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Military版 - 『关于nature那篇文章』,给总编发信吧
居然还是小刘 一共稳拿学术论文还是付费广告?
2010英国大学排名ARWU版解放军总参谋长:很难受, 我们太落后了
uber那个创始人是加拿大University of Calgary毕业的 (转载)老将请进 看看美国的月亮有多圆
看看大波波的美女政客Meet Magdalena Ogorek,US man killed 4 people in a NY pharmacy,
话题: university话题: editor话题: london话题: areas话题: education
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发帖数: 9508
下面是所有editor的信息,但是没有email地址。 应该能查出来。
Philip Campbell
Education: BSc, aeronautical engineering, University of Bristol; MSc,
astrophysics, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London; PhD
and postdoctoral fellowship, upper atmospheric physics, University of
Leicester. Areas of responsibility include: Co-Editor of Editorials,
editorial content and management of Nature, long-term quality of all Nature
Executive Editor
Nick Campbell
Education: BSc (Hons.), genetics and zoology, University of Adelaide; PhD,
evolutionary and population genetics, Southern Cross University;
postdoctoral research and Grad. Cert. Journalism, University of Queensland.
Areas of responsibility include: publishing management and development of
Executive Editor and Head of Researcher Services, NPG
Véronique Kiermer
New York
Education: BS, MS, and PhD, chemistry and molecular biology, Université
Libre de Bruxelles; postdoctoral fellowship, molecular virology, Gladstone
Institute, University of California San Francisco.
Areas of responsibility include: editorial policies, editorial quality
assurance, research community outreach, Authors & Referees services
programme, researcher services development.
Publishing Executive Editor
Maxine Clarke
Education: BA and MA, physiology and psychology, University of Oxford; DPhil
biophysics, University of Oxford; postdoctoral fellowship, biophysics of
muscle crossbridges, King's College, London.
Areas of responsibility include: author and referee services, editorial
project management, editing various sections of the journal and subediting (
copy editing) management.
Chief Magazine Editor
Tim Appenzeller
Education: BA, English and American literature, Harvard University
Areas of responsibility include: oversee non-peer-reviewed sections of
Nature both in print and online, including: News, News Features, Opinion,
News and Views and Careers.
Biological sciences
Ritu Dhand
Chief Biological Sciences Editor, London
Education: BSc, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London; MSc.
University College, London; PhD, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and
University College London; postdoctoral fellowship, Samuel Lunenfeld
Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto.
Areas of responsibility include: overseeing editorial content and management
of biological science.
Francesca Cesari
Senior Editor, Biology, London
Education: BSc, University La Sapienza, Rome; PhD, University of Tübingen;
postdoctoral work, The Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research Gurdon Institute,
Areas of responsibility include: stem cells and development.
I-han Chou
Senior Editor, Biology, Tokyo
Education: BA, Harvard University; PhD, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology; postdoctoral work, University of California, San Francisco.
Areas of responsibility include: neuroscience (including sensory and motor
systems, decision making, executive function, psychiatric disease).
Tanguy Chouard
Senior Editor, Biology, London
Education: BSc, Ecole Polytechnique, France; PhD, Pasteur Institute; post-
doctoral work, Howard Hughes Medical Institute at University of California,
Los Angeles.
Areas of responsibility include: systems biology, neurobiology, protein
Alex Eccleston
Senior Editor, Biology, London
Education: BSc,s University of Durham; PhD, Imperial Cancer Research Fund;
postdoctoral fellowship, Onyx Pharmaceuticals.
Areas of responsibility include: transcription, chromatin, epigenetics,
signal transduction and proteomics.
Angela K. Eggleston
Senior Editor, Biology, Boston
Education: BS and MS, University of Notre Dame; PhD, Northwestern University
; post-doctoral fellowships, Imperial Cancer Research Fund (Clare Hall
Laboratories) and Children's Hospital Boston.
Areas of responsibility include: DNA structure and metabolism (replication,
repair, recombination and transposition), RNA structure and metabolism (
translation, processing, splicing, transport, degradation and RNAi).
Joshua Finkelstein
Senior Editor, Biology and Physical sciences, Boston
(See Physical sciences section)
Henry Gee
Senior Editor, Biology, London
Education: BSc, University of Leeds; PhD, University of Cambridge.
Areas of responsibility include: integrative and comparative biology (
including palaeontology, evolutionary developmental biology, taxonomy and
systematics), archaeology and biomechanics.
Patrick Goymer
Senior Editor, Biology, London
Education: BA, genetics, University of Cambridge; DPhil, experimental
evolution, University of Oxford; postdoctoral fellowship, evolutionary and
molecular genetics, University College London.
Areas of responsibility include: evolutionary biology, ecology.
Noah Gray
Senior Editor, Biology, New York
Education: BSc, University of Notre Dame; PhD, Mayo Clinic and Graduate
School; postdoctoral work, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Janelia Farm
Research Campus.
Areas of responsibility include: neurodevelopment, neural circuits and
plasticity, learning and memory, language and social neuroscience.
Marie-Thèrése Heemels
Senior Editor, Biology, London
Education: BSc and MSc, Free University Amsterdam; PhD, Netherlands Cancer
Institute and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Areas of responsibility include: cell death, neurodegeneration, ageing,
diabetes and obesity, physiology.
