marks the single deadliest incident for NATO troops since a
Sept. 21 helicopter crash that killed nine Americans. It's also likely the
latest in a series of incidents in which Afghan security forces turned on
their NATO trainers.
NATO is investigating an incident in which two U.S. Marines were killed
earlier this month in southern Helmand province, allegedly at the hands of
an Afghan army soldier.
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On July 20, an Afghan army sergeant got into an argument at a shooting range
in northern Afghanistan and shot dead two American civilian trainers before
being killed. Another Afghan soldier was killed in the crossfire. In a July
13 attack, an Afghan soldier stationed in the south killed three British
troopers, including the company commander, with gunfire and a rocket-
propelled grenade in the middle of the night.
Also, in November 2009, an Afghan policeman killed five British soldiers at
a checkpoint in Helmand. A month earlier, an Afghan policeman on patrol with
U.S. soldiers fired on the Americans, killing two.
Such shootings highlight the potential hazards of a push to speedily expand
Afghanistan's army and police forces in the next few years. The goal is to
turn over the responsibility for nationwide security to Afghan forces by
2014 so that NATO troops can go home.
In the past year, the Afghan police force grew 27 percent to 120,500
officers from about 95,000. The army grew 42 percent to about 138,200
soldiers from 97,000.
发帖数: 30882
发帖数: 17532
1 (共1页)
Break news: (CNN) -- An American general was killedUS soldiers burn Quran In Afghan base
美军和德军各一名将军在阿富汗遇害。19 US soldiers killed in af since Sat
==阿富汗塔利班打死 6名北约士兵(据说都是美军)==巴基斯坦敦促塔利班进攻美军ZT WSJ
Afghan riots up, many killed, woundedSEAL Team 6 是干掉拉登的队伍么?
【图上谈兵】阿富汗战争2010年震撼图片Two U.S. soldiers "killed by Afghan soldier, civilian" zz
NATo killed dozens of Afg$486 Million 就这么没了
Life in Afghan? only $210, if killed by NAziTO维子通过阿富汗银行洗钱?中国银行停止阿富汗银行美元交易ZT
话题: afghan话题: killed话题: nato话题: police话题: troops