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Military版 - F IMF Chief charged for prostitution parties using corp. funds
IMF的头被捕, 被控性侵ZT 纽约时报Kahn, No charge for sexual assault
IMF总裁卡恩涉嫌性侵被押纽约警局Strauss Kahn 事发两天前担心有人会利用“强奸”来陷害与他。。。。
美欧互掐了!法国的发展战略: 普世和灭亡
IMF总裁性侵:受害者高180cm 险遭性侵2次tg又赢一局 - IMF将监督美国
卡恩遭陷害分析 (转载)IMF主席涉嫌强奸性侵犯女佣在纽约机场被逮捕
[Economist] IMF New Leader 打赌这个强奸圈套的动机,是Kahn推动世界货币对于米圆构成直接威胁
Judge Grants Strauss-Kahn $1 Million Bail天主教的牧师还没猥琐男贞洁:意大利又出十日谈
US continues hammering the trapped IMF big dog中国为何甘居第二? 英国《金融时报》
话题: strauss话题: kahn话题: french话题: imf
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发帖数: 901
Former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn is being
questioned Tuesday by French police investigating a suspected hotel
prostitution ring.
Strauss-Kahn arrived at the police station in the northern city of Lille
around 8:00 a.m. GMT, an Associated Press reporter saw.
Police are probing a suspected prostitution ring in France and neighboring
Belgium that has implicated police and other officials. They have questioned
prostitutes who said they had sex with Strauss-Kahn during 2010 and 2011 at
a luxury hotel in Paris, a restaurant in the French capital and also in
Washington, D.C. Strauss-Kahn lived in the U.S. capital while he was head of
the IMF before resigning his position in May.
Two men with ties to Strauss-Kahn have been put under preliminary
investigation in France on charges including organizing a prostitution ring
and misuse of corporate funds.
Strauss-Kahn's name surfaced in the investigation last fall and his lawyer
has asked that Strauss-Kahn be allowed to tell his side of the story. One of
Strauss-Kahn's lawyers has said that the former French presidential hopeful
never knew that the women at orgies he attended were prostitutes.
"He could easily not have known, because as you can imagine, at these kinds
of parties you're not always dressed, and I challenge you to distinguish a
naked prostitute from any other naked woman," Henri Leclerc told French
radio Europe 1 in December.
French newspapers have dubbed the investigation "The Carlton Affair" after
the name of the expensive Lille hotel where some of the meetings took place.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/02/21/former-imf-chief-strauss-kahn-to-be-questioned-over-prostitution-ring/#ixzz1n1kDMfSZ
1 (共1页)
中国为何甘居第二? 英国《金融时报》卡恩遭陷害分析 (转载)
Prostitution company for Wall Street busted[Economist] IMF New Leader 打赌
瞧瞧美国给中国人的签证安全问题, 绝对offensiveJudge Grants Strauss-Kahn $1 Million Bail
If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits, Germany PolicyUS continues hammering the trapped IMF big dog
IMF的头被捕, 被控性侵ZT 纽约时报Kahn, No charge for sexual assault
IMF总裁卡恩涉嫌性侵被押纽约警局Strauss Kahn 事发两天前担心有人会利用“强奸”来陷害与他。。。。
美欧互掐了!法国的发展战略: 普世和灭亡
IMF总裁性侵:受害者高180cm 险遭性侵2次tg又赢一局 - IMF将监督美国
话题: strauss话题: kahn话题: french话题: imf