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Military版 - 送外卖的要注意了
"The NYPD is actually occupying Wall Street.”叔退休金缩水30%,看来退休只能去南美国家了,听说
陈倩雯Margaret Chin改口要为梁彼得轻判求情!美国普西忍受不了法拉盛的中文商铺了
Biker organizer taunted cops… from mom’s house格蕾丝梦(Grace Meng)对纽约中国城下手了!
全纽约几百万人只有路虎连敢和biker gang斗争刘延东:全国中小学配备校车需花费4600亿
跟梁警官 类似的几个案子替Danny Chen鸣不平的,请做这个.
白宫请愿是荒唐的表演(转载)果然: 一百多个华裔警官带领了葬礼集会的警察队伍
关于Peter Liang事件,这篇文章说得非常好,华人写的 (转载)最大的悲哀
话题: bikes话题: lappin话题: motorized话题: upper话题: east
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4653
Motorized delivery bikes are a scourge zipping around the streets of
Manhattan, and the fines for riding them should be much steeper,
Councilwoman Jessica Lappin said yesterday.
The Upper East Side councilwoman will introduce a bill at today’s City
Council meeting that would double the fine for anyone caught riding a
motorized bike, from $500 to $1,000.
Although motorized bikes are illegal, the NYPD does not stringently enforce
the law against operating them.
Many restaurant workers say the bikes are vital to doing their job: Getting
hot, fresh food delivered to people on time.
But Lappin is joining a chorus of pedestrian New Yorkers who say the bikes
are a danger as they zoom past at up to 30 miles per hour.
In a survey Lappin e-mailed to her constituents, to which 1,300 people
responded, 72 percent of New Yorkers reported they had been hit or almost
hit by a delivery bike, Lappin said.
“My office constantly receives complaints about electric delivery bikes
speeding down our crowded streets and sidewalks,” Lappin said.
“They travel at high speeds and are incredibly dangerous,” she added.
Upper East Side resident Arlene Blatt told Lappin’s office the bikes —
both motorized and not — surprise and scare her as they come from varying
“While walking in Manhattan, I’ve felt threatened by reckless electric and
standard bicycles that often converge on me from multiple directions,” she
Nicholas Viest, who is chair of the Upper East Side’s Community Board 8,
said the majority of the quality-of-life complaints the board receives are
about delivery bikes.
Making scooters legal
Motorized bikes were made illegal by the city in 2004. But now, some
legislators are considering legalizing some of them. Bushwick state Sen.
Martin Malave Dilan proposed a bill that would allow certain electric bikes,
such as those that can only go 20 mph at their peak speed. But community
boards have asked city and state politicians to create stricter restrictions
for the bikes, including a proposal that bike operators have licenses and
be registered.
发帖数: 21830
纽约时报早批过了,人说NYC是美国最mean的城市,you want $6 lunch, but don't
want them ride that bike. 下面的评论一片骂声


【在 g*********o 的大作中提到】
: http://www.metro.us/newyork/local/article/1111776--council-crac
: Motorized delivery bikes are a scourge zipping around the streets of
: Manhattan, and the fines for riding them should be much steeper,
: Councilwoman Jessica Lappin said yesterday.
: The Upper East Side councilwoman will introduce a bill at today’s City
: Council meeting that would double the fine for anyone caught riding a
: motorized bike, from $500 to $1,000.
: Although motorized bikes are illegal, the NYPD does not stringently enforce
: the law against operating them.
: Many restaurant workers say the bikes are vital to doing their job: Getting

1 (共1页)
最大的悲哀全纽约几百万人只有路虎连敢和biker gang斗争
又是包头老印躺枪跟梁警官 类似的几个案子
请大家帮忙,保护凤凰城中国文化中心 (转载)白宫请愿是荒唐的表演(转载)
在费城不用防爆玻璃会被打死,左逼把开店的亚洲人往火坑里推呀关于Peter Liang事件,这篇文章说得非常好,华人写的 (转载)
"The NYPD is actually occupying Wall Street.”叔退休金缩水30%,看来退休只能去南美国家了,听说
陈倩雯Margaret Chin改口要为梁彼得轻判求情!美国普西忍受不了法拉盛的中文商铺了
Biker organizer taunted cops… from mom’s house格蕾丝梦(Grace Meng)对纽约中国城下手了!
话题: bikes话题: lappin话题: motorized话题: upper话题: east