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Military版 - 薄瓜瓜的哈罗公学奖学金考古
老将认为TG最大的问题就不民主3级重罪-后的绿卡经历 (转载)
欧洲貌似绿祸很严重有比这个还扯的吗?- 美富豪捐1億元 清華大學設獎學金
“OccupyWallStreet”中绝望的ABC这头猪竟然获得了两个scholarship to college
话题: harrow话题: school话题: sixth话题: form
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9
1. 薄先生的公开发言称薄瓜瓜的留英费用由哈罗公学全额奖学金负担。
2. 薄先生身为国家最高级公务员之一,因而该发言的真实性绝不仅仅是其家庭私事。
School fees
The school fee for academic year 2011/2012 is £10,310 per term (£
30,930 per annum) and includes board, tuition, textbooks, a stationery
allowance and laundry. For any subject requiring additional tuition there is
an extra charge.
Link: http://www.harrowschool.org.uk/1571/admissions/fees-and-charges/
Harrow offers means-tested bursaries (fee reductions) of up to 100% to
pupils who win a Scholarship of any sort but whose parents cannot afford our
fees. Ability can mean academic ability, ability in music, or ability at a
high level in another talent such as sport. Bursaries are awarded to pupils
who enter the School at any level.
Link: http://www.harrowschool.org.uk/1569/admissions/scholarships-and-bursaries/
1. The Sherwood Scholarship
The Sherwood Scholarship has been set up to pay for boys from the East
Midlands to come to Harrow School.
The Scholarship can cover up to the full cost of the fees, depending on
parental financial circumstances. Applicants must live in Lincolnshire,
Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire or Leicestershire.
Link: http://www.harrowschool.org.uk/1809/admissions/scholarships-and-bursaries/the-sherwood-scholarship/
2. Peter Beckwith Scholarships
Every year we award two Peter Beckwith Scholarships to boys aged between 10
and 13 with the aim that they will come to Harrow when they are 13. The
Scholarships can cover up to full fees at Harrow from age 13, and also the
fees at a preparatory school from the age of 11 until the pupil goes to
Harrow. These are available for any pupil, whether in a private or state
school, who is very talented and whose parents could not afford to send him
to a boarding school. The awards are means-tested annually so the level of
the award will depend on the family income as well as any financial
assistance a prep school might give.
Although these awards are designed for boys aged 10 or 11, we can also
consider talented boys aged 12 or 13.
Peter Beckwith Scholarship applicants are expected to be very intelligent
and should be of a standard that might well lead to Oxford or Cambridge
University admission in the future. Applicants must also show potential in
sport, music, drama or some other creative activity.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to Harrow in November for tests which
will consist of papers in English, Mathematics and non-verbal reasoning.
These candidates are interviewed and will be tested on any activity in which
they show excellence.
Link: http://www.harrowschool.org.uk/1725/admissions/scholarships-and-bursaries/peter-beckwith-scholarships/
3. Sixth Form Scholarship
Sixth Form Scholarships can cover up to the cost of the whole School fee,
with the addition of a means-tested bursary if required; the earlier the
application the better for this high level of award. Sixth Form Scholarships
are given for:
• academic ability
• musical ability
• outstanding talent in some other area, including sport
Candidates are interviewed at any time in the year before entry and are
given a general ability test and an interview in each of their intended
Sixth Form subjects. Those whose first language is not English will also be
given a test in English as an Additional Language.
Applicants for a Music or Outstanding Talent Scholarship will be given a
practical test. Applicants for a Sixth Form Music Scholarship must be Grade
8 or equivalent in at least one instrument. Applicants for an Outstanding
Talent Scholarship in sport should already be competing for their county or
at a higher level.
Scholarship offers are sometimes made on the basis of the applicant
achieving minimum specified grades at GCSE or the equivalent.
A Sixth Form Scholarship is also available to one boy each year from the
Borough of Harrow. If you think you would qualify for this bursary, please
mention it on the Scholarship Application form.
LINK: http://www.harrowschool.org.uk/1729/admissions/scholarships-and-bursaries/apply-for-a-sixth-form-scholarship/
4. John Lyon’s Charity Scholarships which provide bursaries to Harrow
for talented boys who live or have lived in the following London Boroughs:
Barnet, Brent, Camden, City of London, Ealing, Harrow, Hammersmith and
Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea, Westminster.
Link: http://www.harrowschool.org.uk/1569/admissions/scholarships-and-bursaries/
5. The Sherwood Scholarship which includes a bursary which can cover up
to the full cost of the fees, depending on parental financial circumstances.
Applicants must live in Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire or
Leicestershire and can enter the School at either age 13 or age 16.
Link: http://www.harrowschool.org.uk/1569/admissions/scholarships-and-bursaries/
6. The H J Flower and H Gower Award is available for a son of a serving
member of the British armed forces.
Link: http://www.harrowschool.org.uk/1569/admissions/scholarships-and-bursaries/
7. The Kane Family Scholarship is a Sixth Form Scholarship available to boys
from the London Borough of Harrow. The Scholarship is a bursary which
covers up to 100% of fees plus extras including school uniform for one boy
starting in the Sixth Form each year. The House Master of Moretons has first
choice of this candidate.
Link: http://www.harrowschool.org.uk/1569/admissions/scholarships-and-bursaries/
发帖数: 55733
发帖数: 1983


【在 w****d 的大作中提到】
: 意义:
: 1. 薄先生的公开发言称薄瓜瓜的留英费用由哈罗公学全额奖学金负担。
: 2. 薄先生身为国家最高级公务员之一,因而该发言的真实性绝不仅仅是其家庭私事。
: 哈罗公学
: School fees
: The school fee for academic year 2011/2012 is £10,310 per term (£
: 30,930 per annum) and includes board, tuition, textbooks, a stationery
: allowance and laundry. For any subject requiring additional tuition there is
: an extra charge.
: Link: http://www.harrowschool.org.uk/1571/admissions/fees-and-charges/

发帖数: 85

【在 e**i 的大作中提到】
: 薄熙来没说哈罗公学也是奖学金啊。
: 退一万步说,薄瓜瓜作为薄氏一族的骄傲,即使没有奖学金,薄熙来夫妇钱又不够,薄
: 熙来兄弟姐妹其它人难道不能代付……当时薄一波还在世吧,这个孙子肯定是其掌中宝
: ,薄一波没钱吗……
: 我不该回此帖的,我在浪费时间……
: 事。
: is

发帖数: 384
薄瓜瓜这个名字 顶呱呱
发帖数: 466
别人说的是oxford harvard 全额 从没说过哈罗公学。。你再回去听听录音
1 (共1页)
做屁精升学是有优惠的,而且还有LGBT scholarship说到乒乓球,羽毛球和网球
老将认为TG最大的问题就不民主3级重罪-后的绿卡经历 (转载)
话题: harrow话题: school话题: sixth话题: form