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Military版 - US father s** abused adopted son
老将不妨望梅止渴Facebook:沙特的茉莉花定在March 20
GOOGLE 是 EVIL老将们在普世社会不是最底层么?
德国终于不能忍受穆斯林了 (转载)MJ的女儿和儿子看不出黑人痕迹啊?
话题: said话题: his话题: father话题: police话题: had
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 901
A 10-year-old boy shook when asked about being prostituted to two other men
by an adoptive father who regularly had sex with him, according to police,
who said the boy was fearful of talking because he didn't want to be taken
from his home or separated from his new siblings.
The adoptive father has been charged with raping three boys in his care and
compelling prostitution by hiring the 10-year-old out for sex. He and two
other men remained in jail Thursday on rape charges.
Federal and local law enforcement officials said they're widening the
investigation into child sexual exploitation allegations against the father,
who worked out of his home as an insurance claims adjuster. His name is
being withheld by The Associated Press to protect the children's identities.
Troy police said they impounded the father's truck and seized four laptops
from the home and a video camera and two wooden paddles from the master
School officials said the man had recently withdrawn the three adopted
children from school, saying he would home school them. A neighbor said he
had no idea anything lurid might be going on in the home.
"You don't know what goes on inside people's homes," said neighbor Ed Rogers
, who had lived across the street from the man the past five years in a
neighborhood lined with single-story ranch homes, typical in this working
class city of 25,000 people about 20 miles north of Dayton. "I'll never look
at that house the same way again. I'll just look at it with sickness."
The man at the center of the investigation is a longtime Troy resident who
had been involved in a local youth basketball program. Police Capt. Chris
Anderson said police so far haven't found any signs of any inappropriate
behavior with other children, even as calls poured in from worried parents.
"Shock and disbelief," Anderson said of the community's reaction.
Rogers and his wife, Sherry, said the man was something of a loner but would
chit-chat when out mowing his lawn or when the kids were playing outside.
Sherry Rogers recalled Thursday that his blinds were usually drawn shut at
his home, a few blocks from an elementary school.
Police said they had hadn't found any records of past criminal charges ag
发帖数: 1014
奇怪么, 米帝是个大鸡奸国, 民主奴才们天天被鸡奸不奇怪


【在 s*********8 的大作中提到】
: A 10-year-old boy shook when asked about being prostituted to two other men
: by an adoptive father who regularly had sex with him, according to police,
: who said the boy was fearful of talking because he didn't want to be taken
: from his home or separated from his new siblings.
: The adoptive father has been charged with raping three boys in his care and
: compelling prostitution by hiring the 10-year-old out for sex. He and two
: other men remained in jail Thursday on rape charges.
: Federal and local law enforcement officials said they're widening the
: investigation into child sexual exploitation allegations against the father,
: who worked out of his home as an insurance claims adjuster. His name is

1 (共1页)
高盛被抓的director保出来了GOOGLE 是 EVIL
看来影帝真的要炸船,呵呵德国终于不能忍受穆斯林了 (转载)
话题: said话题: his话题: father话题: police话题: had