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Military版 - 动车事件阴谋论 (just read as a joke) (转载)
奇文共赏:Railways in Tibet , Everyone else is worried狗咬狗了:微软大骂NSA让它的病毒软件在世界做孽
明年诺贝尔和平奖得主病毒 (转载)今天看到的第一个明白人
Japan to China: You've hijacked our high-speed rails印度学中国建“国产高铁”
【NYT】Design Flaws Cited in Deadly Train Crash in China中国的火车客运速度远远领先世界
中国在印度的基建项目被印度政府部门的繁文缛节逼停Jim Chanos 在 Charlie Rose 上谈中国的房地产泡沫 (转载)
烙印原来是全球变暖的最大受害国信贷泡沫严重 基金大鳄押注中国经济崩盘
莫迪狠砸590億美元 升級印度基礎建設美国防部强烈关注中国泡沫经济,对中国打代理人战争!!!
话题: china话题: railway话题: shanghai话题: estate话题: bubble
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 878
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: bayharbor (龙虾), 信区: Joke
标 题: 动车事件阴谋论 (just read as a joke)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jul 29 14:48:00 2011, 美东)
Shorting China was one of hedge funds’ favorite investments in 2010 and
2011. The strategies mainly focus on shorting companies and industries that are benefiting from China’s real estate bubble. For instance, Jim Chanos raised $20 million in 2010 for an offshore hedge fund that would probably place short bets against China’s property bubble.
There's strong link between the real-estate bubble and the vast rail-way modernization programs and it was evidenced by the ferment interest of property investors in the cities along the new railway lines.
So it shouldn't be surprising to see that massive sell-off in railway shares after the accident contributed to a 3 per cent decline in the Shanghai Composite, the biggest one-day fall in six months for China’s benchmark stock index, and that property developers and other real-estate related stocks were among the biggest fallers in Shanghai, down more than 4 per cent on average.
By far the reason behind the accident remains largely mysterious, despite of different self-conflicting explanations from Chinese authorities. One thing for sure is that if any entity wants to exploit the vulnerability of this nation's computer-controlled railway infrastructure, there are many opportunities for them to do so.
1 (共1页)
Yuan May Depreciate, Not Appreciate: Chanos中国在印度的基建项目被印度政府部门的繁文缛节逼停
国际对冲基金云聚香港 对赌中国经济硬着陆烙印原来是全球变暖的最大受害国
飞机晚点中国乘客闹事把老外给震了莫迪狠砸590億美元 升級印度基礎建設
奇文共赏:Railways in Tibet , Everyone else is worried狗咬狗了:微软大骂NSA让它的病毒软件在世界做孽
明年诺贝尔和平奖得主病毒 (转载)今天看到的第一个明白人
Japan to China: You've hijacked our high-speed rails印度学中国建“国产高铁”
【NYT】Design Flaws Cited in Deadly Train Crash in China中国的火车客运速度远远领先世界
话题: china话题: railway话题: shanghai话题: estate话题: bubble