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Military版 - 阿曼的抗议也持续四天了
粗大事了!开火了! (转载)Arab Spring, China Summer?
伊朗拟规定外国战舰未批准不得过霍尔木兹海峡Re: 这个新闻在美国是不是被和谐了? 美国加州举行反战游行 (转
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话题: protesters话题: oman话题: monday话题: sultan话题: cnn
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发帖数: 61690
(CNN) -- Protesters hit the streets in Oman Tuesday, the fourth day of
demonstrations, according to the Oman News Agency.
On Monday, anti-government protesters in the key port city of Sohar refused
to end demonstrations despite orders from the sultan to hire 50,000 people
and pay a stipend to people who are out of work, sources in the Gulf state
told CNN.
On Tuesday, protesters again gathered in Sohar in a peaceful protest, the
news agency reported.
Demonstrators in Sohar have blocked routes to the port and the industrial
zone, prompting port staff to leave work, two sources in the town said.
Protesters demands include greater freedom of expression, higher salaries, a
clampdown on government corruption, a new constitution, and the prosecution
of security officials whose actions led to the death of demonstrators.
The National Human Rights Commission of Oman, a group that was created by
the sultan, said one person was killed during protests Monday.
Oman is not a major oil producer, but a significant share of the world's oil
shipping passes through the Strait of Hormuz, along the Omani coast.
Witnesses did not report any clashes between security and the protesters,
saying the two sides were keeping apart.
There were reports of attacks on property over the weekend, but on Monday
the protesters organized committees to protect buildings and handle traffic,
CNN's sources said.
Fifteen young protesters submitted their demands in writing to officials
Monday, with promises that the demands would passed to the sultan.
Sultan Qaboos bin Said ordered the hiring of 50,000 citizens in the
aftermath of weekend protests that left at least one person dead and 11
others injured, state-run media reported Sunday.
The ruler also issued royal orders saying job-seekers who register with the
Ministry of Manpower will be paid 150 rials (about U.S. $390) per month
until they find jobs, according to the Oman News Agency.
After reports of multiple deaths on Sunday, Ahmed Al Saidi, the minister of
health, said there had only been one death.
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Egyptian police fired tear gas Thursday at thousands of demonstrators zz看看美国是怎么用国际法解释12海里插入事件
粗大事了!开火了! (转载)Arab Spring, China Summer?
伊朗拟规定外国战舰未批准不得过霍尔木兹海峡Re: 这个新闻在美国是不是被和谐了? 美国加州举行反战游行 (转
准备打伊朗了?Pressed by U.S., Asian Countries Look for Ways to Reduce Purchases of Iranian Oil埃及,在突尼斯之后的又一个街头革命地,穆巴拉克准备好了吗?
话题: protesters话题: oman话题: monday话题: sultan话题: cnn