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Military版 - Philippine city declares war
菲律宾不参加诺贝尔和平奖的原因出来了(西媒造谣?)bbc: China bangs the war drum over South China Sea
Chinese navy allegedly opened fire on Filipino fishermen日本的亚洲发展银行向菲律宾提供5亿美元援助
美帝来了:月底与菲律宾南海军演China criticized after aid to Philippines is less than IKEA’s and Coca-Cola’s
Manila summons China ambassador over sea dispute兔子不老实 有图为证
Philippines, China Locked in Maritime Standoff巴马说话了:中国必须停止南海抢地ZT路透社
China asks Manila to withdraw ships from shoalPhilippines seeks US, China help to combat sea pirates
话题: lice话题: echiverri话题: philippine话题: city话题: hair
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 343
Philippine city declares war on lice
Manila (Philippine Daily Inquirer/ANN) - This summer, Metro Manila's
Caloocan Mayor Enrico Echiverri is going head to head with a problem common
among children-pediculosis capitis or the lowly hair lice, more commonly
known as "kuto".
In a statement released yesterday, Echiverri announced that he was declaring
an "all-out war" on "the pesky lice atop the heads of young girls."
He said that the Caloocan health department had distributed 50 bottles of
special anti-lice shampoos to each of the city's health departments and
urged parents to have their children treated.
According to Echiverri, the shampoos contain the active ingredient synthetic
pyrethin which helps prevent the spread of head lice and reduces the risk
of infection.
Aside from the shampoo, the city health department will also offer free
medical consultation and a hair cut.
Echiverri cited studies which show that hair lice can affect young girls
between the ages of three and 11, especially if they are always exposed to
the sun.
To prevent the spread of the so-called summer menace, children should
refrain from using borrowed items such as combs, headbands, hats and even
pillows that belong to infected persons.
"Hair lice multiply quickly. They can lay between three and six eggs daily
which will then hatch and turn into lice in seven to 10 days," Echiverri
Jun Paclibar, the spokesperson of the city government, said that while there
may be bigger problems than head lice, it should not be put aside since it
is a health care and hygiene issue.
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我不是种族主义者,但是...我他妈有时候真的很想改变自己。Manila summons China ambassador over sea dispute
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菲律宾不参加诺贝尔和平奖的原因出来了(西媒造谣?)bbc: China bangs the war drum over South China Sea
Chinese navy allegedly opened fire on Filipino fishermen日本的亚洲发展银行向菲律宾提供5亿美元援助
美帝来了:月底与菲律宾南海军演China criticized after aid to Philippines is less than IKEA’s and Coca-Cola’s
话题: lice话题: echiverri话题: philippine话题: city话题: hair