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Military版 - O8禁枪是来真的啊:Obama to Shut Down Southern Air Defense Systems
床铺对朝鲜:"All Options On The Table"版上的鹅毛小将们快出来跪舔俄毛:
连解放台湾都不敢提了,还扯什么解放钓鱼岛黄岩岛全世界人民憎恶中国人要求核平中国 (转载
老川的呐喊:世界到处都是墙,为毛美国不能建?在美国,他截肢后可以领social security disable福利
A surgeical attack to dissolve North's Nuke capacity我以前编程也有类似的经验
这个网上说法很见血Whether they like it or not, China has been very good for Tibetans.
中国第16号航空母舰战略部署方舟子美国专利真相调查(ZT) (转载)
话题: air话题: defense话题: border话题: systems话题: southern
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8800
As the U.S. government continues to expand surveillance and monitoring
systems to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars within the borders of
the United States, a recent announcement regarding the country’s southern
air defense systems is raising eyebrows.
Our southern border is, in part, protected by the Tethered Aerostat Radar
System (TARS), which utilizes moored balloons hovering at about 15,000 feet
to identify low flying aircraft and missiles that may penetrate the border
and cross into U.S. airspace.
The system is utilized by the U.S. Air Force, North American Aerospace
Defense Command (NORAD), and U.S. Customs and Border Protection for a
number of missions including detection of drug smuggling and preservation of
the air sovereignty of the continental United States.
According to Exelis Systems Corporation, the company that built and jointly
maintains TARS with the U.S. Air Force, the government has ordered a
complete shutdown of Aerostat flight operations:
The government also indicated its intent that aerostat flight operations
will cease on March 15, 2013, and that the remainder of the fiscal year
will be used to deflate aerostats, disposition equipment, and prepare sites
for permanent closure. We are currently reviewing all the details of the RfP
and evaluating the possible impacts on the program and our workforce. We
continue to communicate with the government on this matter, and we will have
more information in the coming days and weeks.
An Exelis employee close to the TARS project had this to say about the
closure of the sites:
“Not only will this closure mean hundreds of people will be out of jobs
, but it also means our borders will not be safe, especially along the
remote U.S. Mexico Border like in Texas.
These defense radars detect low flying aircraft infiltrating our borders.
Without these defense radars, low flying aircraft will go undetected.
It will be open season for any drug/gun/slave smugglers, terrorists
flying in with nukes, low altitude missiles, or even a full scale low
elevation invasion/attack against America.”
With China actively and openly deploying Russian-made low altitude strategic
bombers, designing EMP weapons capable of disabling the country’s power
grid infrastructure, and establishing economic zones within the United
States, it’s difficult to imagine the motivation behind the move to further
weaken U.S. air defenses on the southern border.
If September 11, 2001 was any indication of our air defense capabilities,
and considering that any ground invasion of the United States would
originate on our southern border, then wouldn’t we want as many early
warning systems as possible to be actively protecting our country in these
specific areas?
The U.S. government has chosen to shutdown this outward facing surveillance
system, and has instead turned the surveillance inward, on the American
1 (共1页)
藏人自焚应不应该支持A surgeical attack to dissolve North's Nuke capacity
今天TAR去阿布扎比清真寺 (转载)中国第16号航空母舰战略部署
Exelis和创新技术解决方案公司成功完成高速激光通信系统 zt值得吗?为了吃狗肉让全世界人民憎恶中国人要求核平中国
床铺对朝鲜:"All Options On The Table"版上的鹅毛小将们快出来跪舔俄毛:
连解放台湾都不敢提了,还扯什么解放钓鱼岛黄岩岛全世界人民憎恶中国人要求核平中国 (转载
老川的呐喊:世界到处都是墙,为毛美国不能建?在美国,他截肢后可以领social security disable福利
话题: air话题: defense话题: border话题: systems话题: southern