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Military版 - 腹黑小白兔,把4袋核堆都整成了夕阳产业了
据说秦山核电站2期工程是和三菱重工签的,反应堆压力容器和冷却泵都是日货高铁大跃进 vs 核电 大跃进
英媒:以市场换技术 中国在核能市场崛起日本制钢所:中国对手正构成巨大威胁
中国未来10年至少将建60座核电厂英金融时报: 地震之后 中国努力宣传核电的益处
中国第三代核电技术 紧急情况不用电可散热小日本为啥把核电站建立在海边 (转载)
Defense Industry Interaction of China, Russia核电危机导致太阳能、风能要火
这篇介绍中国核电的比较靠谱,也令人担忧井底望天 --- 闲话72:自作自受兼害己害人(上)
话题: china话题: cnp话题: snptc话题: cnnc话题: nuclear
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【在 M****J 的大作中提到】
: TG买办都改买美帝第三代核堆了,你悲愤也没用
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【在 e******e 的大作中提到】
: 那岂不是中国可以开始大量收购核废料?
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【在 r********n 的大作中提到】
: 为啥不是收费代处理核废料?
发帖数: 14642

【在 r********n 的大作中提到】
: 为啥不是收费代处理核废料?
发帖数: 14642
Reactor technology
China has set the following points as key elements of its nuclear energy
PWRs will be the mainstream but not sole reactor type.
Nuclear fuel assemblies are fabricated and supplied indigenously.
Domestic manufacturing of plant and equipment will be maximised, with self-
reliance in design and project management.
International cooperation is nevertheless encouraged.
The technology base for future reactors remains officially undefined, though
two designs are currently predominant in construction plans: CPR-1000 and
AP1000. Beyond them, high-temperature gas-cooled reactors and fast reactors
appear to be the main priorities.
A major struggle between the established China National Nuclear Corporation
(CNNC) pushing for indigenous technology and the small but well-connected
State Nuclear Power Technology Corp (SNPTC) favouring imported technology
was won by SNPTC about 2004. In particular, SNPTC proposes use of
indigenized 1000+ MWe plants with advanced third-generation technology,
arising from Westinghouse AP1000 designs at Sanmen and Haiyang (see section
below on Embarking upon Generation III plants). Westinghouse has agreed to
transfer technology to SNPTC over the first four AP1000 units so that SNPTC
can build the following ones on its own.
In February 2006, the State Council announced that the large advanced PWR
was one of two high priority projects for the next 15 years, depending on "
Sino-foreign cooperation, in order to master international advanced
technology on nuclear power and develop a Chinese third-generation large PWR
".5 In September 2006, the head of the China Atomic Energy Authority said
that he expected large numbers of third-generation PWR reactors derived from
foreign technology to be built from about 2016, after experience is gained
with the initial AP1000 units.
The Westinghouse AP1000 is the main basis of China's move to Generation III
technology, and involves a major technology transfer agreement. It is a 1250
MWe gross reactor with two coolant loops. The first four AP1000 reactors
are being built at Sanmen and Haiyang, for CNNC and CPI respectively. At
least eight more at four sites are firmly planned after them, and about 30
more are proposed to follow.
The reactors are built from modules fabricated adjacent to each site. The
timeline is 50 months from first concrete to fuel loading, then six months
to grid connection for the first four units, with this expected to reduce
significantly for the following units. The cost of the first four is
expected to be less than $2000/kW, with this reducing to $1600 for further
units. In October 2009, SNPTC and CNNC signed an agreement to co-develop and
refine the AP1000 design. (See also section below on Embarking upon
Generation III plants).
Two Areva EPR reactors are being built at Taishan, and at least two more are
planned (see section below on Embarking upon Generation III plants). Areva
says the reactors are 4590 MWt, with net power 1660 MWe.
In October 2008, Areva and CGNPC announced establishment of an engineering
joint venture as a technology transfer vehicle for development EPR and other
PWR plants in China and later abroad. The JV will be held 55% by CGNPC and
other Chinese interests, and 45% by Areva. It will engineer and procure
equipment for both the EPR and the CPR-1000.
Westinghouse announced in 2008 that it was working with SNPTC and Shanghai
Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute (SNERDI) to develop jointly
a passively safe 1400-1500 MWe design from the AP1000, for large-scale
deployment. SNPTC calls it the Large Advanced Passive PWR Nuclear Power
Plant (LPP). This development with SNERDI opens the possibility of China
itself exporting the new larger units with Westinghouse's cooperation.
In December 2009, the State Nuclear Plant Demonstration Company – a 55-45%
joint venture company by SNPTC and China Huaneng Group – was set up to
build and operate an initial unit of the larger design, the CAP1400, at
Huaneng's Shidaowan site. The new company signed a set of agreements with
SNERDI and the State Nuclear Power Engineering Company (SNPEC) in November
2010 to proceed with the project, as site works were completed. Preliminary
design is due to be completed in 2011. The Environment Impact Assessment
Report (EIAR) and the Site Safety Assessment Report (SSAR) have been
submitted to Ministry of Environment Protection and NNSA. Construction is
scheduled to start in April 2013, and SNPTC hoped to have it operating in
December 2017. Westinghouse is to provide technical consulting services to
SNPTC for the design.
