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Military版 - newsweek讨论彭丽媛
Who Is Xi Jinping? Future Chinese Leader Makes U.S. DebutBreaking News! 曾庆红遭习近平逮捕
Trump will be first foreign leader to dine in Forbidden City since 1949Xi Jinping is busy arranging a huge reshuffle
Charm offensive: Peng Liyuan, China's glamorous new First Lady同样是领袖夫人,有人认为王冶坪魅力四射么
为此母黑驴都不愿与之会面我现在真觉得 薄熙来大儿子的妈 太厉害了!
话题: peng话题: xi话题: jiang话题: kuhn话题: her
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发帖数: 61690
Hu Jintao’s wife is, by many accounts, stern but low-key, the latest in a
long line of near-invisible first ladies of China. Since the death of Mao’s
wife, Jiang Qing, a Shanghai actress who became notorious for her brutal
part in the Cultural Revolution, the wives of Chinese leaders have been
conspicuously absent from the public stage. But that’s all about to change.
Vice President Xi Jinping, who is widely expected to succeed Hu as party
chief next year, is married to China’s most dazzling folk singer, Peng
Liyuan. And his wife’s high-powered wattage doesn’t seem to bother the
future president in the slightest.
American author Robert Lawrence Kuhn recalled how, when visiting Xi several
years ago, the Chinese politician proudly showed him a photo of an Army song
-and-dance troupe posing with then-president Jiang Zemin. Pointing to a
singer, Xi excitedly said: “‘Do you know who this is? She’s my wife!”
recalled Kuhn, who wrote a biography of Jiang. Xi seemed delighted that Kuhn
was unaware of his celebrity connection.
Xi began pursuing Peng in the ’80s, after his previous marriage ended in
divorce. Reportedly, Peng’s parents initially weren’t crazy about the
match because of Xi’s label as a “princeling”—the pampered offspring of
influential communist cadres. Undaunted, Xi continued his courtship,
eventually winning over both Peng and her family.
In contrast to its iron custom, the Communist Party is looking to exploit
the fame of the future first lady. Official literature highlights Peng’s
love of the Army—she holds the rank of major general—noting her
professional sacrifices for her country. “Being a soldier, Peng has lost
many chances to sing commercially or appear in advertisements,” said one
official report a few years ago, sympathetically recording that Peng “felt
a little bit lost” when watching other celebrities filming TV shows,
advancing their careers. “But when she thinks about the lovely soldiers,
the soldiers who’ve been deeply touched by her songs, Peng knows that such
glory and honor is irreplaceable.”
1 (共1页)
捧彭丽媛的场,发包子88个Trump will be first foreign leader to dine in Forbidden City since 1949
彭丽媛比这个芬兰总统夫人贵气多了Charm offensive: Peng Liyuan, China's glamorous new First Lady
Obama的告别State of the Union Address演讲全文!太精彩了!紧急寻人
Who Is Xi Jinping? Future Chinese Leader Makes U.S. DebutBreaking News! 曾庆红遭习近平逮捕
话题: peng话题: xi话题: jiang话题: kuhn话题: her