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Military版 - Professor Blames Mass Shootings on ‘White Male Privilege
Breaking News: Arizona congresswoman shot and killed影院惨案后,科罗拉多枪支销售暴增
美国p民太牛了白人支持判爆炸案嫌犯死刑 非裔反对(图) (转载)
民主党联邦女众议员Giffords刚才遇刺身亡Drexel 大学教授:拉斯维加斯枪杀是白人的特权 (转载)
Obama在Tucson的2011年1月12日演讲的观后感 (转载)不许高铁,又不许网购,还不能排队?
话题: white话题: mass话题: he话题: schwyzer话题: shootings
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发帖数: 38600
Some opinions only get attention because they come from people with advanced
degrees who make their living on the taxpayer dime. That’s certainly the
case for Hugo Schwyzer, a history and gender studies professor at Pasadena
City College.
He has a history of blaming white men for most of the mass killings that
take place in the United States. Friday’s tragic shootings in Newtown,
Connecticut gave him a great opportunity to spout his nonsense once again.
Less than 40 minutes after the events – while (woefully inaccurate) news
was still breaking – he tweeted, “MEN committing acts of Mass Violence is
an epidemic that the U.S. needs to immediately address!”
About 16 minutes later, he re-tweeted a statement that came from his
children’s pediatrician: “If there is anybody on Twitter who thinks we do
not need gun control, go f**k yourselves.”
Minutes later Schwyzer tweeted, “F**k You, Guns…”
What a professional way for an esteemed professor to express himself – like
a drunken sailor on shore leave or a two-bit punk on a street corner.
In any case, Schwyzer has been on this kick for quite some time. We have no
idea whether he really believes this nonsense, or if he cooked up the “evil
white man” theory to please his radical friends on the left.
Back in July, just after the movie theater shootings in Colorado, he wrote:
“Are white men particularly prone to carrying out the all-too-familiar mass
killings of which last week’s Aurora shooting is just the latest iteration
? Is there something about the white, male, middle-class experience that
makes it easier for troubled young men to turn schools and movie theaters
into killing fields? In a word, yes.”
He then goes on to disprove his theory, by pointing out a Korean student
killed 32 people at Virginia Tech in 2007 and a Muslim killed several people
in Fort Hood, Texas.
But never fear, those psychotic criminals were also men, so that’s close
So what would drive the Aurora theater shooter, who actually is white? Or
the nut that nearly killed Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and did, in fact
, kill several others at a grocery store in Tucson? Schwyzer has some
professorial answers, paid for with your tax dollars:
1 (共1页)
Why Corporations Are Psychotic?Obama在Tucson的2011年1月12日演讲的观后感 (转载)
Breaking News: Arizona congresswoman shot and killed影院惨案后,科罗拉多枪支销售暴增
美国p民太牛了白人支持判爆炸案嫌犯死刑 非裔反对(图) (转载)
民主党联邦女众议员Giffords刚才遇刺身亡Drexel 大学教授:拉斯维加斯枪杀是白人的特权 (转载)
话题: white话题: mass话题: he话题: schwyzer话题: shootings