Claudia Lupp
Senior Editor, Biology, London
Education: Dipl. Ing. biotechnology, Institute; PhD, cell and molecular
biology, University of Hawaii, USA; postdoctoral work, University of British
Areas of responsibility include: microbiology, parasitology, mycology and
biological oceanography.
Barbara Marte
Senior Editor, Biology, London
Education: Diploma in Human Biology,University Marburg; PhD, University
Basel; postdoctoral fellowship, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London.
Areas of responsibility include: cell cycle, cancer and angiogenesis.
Deepa Nath
Senior Editor, Biology, London
Education: BSc, University of Delhi; DPhil, University of Oxford;
postdoctral work, University of Oxford.
Areas of responsibility include: cell biology and plant sciences.
Magdalena Skipper
Senior Editor, Biology, London
Education: BSc Hons Genetics, University of Nottingham, UK; PhD, MRC LMB,
University of Cambridge, UK; postdoctoral fellowship, Imperial Cancer
Research Fund, London.
Areas of responsibility include: genetics, genomics, gene therapy,
biotechnology, molecular evolution.
Clare Thomas
Senior Editor, Biology, London
Education: BSc, University of Sheffield; PhD, University of Leeds;
postdoctoral work, University of Manchester and Stanford.
Areas of responsibility include: virology, cardiovascular biology and
general translational medicine.
Ursula Weiss
Senior Editor, Biology, London
Education: PhD, Baylor College of Medicine; postdoctoral work, genetics,
Cologne university.
Areas of responsibility: Immunology, virology.
Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences
Karl Ziemelis
Chief Physical Sciences Editor, London
Education: BA, natural sciences, University of Cambridge.
Areas of responsibility: overseeing physical sciences editorial content and
Rosamund Daw
Senior Editor, Physical Sciences, London
Education: BEng, materials science and engineering, University of Sheffield;
PhD, materials science, University of Sheffield; postdoctoral fellowship,
bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle.
Areas of responsibility include: materials science.
Magdalena Helmer
Senior Editor, Physical Sciences, London
Education: Vordiplom, chemistry, University of Tübingen; MS, marine and
atmospheric chemistry, University of Florida; PhD, environmental sciences,
University of East Anglia.
Areas of responsibility include: chemistry.
Karen Howell
Senior Editor, Physical Sciences, London
Education: BA, physics, University of Oxford; MSc, astronomy, University of
Sussex; DPhil, astrophysics, University of Oxford
Areas of responsibility include: pure and applied physics.
Andrew Mitchinson
Senior Editor, London
Education: BSc, chemistry, University of Durham; PhD, chemistry, University
of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Areas of responsibility include: chemistry.
Juliane Mössinger
Senior Editor, Physical Sciences, London
Education: BSc chemistry and environmental chemistry, University of Wales;
MPhil and PhD, atmospheric chemistry, University of Cambridge; research
fellowship, University of Cambridge.
Areas of responsibility include: biogeochemical cycles, geomorphology,
atmospheric chemistry and environmental science.
Leslie Sage
Senior Editor, Physical Sciences, Washington DC
Education: PhD, astronomy, Stony Brook University; postdoctoral fellowships
at New Mexico Tech and the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy;
assistant professorship University of Nevada at Las Vegas; research
associate position, University of Maryland.
Areas of responsibility include: astronomy, planetary science and physics.
John VanDecar
Senior Editor, Physical Sciences, London
Education: BSc, geophysics, Texas A&M University; PhD, geophysics,
University of Washington; postdoctoral fellowships at Utrecht University,
and Carnegie Institution of Washington DC.
Areas of responsibility include: geology, geophysics, and geochemistry of
the solid Earth and terrestrial planets.
Liesbeth Venema
Senior Editor, Physical Sciences, London
Education: MS, applied physics, University of Groningen; PhD, applied
physics, Delft University of Technology.
Areas of responsibility include: pure and applied physics.
Michael White
Senior Editor, Physical Sciences, San Francisco
Education: BA, environmental science, University of Virginia; MS, forestry,
University of Montana; PhD, remote sensing and ecological modeling;
postdoctoral fellowship, University of Montana.
Areas of responsibility include: climate sciences.
Joshua Finkelstein
Senior Editor, Physical sciences and Biology, Boston
Education: BSc, McGill University; MPH, Johns Hopkins University; PhD,
Harvard University.
Areas of responsibility include organic, inorganic, and biological chemistry
, chemical biology, single-molecule biophysics, metabolic engineering,
protein engineering and design, and membrane transport (including ion
channels and transporters).
1 (共1页)
US man killed 4 people in a NY pharmacy,北大生物系校友邓兴旺陈雪梅当选美国科学院院士!
从上海踩踏事故看,刘晓波说应该殖民三百年真有道理看看大波波的美女政客Meet Magdalena Ogorek,
居然还是小刘 一共稳拿学术论文还是付费广告?
2010英国大学排名ARWU版解放军总参谋长:很难受, 我们太落后了
uber那个创始人是加拿大University of Calgary毕业的 (转载)老将请进 看看美国的月亮有多圆
话题: university话题: editor话题: london话题: areas话题: education