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Military版 - 巴马的财政赤字终于低于1万亿了
黄疮喜讯,疮聚聚财政赤字大涨25%US health care law will cost 1.76 trillion from prior 940 billion
US deficit surges 25% in fiscal 2020 and is $1.1 trillion over the past year美国连续四年赤字过万亿
看看多少钱才够退休 。。。。。。。lol$5 trillion tax cut ~~
中国预计今年10000亿财政赤字,人民世世代代来偿还 (转载)不容易啊,巴马的赤字终于下一万亿了
china's debt巴马今年赤字降到万亿以下了
巴马的 budget ~~~~2016年, 联邦又补贴加州300亿美元。 (转载)
一组数据反映的美国目前的经济困境不会的 有老将舔出新的万里长城
话题: deficit话题: billion话题: november话题: trillion话题: fiscal
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
The Treasury Department forecast Monday that the budget deficit for fiscal
2012 will come in at $996 billion, the first time President Obama has
presided over an annual deficit of less than $1 trillion.
The budget deficit in fiscal 2011 and 2010 was $1.3 trillion, while the
Obama stimulus law pushed the deficit up to $1.4 trillion in fiscal 2009.
The Treasury statement is the first since the congressional supercommittee
failed to come up with any deficit reduction and disbanded on Nov. 21.
Because of that failure, $1.2 trillion in automatic cuts are to take place
over the next decade.
That is not nearly enough to stop the exponential growth of the deficit,
which is expected to balloon at a more rapid pace later in the decade due in
mainly to the retirement of the baby boomers. The retirements will decrease
income tax revenue and increase Medicare costs.
For November, the monthly budget deficit was $137 billion, compared to $150
billion in November of last year. The government took in $152 billion in
November and spent $289 billion.
The deficit in October was only $98 billion, but that month benefited from
the fact that payments normally made in October were made in September.
发帖数: 6372

【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】
: The Treasury Department forecast Monday that the budget deficit for fiscal
: 2012 will come in at $996 billion, the first time President Obama has
: presided over an annual deficit of less than $1 trillion.
: The budget deficit in fiscal 2011 and 2010 was $1.3 trillion, while the
: Obama stimulus law pushed the deficit up to $1.4 trillion in fiscal 2009.
: The Treasury statement is the first since the congressional supercommittee
: failed to come up with any deficit reduction and disbanded on Nov. 21.
: Because of that failure, $1.2 trillion in automatic cuts are to take place
: over the next decade.
: That is not nearly enough to stop the exponential growth of the deficit,

发帖数: 13337

【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】
: The Treasury Department forecast Monday that the budget deficit for fiscal
: 2012 will come in at $996 billion, the first time President Obama has
: presided over an annual deficit of less than $1 trillion.
: The budget deficit in fiscal 2011 and 2010 was $1.3 trillion, while the
: Obama stimulus law pushed the deficit up to $1.4 trillion in fiscal 2009.
: The Treasury statement is the first since the congressional supercommittee
: failed to come up with any deficit reduction and disbanded on Nov. 21.
: Because of that failure, $1.2 trillion in automatic cuts are to take place
: over the next decade.
: That is not nearly enough to stop the exponential growth of the deficit,

发帖数: 1981
1 (共1页)
联邦政府入不敷出,一年透支接近1个trillionchina's debt
美国现行福利政策军费政策财政政策难以为继。如果我是杨,我会这样propose巴马的 budget ~~~~
Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years一组数据反映的美国目前的经济困境
黄疮喜讯,疮聚聚财政赤字大涨25%US health care law will cost 1.76 trillion from prior 940 billion
US deficit surges 25% in fiscal 2020 and is $1.1 trillion over the past year美国连续四年赤字过万亿
看看多少钱才够退休 。。。。。。。lol$5 trillion tax cut ~~
中国预计今年10000亿财政赤字,人民世世代代来偿还 (转载)不容易啊,巴马的赤字终于下一万亿了
话题: deficit话题: billion话题: november话题: trillion话题: fiscal