It may be followed by a larger, 3-loop CAP1700 design if the passive cooling
system can be scaled to that level. Agreements with Westinghouse stipulate
that SNPTC will own the intellectual property rights for any derivatives
over 1350 MWe. SNPEC is doing the engineering under a team from SNERDI, the
Shandong Electric Power Engineering Consulting Institute (SEPECI), and the
State Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Company (SNPEMC), which will
make the components.
CNP-1000, also CNP-600, CNP-300 (ACP 300, ACP600, ACP1000)
CNNC had been working with Westinghouse and Framatome (now Areva) at SNERDI
since the early 1990s to develop a Chinese standard three-loop PWR design,
the CNP-1000. This is developed from the single-loop Qinshan CNP-300 unit (
scaled up to the two-loop CNP-600 units, also at Qinshan), with high (60 GWd
/t) burn-up, 18-month refueling cycle and 20 more fuel assemblies than the
French-origin unitsb. In 1997, the Nuclear Power Institute of China (NPIC)
at Chengdu became involved in the reactor design and, early in 2007, SNERDI
was reassigned to concentrate on the AP1000 program. CNNC has been keen to
create its own brand of advanced second-generation reactor with full
intellectual property rights, and wanted to build two initial CNP-1000
plants at Fangjiashan, adjacent to Qinshan near Shanghai, under the 11th
Economic Plan, though the design probably would not have been ready. In
early 2007, the CNP-1000 development was put on hold indefinitely, though
this aborted export plans for two CNP-1000 units to Pakistan.
Further CNP-600 units are being built at Qinshan and Changjiang, Hainan.
CNNC says they are free of French intellectual property rights.
CNNC is also developing the design to the ACP600 which it calls a third-
generation design and expects to be able to built on Hainan or in the
northwest Gansu province about 2013c and exported. It will have double
containment, 18-24 month refueling cycle, digital I&C, and 60-year plant
life. In October 2011 CNNC announced that its ACP1000 was entering the
engineering design stage, based on Fuqing units 5 & 6 and with 177 fuel
assemblies and double containment. CNNC asserts full intellectual property
rights for the CNP series of reactors, which are increasingly being called
ACP series.
A new 300 MWe CNP-300 PWR unit is being built at Chasma in Pakistan by the
China Zhongyuan Engineering Corporation. It is a twin to that already
commissioned in 2000, and similar to Qinshan 1 – China's first indigenously
-designed (by SNERDI) nuclear power plant.
CNNC is seeking to sell the CNP-300 to Belarus and in Africa.
CPR-1000, ACPR-1000
The CPR-1000 is a significantly upgraded version of the 900 MWe-class French
M310 three-loop technology imported for the Daya Bay nuclear power plant in
the 1980s and also built at Ling Ao. Known as the 'improved Chinese PWR'
and designated Generation II+, it features digital instrumentation and
control and a design life of 60 years. Its 157 fuel assemblies have
calculated core melt frequency of 1x10-5 and a release probability an order
of magnitude lower than this.
Standard construction time is 52 months, and the claimed unit cost is under
CNY 10,000 (US$ 1500) per kilowatt, though other estimates put it at about $
2000/kW. With a capacity of 1080 MWe gross (1037 MWe net), Ling Ao Phase II
is the first plant to be designated as the CPR-1000 design. The CPR-1000 is
being widely and quickly deployed for domestic use, with 57 likely to be
built, as of end of 2010. Following the Fukushima accident, numbers may be
China Guangdong Nuclear Power Corporation (CGNPC) led the development of the
CPR-1000 and has established a nearly complete domestic supply chain.
However, Areva retains intellectual property rights, which constrains
overseas sales since the Chinese would need agreement from Areva on a case-
by-case basis.
CGNPC refers to later units as CPR-1000+, incorporating design improvements
which bring it close to Generation III standard.
Of more significance is its evolution to the ACPR-1000 with full Chinese
intellectual property rights, launched by CGNPC in November 2011 with some
fanfare regarding its safety attributes, which comply with international
requirements. CGNPC has been in cooperation with Dongfang Electric, Shanghai
Electric, Harbin Electric, China First Heavy Industries, China Erzhong and
other companies since 2009 to develop the ACPR-1000. It expects to make it
available for local build and overseas markets on schedule from 2013.

【在 M****J 的大作中提到】
: TG买办都改买美帝第三代核堆了,你悲愤也没用
发帖数: 122
发帖数: 30882
1 (共1页)
井底望天 --- 闲话72:自作自受兼害己害人(上)中国第三代核电技术 紧急情况不用电可散热
井底望天: 中国核工业补充维基解密:美外交官:中国廉价造核电站将酿成灾难
中国核电建设大提速 不会因日本核爆而改变Defense Industry Interaction of China, Russia
我国第三代核电站正在山东浙江建设 属自主创新zz这篇介绍中国核电的比较靠谱,也令人担忧
据说秦山核电站2期工程是和三菱重工签的,反应堆压力容器和冷却泵都是日货高铁大跃进 vs 核电 大跃进
英媒:以市场换技术 中国在核能市场崛起日本制钢所:中国对手正构成巨大威胁
中国未来10年至少将建60座核电厂英金融时报: 地震之后 中国努力宣传核电的益处
话题: china话题: cnp话题: snptc话题: cnnc话题: nuclear